
Villain Supreme

In the aftermath of the catastrophic Day of Destruction, a resilient world emerges. Enter Tiraz Meishin, a determined youth starting his journey at the prestigious Reus Academy. As he steps into Class E, a realm of underprivileged students, fate unveils its plans. Little do they know, their unassuming teacher, Mr. Arkram, harbors a dark secret. He is none other than Aiden Arkram, the legendary Villain Supreme. In a world where heroism and villainy blur, "Villain Supreme" weaves mystery, action, and humor. Join Tiraz and his classmates as they unravel their teacher's enigmatic past, and discover the true meaning of heroism. Get ready for a thrilling saga of redemption and courage, where second chances shape destinies. Uncover hidden potentials and secrets in this epic tale that challenges beliefs and pushes the limits of heroism. Are you prepared to witness their legend? .... Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual records. All characters and designs in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be aware of the plot and read it as fiction. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes and shall not bear any responsibility for hurting sentiments. .... Your support is genuinely appreciated. Follow me on my social Instagram - @sidddwrites

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89 Chs

The Colossal Coliseum

The new day dawned brightly in the city of Valeria, as if the sun itself was joining in the excitement of the impending battle between Class E and Class D.

The entire city seemed to buzz with anticipation, and the prestigious Reus Academy was no exception.

As Tiraz cycled through the streets towards the academy, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through him.

The memories of the past month's training flashed before his eyes, the struggles, the camaraderie, and the growth of Class E as a team.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped through the gates of the academy, which were bustling with students and spectators alike.

The atmosphere was electric, filled with cheers and shouts of encouragement.

Making his way through the crowd, Tiraz noticed the colossal Coliseum auditorium in the distance.

The anticipation in the air was palpable, and the crowd was eager to witness the battles between the two classes.
