
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasi
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137 Chs

Into the Flames

Gaia shot up. She had relived the death of her family to the hero, Blood Blade. The pounding in her head was excruciating. Her tamed animals nuzzled her to calm her nerves.

The television turned on. There was an announcement by the Hero Association.

" Hello dear citizens of the nation. Blood Lily has become bold and we can't stay still about it. We will do everything in our power to exterminate this villainous parasites."

" Cocky, Arrogant idiots.....urgh.....they should be coming today. " Gaia said

The animals tilted their heads. Gaia sighed since she could communicate with them, their haphazard questions we hurting her ears.

" Let's just say, the times Zaiden was nowhere to be found he was strengthen the faction, gaining allies.....and enemies." Gaia sighed

Laasya entered Zaiden's office. She informed him the other Pillars had arrived.

" Who again?" Zaiden smirked

She sighed, " Who knows? Get ready."

A private jet landed and four people were met by Zaiden.

" Hey Big Boss."

" Shall we have fun. The heroes are trying harder, I should reciprocate their feelings." Zaiden smiled

Laasya looked at them.

" Skyler Clouds, Chef Villain, Game Guide: Ginger. Ivan Black, Psycho Villain, Game Guide: Blood. Urvi Lush, Lawyer Villain Game Guide: Antony and Kali Storia, Mythologist Villain, Game Guide: Yara. All present it seems." Laasya thought

" Where we heading?" Skyler asked who stood taller than anyone with a muscular build.

" First, we'll visit Jaxon and then the game begins." Zaiden grinned " We're off."

Meanwhile Jaxon was looking at his niece and nephew frantically apologizing to him. Jaxon wasn't concerned due to the effect of < Heartless > although he humored their attempts to make amends with him.

" Aunt Reese says that we permanently have these powers." Octavia grinned

Their ear shifted as Zaiden popped in from the door.

" UNCLE ZAIDEN!" the kids exclaimed jumping on Zaiden

" Who are you?" Octavia asked looking over his shoulder

Kali grabbed Octavia and swung," CUTE! I'M KALI !"

Jaxon sighed heavily and looked up at Zaiden, " Are you here to torment me?"

" The other Pillars from abroad came. I wanted to introduce ya." Zaiden went in a pitiful voice

" A game is scheduled today ,huh?" Jaxon answered

Skyler was drawn to the dominating pressure of Jaxon, " Does that mean your participating?"

" That's why he's here. Otis, Octavia were discharged." Jaxon informed

Octavia flew out of Kali's grip and starting packing. Jaxon came of the hospital bed and stretched himself.

" Uncle Skyler can you help us?" Otis asked

" How do you know?" Skyler smiled

" We hacked into Zaiden's system when we were bored. He changes it constantly." Jaxon explained with a smile

Zaiden and Jaxon were smiling at each other. The ominous around them was thick enough to cut with a butter knife.

Jaxon drove them to S-rank Hero, Caden's Turf.

" So what are we up to?" Ivan wondered.

" We need to take a Turf with a port. Things get more fun when we obtain it." Jaxon smiled " Oh, Skyler can you take care of Otis and Octavia."

" I hope you're not looking down on me?" Skyler frowned

Jaxon looked at Skyler with a smile, " I don't have time for that. I even have exams coming why would worrying about you be so important?"

Skyler was taken aback as the car stopped. Jaxon, Otis and Octavia's outfits changed into their Villain-wear.

" Professionals aren't they." Ivan marveled

The road began to rise and split in all directions. Road M. revved the engine and drove full speed.

Otis opened the door, Octavia brought in a strong wind to push all the passengers out. Skyler looked at the ant looking buildings and a ginger kitten appeared.

" I'll help you guys out." Ginger yawned

Ivan, Kali and Skyler's outfits changed as well before the made impact with the ground. Otis and Octavia floated nearby Skyler. Heroes including Caden came.

" Think you can beat us with numbers?" Skyler laughed

The heroes seemed more focused on Otis and Octavia, " Be careful. It's Blood Lilly's Disaster: Cyclone and Volcano. Caden will handle them."

" Hey Uncle Skyler.....seems you're fighting Caden." Otis whispered with a smile

Skyler turned to a ruffian looking man. He raised his claws and flipped Skyler into a building. Caden looked up at the kids watching in the air and he noticed Road M. hadn't attacked since starting his joy ride.

" Are you not taking me serious." Caden growled

Skyler swung an enlarged kitchen knife at Caden. The fighting intensified. Contrary to what everyone thought Road M. was aimlessly driving as he studied for his exams.

He shut the book and jumped out the window and landed in between Skyler and Caden. Road M. looked at Caden and he body was engulfed in his blue flames.

" DAMN IT!!!!!" Road Maniac yelled

[ < Heartless > is weaken due to intense emotion of anger being expressed

< Heartless > is strengthened and taking effect]

Road M. calmed down and stared at Caden. A series of explosions followed and Road M. was calm in a fearsome way.

" A-rank hero Doppelgänger. I will kill you." Road M. went

Their was silence when they realized the explosions came from Blood Lily Turf. Loud engines sounds followed as motorbikes, car and so forth filled up Road Maniac roads.

Kali appeared in Blood Lily Turf and confronted the real Caden. A book appeared and Kali's soft orange eyes turned intense yellow.

" Their is a myth of a powerful being.... who oversees all dead souls, Hades." Kali smiled

A figure appeared behind Kali. Purple wailing orbs spread out and skeletons came out the ground. Kali turned the page, " A myth is well known of a half man half bull who roams the maze....Minotaur."

Minotaur appeared beside Hades and the earth rose to recreate Minotaur's maze. The skeleton, orbs and Heroes were scattered in the maze.

The vehicles tat came were from Road M.'s unit.

" Boss, the heroes infiltrated HQ's Turf too with S-rank hero Udine." A person reported

" I want you all....to bring this Turf down. Leave nothing but ashes now." Road Maniac ordered " I should award them for their ingenious idea."

The air of the alpha wolf crawled to every corner of the Turf alerting anyone sensitive to it to run without hesitation.

Udine umped into a Blood Lily citizens and told them to 'escape' from Multi Mask. An elderly woman looked at Udine, took out her phone and pressed a button.

" Did you call my dear citizen?" Multi Mask appearing asked

" There's a hero in the Turf." The old woman frowned attracting more people

Udine was confused as the citizens looked at her, the symbol of people, a hero with contempt and anger. She heard them curse her and kids threw pebbles at her.

" Mind control.....It's mind control?" Udine thought in anger as an egg slide down her silky hair.

" How unfortunate....you're unpopular." Multi Mask laughed hiding his own rage as more reports of heroes in the Turf from citizens came in.

Zaiden also wondered how they planted bomb into his Turf!

Zaiden: Creation is hard, cheer us on!

Octavia: Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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