
Chapter One

"Leona get down here your father and I have you talk to you about something important!" My mum yelled up the stairs.

"Okay mum I'll be down in a min," I yelled as I moved my laptop off my lap and placed it on my bed next to me. I throw my legs over my bed when I stood up I felt something rubbing against my legs, as I looked down I saw my cat Yang he is all white but it has a black spot on his chest . I leaned down and picked him up placed him on my shoulders and walked out of my room. I headed down stairs; as I got to the bottom of the steps I yelled "where are you guys at!"

"We are in the living room!" my dad yelled back

"Okay dad," I shouted back as I walked into the living room I saw them sitting on the love seat. I sat on the coffee table that was in front of them.

"What do guys need?" I asked

"Okay Leona don't get mad at us."

"Okay I won't get mad but please don't call me Leona its Leo,"

"We have decided to enroll you in to a new school, it's called view-hollow private schooling for gifted,"

"why in the he..."I cut myself off I told them I wouldn't get mad," when am I going there,"

" The bus will be coming here in about an hour an half, so go upstairs and pack, tell all of your friends your leaving okay," they told me

"Okay what about Yang can he go with me to or does he have to stay here with you guy?" I asked

"we asked the school about Yang and they said that he can go also." My mum answered me

"Okay good, well I'm going back up stairs to pack."

As I walked up the stairs I heard my phone go off, I took my phone out of my pocket to see who text me, it was my childhood friends from kindergarten Izzy and Danny they text in a group chat.

Danny: what's going on with you guys?

Me: well I just got told I'm going to a school, it's called view-hollow

Izzy: I'm going there too.

Danny: that's great me too.

Izzy: the bus is here to pick me up later guys see you on the bus

Danny: okay later

Me: later I going to pack now

I placed my phone back into my pocket and walked to room. Grabbed my black and purple duffel bag out of my closet and set it on my queen sized bed. I reached for Yang to place him on the bed. I went back to the closet and got out twelve custom made shirts with creepy pasta characters on it and walked back over to my bed to place them in the bag. Then I headed over to my dresser and grabbed 12 pairs of blue jeans and the rest of the clothes I needed. I looked into the mirror I notice my hair has gotten longer. I was wearing my favorite shirt it was black with white writing on it saying "you laugh at me cause I'm different, I laugh at you cause you're all the same on it," so I walked back over to the bed and placed them in the bag.

I walked over to my door to grab my laptop bag then I went back to my bed and placed my laptop in the bag. I pick up the bags and headed down stairs. I walked into the living room and put them on the couch.

"Yang want anything to eat before we leave?" I asked my cat looking down at him. He meowed and walked over to his food and water bowl.

"I guess so," I laughed as I headed to the cabinets where we keep his dry cat food. I grabbed the bag and walked to the bowl and poured his food. He meowed again and started eating.

I went to the living room and sat on the love seat and started texting Danny and Izzy

Me: hey guys, Izzy save me a seat next to you on the bus.

Danny: I just got on the bus so it should be there in like 15 min

Izzy: already have. See you soon

Me: later

Danny and Izzy: bye

I got off the phone to see Yang sitting on my legs

"It's time to go bub, go to the door," right as I told him that he ran to the door and I got up grabbed my stuff and walked out the door with Yang. As we walked out the door I yelled "Mom dad the bus is going to be here soon so I'm waiting outside for it love you guy!"

"Love you too" they said back

As I waited for the bus I started playing with yang moving my hand on the ground like a bug. As we played I heard the bus hunk.

"Okay yang it's here lets go," I told him as I got up with my bags and headed to the bus.

"Miss I'll take your bags and place them under the bus," the driver of the bus told me

"Okay" I handed him my duffel bag and kept my laptop bag with me as I got on the bus with yang. Yang took off running down walk way of the bus. He jumped on to someone's else lap "Yang don't do that," I yelled at him

"Leo it us," I heard a familiar voice. I looked up to see it was Izzy's lap he had jumped onto

"Oh okay" I said as I sat down next to her.

"Why did you dye your hair blue, you look better with your black hair? The black hair match you silver eyes," she asked me

"Because I lost a bet with Dan over there," I informed her

I noticed her hair was still the same pure white color, it brings out her blue eyes

"Don't bring me into this, I didn't make you do it,"

"Yes you kind of did you said I had to dye it or talk to Kevin,"

"Who in the hell is Kevin and why didn't you talk to him," she asked

" oh shit sorry I forgot you moved away before he came, Kevin is this guy that carries a stuffed cat with him everywhere he goes and he talks to it and sometimes he starts yelling at it,"

"Oh I still would rather talk to him then dye my hair," she said

"Well that's you he just gives off some funky vibes to me."

"Yeah me too," Dan says

"Well anything is better than changing the color of my hair," she says as she brushes her hair.

"What's new with you Danny?" she asked him

"Nothing really, I'm just glad to be getting out of that fucking house." he said

"Things hasn't gotten better at home with your parents?" Izzy asked

"No they haven't its just going to get worse. Don't you remember what happened when we were in the third grade," He asked us

"Yeah didn't your dad start doing thing to you? Then when you told someone they didn't believe and that's when they started hitting you and doing worse things then that."

"Yeah and the only people that believed me was your guys parents." He said

"I still want to kill them," I told him " no one hurts my friend like that and get away with it." by this time the bus had already been moving

"Leo! Those are his parents," Izzy said

"I don't care, they don't deserve to see another day of light," I growled

"Leo it's okay. I'm okay, I have you guys. That makes living with those assholes worth it." he said

I looked down and yang wasn't on my lap or Izzy "what happened to Yang,"

"I don't know," they said together

I got up from my seat that I was sitting in and walked farther looking in each seat. As I got to the second to the last seat when I heard a meow.

Then I saw yang sating on someone lap. "Yang what did I just tell you when we got on the bus. I'm sorry"

"It's okay, he a pretty smart cat. And friendly" the stranger said in a deep raspy voice

As I looked at his face my heart started beating fastest, and my brain told me to get away from him. His eyes are a deep blue ocean color, his hair short and black. As I looked down had on a skin tight shirt that showed that he had a six pack otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell he worked out.

"My name is jack Grim, what's your name pretty thing?" he asked

"M-My name is Leona J. Green, I-it's nice to meet you Jack, I have to get back where I was sitting with Yang or my friends will be worried." I stuttered

"I think one wouldn't care if you sit with me, I think the other one will kill me if I did anything to hurt you or anything you didn't want me to," he said grinning showing his teeth, his teeth where so perfect. I looked back to see Izzy giving me the thumbs up and Danny just glaring at him.

"Fine I'll sit with you just because I know if you do anything to me Danny will kill you without hesitation." I said looking back at Jack

"I bet he will," he said laughing

"Move over," I told him

"Alright sweet thang," he said laughing again as he moved to the seat next to the window. Yang jumped over to his lap again. As I sat down I heard my phone go off, I got my phone out of my pocket and saw that Danny texted me

Danny: I'll be watching him to make sure he doesn't do anything to you

Me: I'll be counting on that because I don't trust him.

Izzy: Just give him a shot, it might be the first guy that might like you mean ways :)

"See told you one didn't care if you sat back here with me," he whispered in my ears

"What made you want to this school?" I asked him

"Well my older brother is the principle of the school so," he told me

"Oh fun," I said "Have any other siblings?"

"Yeah I have a twin brother, He going on a plane to the school. He didn't want to deal with everything on the bus, he is kind of stuck up in his own way." Jack told me smiling

"Yeah, what's his name?" I asked him back

"His name is Jonathan Grim, and the other one is Jace," he told me "now can I ask you something?"

"Sure why not," I said smiling

"What are you?" he asked

"What do you mean?"

"Are you vampire, werewolf, what are you. I can't get a scent on you," he said

"What the fuck are you talking about vampire werewolves and shit? Those are just stories. They aren't real freak!" I yelled

"Yes they are!" he yelled

"No they aren't!" I yelled getting up and walking back to Izzy and Danny

"Yes they are!" he yelled blocking my way

"Get out of my way!" I yelled

"Not till you answer the question!" right when he yelled that Danny got up and got to the back of the bus in a blink of an eye. He grabbed the Jack shoulder to force Jack to look up at him.

"She told you get out of her way you little prick!" he yelled at him

"I said no so back off little pup!" jack yelled

"Who are you calling pup, asshole!" he growled

"Stop fighting back there!" the bus driver yelled

"Once he gets out of her way I'll sit down!" he growled at the bus driver

"Get out of the young lady way!" the bus driver yelled at Jack

"Alright," He growled then he moved out of my way

"Better watch out when we get to school," he said to me

"Shut the hell up dude" Danny said as he took my hand lead me back to my seat

"Thank you Danny. Love you bro," I said to him

"No problem. Love you too sis," he smiling and he sat down in his seat.

"Izzy move over so I can sit next to you," I told her

"Kay," she said as she moved over so I can sit.

"Yang get your ass up here!" I yelled. Then I heard him meow by my feet. "Get up here."

He jumped up on my lap and he started purring.

"Danny what did he mean when he called you pup?" I asked him

"Nothing Leo," he said smiling at me

"It's going to be two more hours before we get to the school!" The bus driver yelled

"I'm going to sleep. One of you guys wake me up when we get to the school." I told them

"Okay," they said