
Villain Transmigrated to his novel

Waking up after dying in his world as a villain he was killed by his sister and his soul transmigrated into the novel as an extra he wrote sometime ago to keep his sister busy He still has his superpowers is still with him even though he transmigrated into a new world A world filled with magic but in his new body he is an f-ranked awakener but he has his therma energy Follow Riley on his journey as an extra in his novel to help the protagonist in defeating the demon king A/NIts my first time writing a novel, feel free to point out mistakes make as well as suggestions *My first language is not English*

Filthythree · Fantasi
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20 Chs

The council of Ross 

The Ross compound was filled with vehicles as the sons and daughters of the families arrived for the council of Ross the meeting in which the sons and daughters have all be competing with each other for 

The meeting where the next family head candidates will be chosen 

The family has biological 7 children and 2 born by the second wife who was later assassinated 

The Ross all have a trait in their blood they all have ashen hair with ash colored eyes 

Each children has their force and army except for Riley and his sister Aisha 

The Ross children didn't count see them as threat , they view Riley and his sister as some bugs they can squash anytime thought they are a little apprehensive of Aisha since she's a battle Maniac

Aisha is already a A-ranked by the age of 18 which makes her powerful 

Her brother Riley is just a trash to them f-ranked at the age of 15 also having no chance to grow since his potential cannot go higher than D-rank the family abandoned him but did not cast him away since Aisha was always protecting her brother 

Hearing her reply Noah Ross frowned 

"We have no conflict with you" he replied 

"My son wanted to teach your son a lesson and asked him to meet him in the abandoned forest in the back of the academy after that my son was killed I'm just venting my anger on the Ross family" 

Noah Ross shocked by her nonchalant speech , just wanting to vent her anger on their family just because her son died after threatening his son 

"The Ross family offer an apology to the mark family and if you want us to send Riley to use for punishment we will kindly comply with you" Noah said 

"No I want to hold you all hostages I already sent a letter to Riley Ross to come I'll kill him in front of you all and dismember him just like my son corpse was found" Susan replied 

Her gaze fixed on Aisha 

."And you must be Riley elder sister" susan said 

"Yes I am and you won't be touching my brother , because I'll kill you if you do" 

Susan seemly amused by the confidence in which Aisha replied her 

" It seems you care for each other a lot" Susan said 

"You see my son threatened Riley by sending your picture to him which was captured by the assassins sent to kidnap you , maybe that triggered him to also look for assassins to protect you and kill my son" 

"The assassins sent to your location were all found dead so I believe he paid some organization to kill my son"

" Your son got what he deserved " Aisha replied 

The tension between both forces started to increase 

"Surrender and I'll let you live " Susan bellowed

"We surrender to no one " Andrew Ross the first born shouted 

Noah seeing his children excited for the war that is about to come clicked his tongue and tried to negotiate terms with Susan but before he say anything a word cut through the battle field 

" Attack " Susan said both forces launched at each other 

The battle is a losing battle from the start as the Ross did not have enough force to win the battle 

Aisha moved through the battle field with her sword cutting throught the soldiers 

Sustaining injuries as the fight went on 

After 1 hour of war the Ross lost the battle after loosing 80% of their force they had to surrender, the mark did has not lost 5% of their force 

They were captured and locked in the living room , their own house became their prison , the Mark's solders filed the family compound watching 

Susan sat in the throne of the Ross looking at her hostages after sealing their mana 

Noah Ross was pleading for his family safety and said he would send Riley their way 

Aisha disagreeing with the option of sending Riley to them 

The door opened as the messenger told Susan that Riley was spotted heading to the mansion 

"When he enters capture him, seal his mana and bring him here "

"I'll kill you first " Susan said looking at Aisha 

"And I'll do it slowly making Riley feel the pain I'm feeling alright now " 

The door opened reveling Riley handcuffed with a mana sealing handcuffs led into the room by a solider 

"Riley?" Aisha said 

Riley looked at Aisha blinked a couple of times looking at her blood stained clothes 

"Are you hurt sister " Riley said looking at Aisha as if she's the only one in the room 

"Riley Ross you killed my son by hiring mercenaries I am also going to make you feel the pain I felt after seeing my son's corpse I'll kill you sister first followed by everyone in your family and then locking you up in the underground prison to rot there forever" Susan declared 

" Who said I hired mercenaries to kill your son " Riley asked blinking a couple of times 

" Your son Austin Mark was killed by me , I killed him with my own hands because he threatened my sister , you are also threatening to kill my sister , so you know what coming next" 

"You killed my son? How? You just f-ranked it's impossible "

" If you want to save your sister and your family then your family must sign a contract and become the Mark's family slave " 

Susan clapped her hands expecting her soldiers to bring her the contract but nothing happened 

"Wondering why they are not answering ? " Riley asked 


"Because I killed them all" Riley said as the soldier that brought him in fell to the ground life less as he stopped using his telekinesis on his already dead body 

" It's time for you to die also " Riley said

his mouth starting to move side to side reveling a creepy smile 

Susan watching Riley walking towards her , her heartbeat increasing 

'i'm I scared' she asked herself it's been a long time since she felt fear 

"Oh I have something for you" Riley said opening his dimensional storage and produced brought out two heads 

Susan eyes widen upon seeing the two heads, her heart felt it was been torn apart by some strange force 

How could she not fell that way when she was looking at the heads of her husband the head of the Mark's family and her second son

Riley smiled widen picking the remote on the table he switched on the television and cast the video from his I-watch to the television displaying it to everyone present in the room 

"This is the live view of what is happening on your mansion right now" Riley said as video zoomed in showing Susan remaining children held hostage by another Riley with a creepy smile on his face 

"Hi boss" the clone waved at the camera 

At that point everyone in the room including Noah Ross felt fear 

Susan got on her kneels 

"Riley please I was wrong , please spare my family "

"Didn't Noah Ross asked the same of you then?" Riley responded 

"I heard everything going on in the building and how Noah was negotiating with you for his family, if I was powerless then you would have killed everyone, not that I care but my sister would be sad " 

"I won't kill you and your family though the decision is up to my sister " Riley said turning to face Aisha 

"To live or to die" Riley asked 

Aisha didn't want her enemies to live but she did not want Susan to loose her remaining family member 

" Let her sign a contract that she would be the Ross ally and will help us with her force in time of need" Aisha responded 

"We should also use mana contract" Aisha added 

"I'll only allow that if the contract is formed with you sister"

Riley want the Mark's family to be in his sister control as they have a large force , the ones he killed outside are just a fraction of their force 

With that power in Aisha's hand the Ross family won't dare to go against her in the future 

"I'll sign it " Susan said 

If it would save her family life she will sign the contract as long as it did not turn her to Aisha slave , she would only help when called upon 

Noah Ross knew what Riley wanted to achieve by making Susan sign the contract with Aisha and not him the family head 

He smiled to himself at the shocking turn of event , their family would have been extinguished if not for his once useless son

After signing the contract with the terms that Susan can in no way harm the Ross family and will respond if Aisha asked for help with all of their forces if necessary and she would be assigned an S- rank as her body guard 

"Well I don't kill any of your force stationed outside, they are all alive and well I just put them to sleep " Riley said as he took Aisha's hand and led her out of the room 

Susan although angry that she has been played was also relieved to find out her soldiers are not dead 

Before Riley walked out of the door he turned back to Susan smiled and said 

" Don't worry your second son and you husband are alive and well , see that " pointing at the heads on the table 

" It's just a cake I designed myself " Riley said laughing out loud as he left the manor with Aisha leaving the bewildered Susan and family members


'i've been played with really hard' Susan thought 

A/N I'm sorry guys I made a mistake in the name Riley's sister in the novel world is Aisha not Hera , I'm sorry guys ☺️ 

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