Max was sent to a different world with a virtual gaming club system attached to him. Follow his journey to become the best gaming expert in this world. I will be posting this story on
Greg was making his way back to the Starlight academy. He was a little late, but he did not really think that Max would mind. He was not ready for the surprise he saw when he saw the seven high mages of the academy desperately fighting nine high mages of different forms and sizes that were hiding behind black attire that made it hard to understand where they came from. When Max saw Greg he shouted: "Greg WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?! you wanted to protect the academy right? Where the fuck are you traveling you fucking IDIOT? You are lucky that the attack only began. You may have come here and saw no academy and no human high mages. I was waiting for you. Get your fucking staff out. You defend, I attack. People here trying to kill me you know. You are my defender. SO, DEFEND!"
Greg did not have much time to answer. The situation was not simple, and he needed to walk the walk and then talk the talk. He got his staff out. He was confused why Max did not get his staff out. Max looked at his strange expression while he was dodging multiple attacks and shouted: "Why would I use this staff when we are at such a disadvantage. If we counterattack, they need to get destroyed. Now move your ass."
Greg quickly looked at the power levels of the different high mages. The enemies had nine people from which two were third level high mages, three second level high mages and the rest were first level high mages. The academy had the same amount of third and second level high mages, but now with Greg they had one less high mage which should be catastrophic for the academy. One free high mage can throw a nova skill and kill most of the future generation of geniuses that studied in this academy. Generally, that was what was going on right now. One of the big guys of the intruders was channelling a supernova to obliterate the whole academy to the afterlife. Greg got nervous and looked at Max with a plea to attack. Max snorted and started to teleport himself together with Greg and shoot attacks at the three level one high mages that were attacking the duo all the time. The other fights were pretty balanced, but because of the fact that in the beginning seven human high mages fought nine enemy high mages most of the high mages got hurt. Even Max had burned marks on his body. Before Max started to attack with Greg, he did not use his staff because he wanted to kill the most people he could. He knew that Greg should come soon and with Greg's defence Max would kill some of the intruders.
The three people that attacked Max and planned that one of them will throw a supernova on the academy quickly changed their faces from smirks to looks of fear. One of them shouted: "This fucking staff gave them the power of a level three high mage. We are fuc.."
Before he could finish Max teleported close to him and after a zap and a pyroblast his body exploded. Max could not use a quick cast for a nova skill because he would hit the others and the academy as well. Because of that he just went all out to shoot those people down or with pyroblast from afar or just zap them from a closer range and kill them with pyroblast. The scales of battle quickly started to change sides when one of the intruders was obliterated. After that Max started to shoot a huge amount of pyroblast all over the place. Greg was his shield. He always casted an earth shield that opened holes for Max to release his attacking skills. It was almost impossible to get to Max. Only a higher-level high mage could do something. When the second high mage that looked like a small child with wide shoulders fell after another of Max's attacks one of the third level high mages of the invaders shouted: "Retreat!"
All the high mages that came with hostile intentions started to try and retreat, but it was not that easy. The defenders were now the attackers, and they did not want those people to leave. Max continued with his attacks all over the place. The numbers were now on the side of the starlight academy. The enemy forces started to get wounded pretty quickly. It was hard to defend against a cannon ball like Max with the power of third level high mage and with almost an absolute defence from Greg.
The enemy desperately fought back, but they were more and more pushed back by the academy forces. When the different enemy high mages were in a pretty large distance from the academy Max shouted: "Do not chase you idiots!! There could be more people from their forces. I will hit them now with all I can. Just finish off the people that could not run fast enough."
The different high mages stopped their pursuit and looked at Max with different face expressions. One of the two third level high mages said: "Alright Grandmaster Max. You already killed three people, so do your best. We were a little rush right now. Thank you for your guidance."
Max did not wait for the man to finish what he wanted to say, and he shot a quick casted wind nova and a fire supernova towards the running enemies. Both novas combined into a huge fire hurricane that devastated everything in its path. After this attack Max got down from the sky because he was totally spent. His mana was very low right now. When Max saw that Greg wanted to chase and try to kill of the running people he shouted: "Greg what the fuck are you doing?!?! Come here to protect me!! The rest will take care of them!"
Greg was a little unwilling, but he still complied. The rest just waited as well for the result. After the combined nova skill swept over a large territory, they saw only four people continuing to run away. They saw a charred corpse of the level one high mage and another body of an elf that had burns all over its body but was still alive. This person was quickly captured by the combined forces of the academy and the fight was over. The fight did cause a commotion in the academy. The students did look at the fight in the sky and there was not much they could do to help. Those high mages were so high in the sky that they could not shoot those people accurately. Max did not even wait for everything to end and shouted to Greg and the rest of the high mages: "I am going to rest. Do not bother me until tomorrow. We will talk about the protection of alchemists in your academy tomorrow."
After that Max took Greg and just left without even caring about what the other side had to say. Max quickly teleported back to his empire, got into the capsule and dozed off. This was the second very hard fight he had in this world when he got hurt and had the potential to die.