
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasy
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137 Chs


Reese was going threw the final preparations. Octavia tugged on her lab coat.

" Uncle Krysa is looking for you Aunt Reese." She told

Reese rushed out the lab to Sebastian in the waiting room.

" You were looking for me?" she panted " Make it quick I need to start."

Sebastian raised his eyebrow in confusion.

* THUD *

They ran to the locked lab and saw Otis working the controls. The adult banged at the doors telling them to open and not play around with the controls.

" Alright, it's ready ,Sister." Otis smiled

The kids entered the capsule, a bright light engulfed them and the capsule exploded. Sebastian broke down the door and ran to the puff of smoke.

" Otis. Octavia. It's Uncle Krysa, you okay?" He asked

" Yeah, why won't we?" Octavia asked floating in the air Otis and Octavia looked the same. Before Sebastian could scold them, the kids we already went out the window. Octavia held Otis hand and flew away.

" I don't have time to attend your funeral, Mr. Rat." Reese informed Sebastian

The fight between Vladimir and Shadow Hound and Cerberus was dragging on. The wolves had wounds everywhere from the silver and their breathing became rugged.

" Did you think even in my weakened state I'd not be able to defeat you?" Vladimir laughed

Bubbling sounds echoed.


Roads sprung out of the water and engulfed the entire Turf. A car drove out of the water and Road M. came out coughing.

" You're alive after all that silver I left in your body." Vladimir mocked

Road M. laughed, " So shouldn't I get a trophy?"

Cars of every kind with weapons soon appeared. Shadow clawed at Vladimir's back and vanished into a shadow. Cerberus sent blood red flames at him.

Yasmin was released and sent up a blast of pink smoke in the sky. Windows appeared

[ All stats have be buffed by < Magician's fruit >

Opponent is stronger than Players. Special requirements are met.

Special Mission: Defeat the foe who is stronger than you and obtain great rewards. Good Luck, you'll need it]

" You're kidding me?" Road M. panted looking at Vladimir next to him

Road M. guarded himself from the strong punch flung at him.

" Luck.. buy it that skill." Road M. panted

Vladimir ran to Road M. with killing intent.


A flame ball hit n Vladimir's side and threw him into a battleship. The ball was Otis and Octavia flew over. Road M. was astonished as he touched them and their clothes changed into villain outfits. He was still in a moment of shock but he knew Sebastian was the reason of his headache.

Other vampire variants started appearing.

" It seem that attack injured him." Road M. told

Shadow Hound and Cerberus appeared beside them. They looked at the numbers of vampire variant increase.

Otis looked at them," We can help. Please."

Road M. laughed hysterically and his green eyes gleamed. Cerberus and Shadow Hound smiled as well.

" You thought you'd do what here? We aren't baby sitting you." Cerberus said

Vladimir got on his feet revealing a burn where Otis collided with him. The adults turned half-wolf and the kids turned in wolf pups.

" Insolent struggle will be futile." Vladimir told

" Shut up, you damn blood sucker!" Cerberus yelled

She ran forward to him and a figure of a three headed hound materialized behind her. Two heads bit Vladimir's arms, Vladimir opened his mouth shooting a beam into the hound and Cerberus.

Shadow Hound came out of his shadow and bit into his shoulder. Vladimir scratched at his neck but he was Shadow Hound's firm jaw. Octavia rose up with a water spear, Shadow Hound left go and she flung the spear into him.

" Futile." Vladimir laughed

Otis in pup form blew fire down at Vladimir. Vladimir hit the puppy into his sister. Road Maniac caught them, turned him body in a flip as a car went full speed and he stood on its hood.

" HEY BLOOD SUCKER!" Road M yelled when Vladimir stood in front him

Vladimir stabbed Road Maniac in the stomach and Road M. laughed into Vladimir's face. He held the arm in his gut and bashed his skull into Vladimir's head.

The sky was filled with cloud of every color as Yasmin fought with a magic user vampire. On a cloud her knight, Desmond was in a sword tussle with another vampire variant.

Yasmin threw a beam, the vampire dodged and it hit into Vladimir allowing Road M. to get on another car.

" Master Vladimir." The vampire exclaimed before Yasmin thrust a stake in her heart

A building suddenly stood up.

" It seems Vance can finally join the battle." Yasmin thought" My MP is getting low."

The building grew hands, feet and lasers. It fired all of it's lasers at Vladimir. The Vampire deflected them with one hand as the other held on Shadow Hound who was about to attack.

" I commend your teamwork but you won't defeat a superior race." Vladimir smiled

The water vanished when butterflies appeared. They looked a Multi Mask's mask and his delightful eyes.

" Damn-" Shadow Hound went as the fell from two hundred feet in the sky

The butterflies entered Vladimir and detonated in his body. Cerberus coughed out, " That's all I can do...." losing consciousness.

Vladimir pin pointed Vance and shot a ray into him and his knight, Crystal. They were buried in rubble. The vampire threw Shadow Hound down into the tar of the road below. Road M. threw Otis and Octavia aside when Vladimir teleported in front of him on his road.

" I ain't...dying today..." Road M. coughed

[ Road Creation has been activated.]

The road opened up a missile shot into Vladimir. Although the Vampire walked out of the smoke. He was burnt, missing an arm and still arrogant.

" Inferior." Vladimir panted raising up his only arm



Kenneth in dragon form appeared and the sky dyed red with his anger. He spat down lava which ran to Vladimir. The vampire made a shield and in the confusion Otis and Octavia ran forward.

Vladimir coughed up blood, he looked down at to hands that pierce his chest and hold his heart. Otis coated his hand in fire, earth and lightning and Octavia coated her hand in water, air and sound vibrations.

They burst his heart and fell into Road M.'s arms and cried. His two tails wrapped the blood covered kids soothingly. He removed his helmet.

".....I'm proud of you. Good job ,my little poison daggers" Jaxon smiled before losing consciousness