
Villain Supreme

In the aftermath of the catastrophic Day of Destruction, a resilient world emerges. Enter Tiraz Meishin, a determined youth starting his journey at the prestigious Reus Academy. As he steps into Class E, a realm of underprivileged students, fate unveils its plans. Little do they know, their unassuming teacher, Mr. Arkram, harbors a dark secret. He is none other than Aiden Arkram, the legendary Villain Supreme. In a world where heroism and villainy blur, "Villain Supreme" weaves mystery, action, and humor. Join Tiraz and his classmates as they unravel their teacher's enigmatic past, and discover the true meaning of heroism. Get ready for a thrilling saga of redemption and courage, where second chances shape destinies. Uncover hidden potentials and secrets in this epic tale that challenges beliefs and pushes the limits of heroism. Are you prepared to witness their legend? .... Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual records. All characters and designs in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be aware of the plot and read it as fiction. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes and shall not bear any responsibility for hurting sentiments. .... Your support is genuinely appreciated. Follow me on my social Instagram - @sidddwrites

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89 Chs

Life and the photo

Tiraz trudged wearily into his modest home, his energy depleted after a long day of working his delivery job.

The weight of his fatigue settled heavily on his shoulders as he closed the door behind him, shutting out the noise of the outside world.

With a sigh of relief, he began to peel off his dirt-stained clothes, carefully placing them in a pile to be dealt with later.

The scent of sweat and exertion clung to his body, a reminder of the toil he had endured throughout the day.

As he moved through his small kitchen, the aroma of a stew simmering on the stove enveloped the room.

The rhythmic bubbling of the pot provided a soothing soundtrack to Tiraz's tired mind. He took a moment to appreciate the simple comfort of a warm meal waiting for him.

But first, he needed to wash away the grime of the day.

Tiraz made his way to the bathroom, where he turned on the tap, letting the water flow until it reached the perfect temperature. Steam rose from the cascading liquid, creating a calming ambiance.

Entering the shower, Tiraz allowed the warm water to cascade over his fatigued muscles, washing away the exhaustion and weariness that clung to him.

The sensation was revitalizing, rejuvenating his spirit and renewing his energy.

"Ah, that feels amazing," Tiraz muttered to himself, relishing in the soothing touch of the water against his skin. "Today was really tiring, but this shower is making it all worth it."

As he lathered himself with soap, he could feel the weight of the day's work lifting from his shoulders.

The tension that had knotted his muscles slowly dissipated, replaced by a sense of relaxation and tranquility.

With each passing minute, Tiraz felt himself being transformed. The weariness and fatigue were replaced by a renewed vigor and a freshened spirit.

The water washed away not just the physical grime, but also the mental and emotional residue of the day.

After thoroughly rinsing off, Tiraz stepped out of the shower, wrapping himself in a fluffy towel.

He stood in front of the mirror, his reflection a testament to the revitalization he had undergone.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he observed his refreshed appearance.

His eyes gleamed with newfound energy, and his vibrant hair seemed to shimmer with a renewed vibrancy.

With a final glance in the mirror, Tiraz turned his attention back to the stew that had been simmering on the stove.

The aroma had filled the air, teasing his senses with its savory allure.

Feeling invigorated and ready to indulge in a well-deserved meal, Tiraz made his way to the kitchen.

He ladled the hearty stew into a bowl, savoring the aroma that wafted up from the steaming concoction.

As he took the first spoonful, warmth spread through his body, both from the stew's comforting heat and from the satisfaction of a hard day's work rewarded.

The flavors danced on his tongue, filling him with a sense of contentment and nourishment.

Sitting at the table, his tiredness momentarily forgotten, Tiraz savored each mouthful of the stew, relishing in its rich flavors.

It was a small moment of respite amidst the challenges of life, a chance to replenish his body and find solace in the simple joys of a warm meal and a rejuvenating shower.

In that moment, Tiraz felt a deep gratitude for the comforting rituals that helped him unwind and recharge.

He realized that no matter how exhausting the day had been, the familiar routine of shedding his tiredness, both physically and mentally, allowed him to find moments of tranquility and renewal.

With a satisfied smile, he continued to savor his stew, embracing the rejuvenation that came from taking care of himself and finding solace in the little pleasures that life had to offer.


As Tiraz savored each spoonful of his stew, his gaze wandered around the room, seeking familiar sights that brought him comfort.

And there, on a small wooden shelf, he spotted a photo frame that held a cherished memory of his childhood.

With a mixture of curiosity and nostalgia, Tiraz reached out and delicately grasped the frame, drawing it closer to get a better look.

As he adjusted the angle, the glint of the light shifted, revealing the face of the person with him in the photo.

A grin spread across the older boy's face, his eyes brimming with mischief and warmth.

Tiraz's own lips curved into a wide, almost foolish, smile as he recognized the person in the photograph. It was his older brother.

As Tiraz held the photo frame in his hands, he focused on the details that brought the memory to life.

In the picture, he saw his younger self, barely ten years old, perched on the back of his older brother. They were frozen in a moment of pure joy and playfulness.

Tiraz's legs dangled in mid-air as his brother carried him, his own laughter reverberating through the captured image.

The carefree abandon reflected in their eyes, their expressions filled with uninhibited happiness and shared mischief.

The boy in the photo appeared to be around sixteen years old, his features mirroring Tiraz's with the same raven-black hair and a handsome countenance that exuded confidence and kindness.

For a moment, Tiraz lost himself in the captured memory, recalling the mischievous adventures he and his brother had embarked upon, the laughter they shared, and the unwavering bond that had connected them.

Tiraz's heart swelled with a bittersweet mix of joy and longing as he traced the outlines of their figures in the photograph.

It was a reminder of the irreplaceable presence his brother had been in his life, a guiding force and a source of boundless happiness.

Every detail in the photo, from the creases in their clothes to the backdrop of a sunlit field, served as a vivid reminder of their unbreakable bond.

It was a memory etched into Tiraz's very being, a testament to the profound impact his brother had on his life.

In that frozen moment, Tiraz could almost hear their laughter echoing in his ears, a symphony of pure delight and brotherly affection.

It was a snapshot of a bond so strong, an unbreakable connection that transcended time and distance.

The older boy, with his strong arms supporting Tiraz, wore an infectious grin that stretched from ear to ear.

His eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, mirroring Tiraz's own wide, silly smile. It was a testament to the love and laughter they had shared in their childhood.

But as he continued to gaze at the photo, a single teardrop welled up in Tiraz's eye and cascaded down his cheek.

His smile wavered, and his heart felt heavy with longing and a sense of loss.

His voice trembled as he softly spoke to the photo frame, his words filled with both yearning and a touch of vulnerability.

"Where are you, brother?" Tiraz's voice quivered with emotion, echoing in the solitude of his home.

It had been years since Tiraz had last seen his brother, the circumstances of their separation shrouded in painful memories.

The uncertainty of his brother's whereabouts had left a void within Tiraz's heart, a void that seemed to grow more pronounced with each passing day.

But even amidst the ache of their separation, Tiraz held onto the cherished memories they had forged together.

The love and bond they shared remained a guiding light, a reminder of the profound connection they had once possessed.

With a deep breath, Tiraz gently wiped away the tear from his cheek, his gaze still fixed on the photo frame.

Though the question of his brother's whereabouts remained unanswered, he found solace in the memories they had created together.

As he placed the photo frame back on the shelf, Tiraz whispered to the image of his brother, "One day, we'll find each other again. Until then, I'll hold on to these memories and keep you close in my heart."

In that quiet moment, surrounded by the warmth of his home and the lingering aroma of stew, Tiraz found strength in his unwavering love for his brother.

And with a renewed sense of determination, he finished his meal, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, all while keeping the memory of his brother alive in his heart.

But more than anything.

He had to wake up early tomorrow.
