
Void Eternal

Lock was never a lucky person. At an early age he lost his mother and had a father that he never met. The people hated him and tormented him for no logical reason. The only thing that kept him moving was his promise to be better, but when that promise was taken from him, what did he have left? After all the only thing he ever really had was nothing.

Tarnished_18 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

God of Nature.. Knowledge?

(Author here, I will now put the stats of our MC Lock in the last part of the chapters. Also, I will add species. That's all, thank you!)


Lock and Yggdrasil stood face-to-face inside the laboratory. They were currently doing a soul-binding ritual. 


The soul-binding ritual has a few categories. The first category was a contract-based one. Both participants will form the ritual that will uphold the terms of a premade contract. Anyone who breaks the term will suffer soul damage that can kill them. 


The second option was soul-binding for couples. Their souls will be merged together, which has a variety of special effects. And the last one is a subordinate master relationship. As the name states, it's for a servant or companion. 


Soul rituals are not easy to terminate. In order to do so, you will need the approval of two parties and rare materials to successfully end the binding. 


Inside Lock's soul core, he can feel something changing. He felt a wisp of consciousness inside his own core, which was a bit weird. It was probably Yggdrasil's consciousness. 


After a few more minutes, Yggdrasil and Lock finally opened their eyes. The contract was now finally established. 


"The ritual is done. I have planted a wisp of my consciousness inside your core so I can contact you when needed. Of course, that also means you can contact me in return." Yggdrasil said. 


Lock only nodded as he checked his body. 


'It seems like there aren't many changes, aside from the wisp of consciousness part.' Lock thought. 


"Hm?" Yggdrasil said. 


"Strange," she added. 


Lock was confused by this action. He couldn't help but think, "What's strange?"


"Your affinity." Yggdrasil answered. 


"Huh?" Lock subconsciously said


'Can she read my mind? No, that's impossible.' Lock thought. 


"Yes, yes, I can," Yggdrasil said, which made Lock feel dread. 


"I changed the soul binding from contract-based to master disciple, as I said earlier." Yggdrasil announced. 


"Does a master apprentice contract give us mind-reading abilities now?" Lock asked. 


"The master will have the ability to access his or her disciple's mind, but the disciple will not have such an ability," Yggdrasil said in a calm manner. 


Lock took a deep breath and answered.


"Isn't that unfair?" 


"Hmm, I believe not. I will support you in your growth; therefore, it's only fair and just." Yggdrasil said. 


"Now I will need you to answer some questions of mine." She added. 


Lock got even more nervous. 


"Your affinity is unique; even I cannot properly tell what it is. So I ask you this: What is your affinity?" She asked. 




Lock contemplated for a while before answering. 


"My affinity is nothingness," Lock said. 


Yggdrasil's brow was raised in curiosity before he replied, "Elaborate."


"My affinity is called Void. It allows me to wield this weird energy called void matter. I don't know how or why, but I can." Lock spoke honestly. 


He doesn't have any reason to hide such information. After all, he was saved by her, and now she is his master and he is her disciple. 


"Intriguing," she replied. 


After the questions, they did a series of experiments, and Yggdrasil took some samples of Lock's DNA. She needed the samples for research purposes before she did experiments. 


"How fascinating," Yggdrasil said while tinkering with strange devices. 


Lock only looked at her with confusion. Yggdrasil saw this and answered in a more simplistic manner. 


"Your blood, skin, hair, and even saliva have a strange effect on them." She said. 


"Here, look," she added. 


Lock complied and watched as she put her own blood on his. At first, there was nothing, but after a few seconds, it started to erode, leaving only his blood. 


Lock was now conflicted by this new information. It was beneficial if he was in a fight, but what about if he's not in a fight? Will he just destroy everything? 


Yggdrasil saw his worried gaze and decided to flick his forehead. Lock recoiled his head as he touched his forehead. 


"I know what you're thinking, but no, it doesn't work like that. Just now I flicked you, but as you can see, I'm not eroding away. It appears to be a defensive measure of your body and will only work in certain situations." Yggdrasil said. 


Lock was still skeptical, and when Yggdrasil saw his reaction of doubt and uncertainty, she was annoyed for a bit. This came as a shock, considering she thinks of herself as a very composed being. 


She felt like her knowledge was being challenged. 


'This brat,'she thought in annoyance. 


With no other choice, Yggdrasil released a threatening killing intent, which caught Lock off guard. He immediately backed away, but a finger flicked him in the forehead again before he could react. 


"Hey! What the hel-! " Lock shouted subconsciously. 


But before he could finish, he was shut down by another threatening gaze coming from Yggdrasil. 


"Do not doubt my knowledge again. I am not only recognized as a nature god but also the god of knowledge." She said it with her head held high. 


After that, she showed her finger, which had what appeared to be a small scratch. 


"The effect only applies when your body senses that you're in danger." She added. 


Seeing this made Lock calm down. He also mentally noted that he would never doubt Lady Yggdrasil again. less he gets himself into trouble. 


"For now, I will research your body and your special affinity. Come back when I call you." She said this before kicking Lock out of her lab. 


Lock could only sigh in exhaustion as he explored around. He was inside a massive tree, judging by the appearance of the walls and humongous leaves. 


"Is this her body..? She did mention being a nature god." Lock wondered. 


He explored for a bit and found weird inscriptions on the walls. He tried to decipher them, but to no avail. Whenever he looked at them, it felt like his eye was being plucked out of its socket. 


Sensing an incoming headache, he left the inscriptions alone. He wandered around for a while before deciding to leave the tree alone. 




Name: Lock 

Age: Sixteen and 4 month old

Species: Human

Affinity: Void

Talent: N/A 

Condition: Healthy



SPD/AGI: 16.7



CHARM: 7.2