
Villain Transmigrated to his novel

Waking up after dying in his world as a villain he was killed by his sister and his soul transmigrated into the novel as an extra he wrote sometime ago to keep his sister busy He still has his superpowers is still with him even though he transmigrated into a new world A world filled with magic but in his new body he is an f-ranked awakener but he has his therma energy Follow Riley on his journey as an extra in his novel to help the protagonist in defeating the demon king. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/GSSCu4qG A/N Its my first time writing a novel, feel free to point out mistakes make as well as suggestions *My first language is not English*

Filthythree · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Night of terror

Riley having won the duel walked calmly away from the training room since the duel is already over 

Turning on his watch he saw his sister message and video called her 

Hanging up the call Riley went to his mails and saw one that caught his interest the message says 

(We are watching you , including your sister, we have a mission for you and you will carry it out if you don't want her to die ,

 come to the abandoned forest in the back of the academy bring nothing with you not even your training sword , we are watching your every move

If you mistakenly bring a fly with you we will kidnap your sister and don't think if sending anyone to rescue her after strange activity will lead to her kidnap)

Attached to the message is his sister in an ice cream shop buying ice cream smiling , she was unaware that someone took her photo 

Riley smiled to himself he need something like that might happen so he created a small clone of himself to watch after his sister with the clone with her he knows her location as he could always know the location of his clones 


"Did you send the message?" A student who seems to be the leader of the gang asked 

"Yes he agreed to meet at the designated spot"

Unknowing to them of the disaster they've brought upon themself

Riley walked in the direction of the abandoned forest at the back of the academy 

He needed to meet the people who wanted to harm his sister as per the instructions given to him Riley didn't take anything with him nor did he inform anyone 

He already left the job to protect his sister to little Riley except for A-ranked hunters and above little Riley can defeat anyone 

Riley walked to the middle of the abandoned forest there he saw a student sitting on a chair who on seeing Riley gestured for him to sit opposite him 

Riley sat down on the chair resting his hands on the table with a bored expression on his face 

"Good you are a obedient one" the student leader said 

"I have a mission for you since you are in the same class as Andrew Teneber and you will do it if you don't want your sister to die" he said bringing out a button 

"Once I press this button the b-ranked assassins that are watching you sister will kill her and I'm sure you don't want that " 

Seeing Riley looking at him with a bored expression, even when threatened with his sister did not even show sign of fear

"Are you too scared to talk?"

Riley finally opened his mouth and talked 

"Hmm, it's that all because it's disappointing I thought you will make a threat that will make my heart race"

"Uh?" The student leader was confused 

"And when are they going to come out" not up to 2 second after asking Riley was surrounded by 20 students all holding their weapon 

Riley standing up from his sit stretched 

" You see Andrew is the main character of this world and as the author of this world I have another mission for him , I choose what I want to do with him , nobody ever tells me what to do well except my sister"

Walking round the table 

"I would have spared you but you threatened my sisters life"

"Well I also have a news for you , the assassins you sent to kill my sister are already dead, i killed them "

Riley said a creepy smile finding it's way to his face 

"Impossible, you are just trying to save yourself , you can't deceive me but it won't work , we have been watching your every move till you came here" 

"Why don't you try to contact them" Riley said 

The student leader taking tapped his smart watch calling the assassin 

"Don't try anything funny , don't play smart you are alone here we are 21 here and we are all E-ranked so you have no chance even if you are very good with swords " the student leader said

Having heard that Riley defeated professor Gustav In a duel even though professor Gustav reduced his rank to f-rank they believed they could do the same 

"Alone? Who said I'm alone" Riley replied 

The student leader Video called the assassins when the call was answered the student leader smiled looking at the face covered with black mask like a ninja 

"I want to kill the girl her brother has refused and tried to play smart" the student leader said 

The masked man started laughing changing the camera view to back camera revealing the ugly sight of the assassins torn to pieces as blood and guts smeared the floor 

The masked man reveled his face which turned out to be Riley's face 

The student leader looked at Riley then back at the holographic watch as it projected Riley's face to thr students surrounding them

"Y-Y-You why are you here , what have you done" the student leader asked his voice shaking " the students surrounding them started to step back , they wanted to get away from the devil but they discovered they were trapped by an invisible wall 

Riley started laughing his blue eyes turning red 

"I love the location you choose for this meeting, there's no camera here , so if I kill you all no one will know"

The students started regretting that they choose the abandoned forest to meet if they had known they would not have choose to meet the devil 

The student leader looking at Riley his image overlapping with that of a devil felt chills run down his spine , he had always been the one to induce fear in students not the other way round 

"Shall we start" Riley said green electricity crackling all around him 

The voices of the students suffering as they are been skinned alive filled the abandoned forest , the one afflicting the pain

on them was laughing enjoying their screams as if it were music to his ears 


The Ross compound was filled with vehicles as the sons and daughters of the families arrived for the council of Ross the meeting in which the sons and daughters have all be competing with each other for 

The meeting where the next family head candidates will be chosen 

The family has biological 7 children and 2 born by the second wife who was later assassinated 

The Ross all have a trait in their blood they all have ashen hair with ash colored eyes 

Each children has their force and army except for Riley and his sister Aisha 

The Ross children didn't count see them as threat , they view Riley and his sister as some bugs they can squash anytime thought they are a little apprehensive of Aisha since she's a battle Maniac

Aisha is already a A-ranked by the age of 18 which makes her powerful 

Her brother Riley is just a trash to them f-ranked at the age of 15 also having no chance to grow since his potential cannot go higher than D-rank the family abandoned him but did not cast him away since Aisha was always protecting her brother 

The family did not want to loose Aisha so they had to keep Riley 

Aisha also arrives at the meeting she has no body guard with her 

As the other children saw her they paid no attention to her 

After 30 minutes of waiting in the meeting room the door opened revealing Noah ross walking to the throne and sat down 

He scanned the face of his children one after the other 

His cold gaze swept across the room 

"Riley is not here" Noah ross said 

"Maybe he got scared and decided not to come " philp Ross the fourth child said while chuckling to himself 

The other children also had a smile on their face , they don't like the children of the second wife 

Riley's mother Vivian Ross is a beautiful woman with white hair Noah Ross loved her so much that when she was assassinated the killed the whole assassins organization 

Although he was not able to find out the person who gave them the job he could guess it's the first wife so he distanced himself from his family 

The meeting started discussing amongst themself how they can make the family move forward and gain more power 

Suddenly the whole manor shook as explosions rang out every where 

The whole family ran out to confront the invader 

On getting outside they were faced with an army a force of almost 1000 C- rank solders from the Mark's family and the leader of the force is the wife of the house head ' susan Mark' a formidable woman who single handedly stopped 10 A-ranked assassins that threatened their family 

"What's this Susan mark " Noah Ross voiced out in anger 

"We are here to eliminate you and you have no reason to ask after all families can attack each other when there conflict amongst them" 

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