
Chapter Two

"Leo get up, where at the school," Danny said shaking me.

"I'm up now. Just stop shacking me please," I begged

"Okay," he said

"Where is Izzy?"

"She is in the bathroom," he told me

"Okay well let's get off the bus and wait for her," I said looking around the bus to see it was almost empty. There was me, Danny, Jack, Yang, and Izzy

"Yeah let's get off before he says anything to you again," Danny says

"Yang get off the bus," I told my cat as I grabbed my laptop bag to see Yang running off the bus,

"You go before me I have to tell that guy something." Danny said

"Alright," I said as I walked off the bus.

    Right as I stepped out of the bus I felt a sharp pain going through my whole body. I felt my bones breaking and reforming. I screamed in pain. The last thing I remember was Danny, Izzy, and Jack running off the bus, then Izzy falling on the ground in pain. Then Yang running in the school. When I woke up I felt different. I looked for my hand but I didn't have any, the only thing I was black paws like a dog. I looked around to find Danny. I spotted him standing next to a pretty white wolf. I tried to call for Danny but that that came out was a howl. Right then and there the wolf and Danny looked over at me. They walk over to me. When they got to me the white wolf nudged me with her muzzle. I noticed her blue eyes I don't know how this happened but that white wolf was Izzy.

    "Leo it's okay. Everything going to be okay. It's just painful for the first change. But after that you can change with will." He told me

    Jack walked over to me "You have other blood within you aren't just wolf, what else do you have,"

"Please get away from her. She not in control of herself right now. If you piss her off she might attack." He told Jack

"No I want to know what she is." He said pushing Danny out his way and started walking closer to me. I started growling at him. He hesitated after I growled at him. He took three more steps towards me before Danny got in his way again.

"Listen to me don't do this or I'm going to have to change to stop you from getting closer to them." Danny told him

"No I'm going to find out what they are" he told Danny stepping closer.

"I warned you." He growled. Then getting on all fours and changed into a giant silver wolf with a blue glowing tattoo or something on his left shoulder blade. It was a Tree in the middle then a sun on the left side then on the right side had a crescent moon. He started growling at Jack

    "A-are you the Guardian of the twins?" Jack asked. Right after he asked that Danny changed back in to a human fully clothed. He walked to us.

    "If you want to change back just think of being on two leg," He told us

I starting thinking about me walking on two legs. A few moments then I was human again.

    "What the hell was that and what am I Danny? What are you? What is Izzy? How long have you known?" Yelled at him

    "Go inside, I'll get both of your stuff and explain stuff that I can," He told us

    "Alright, you better or I'll rip your throat out." I told him "let's go inside Izzy,"

    She hesitated then nodded her head. "Hey where is Yang?" She asked me

    "I think he is inside somewhere," I said as he walked inside

"Yang if you can hear me get you little cat ass over here," Then I saw him running to me, "hey bub don't just run off like that. You know how I worry about you." Then he meowed but it sounded weird like he felt sorry. I started looking around at the school it was huge. It had marble flooring and the ceiling had a huge painting of Viking boat sailing in outer space. Then I felt people at staring at us.

"What the fuck are you guys staring at," I yelled

"Leo calm down," Izzy calmly said

"No I will not calm down I just changed into a fucking wolf!" I yelled at her "why aren't you freaking out?"

"I am just in my own way," She said

"Well I hate this, I need to go apologies to Jack. This fucking sucks." I said as I stomped outside to see Jack with Danny.

I heard Danny telling him that we are also vampire and a witches. I got pissed and ended over there in a flash.

    "What am I Danny?" I yelled at him

    "You and Izzy are werewolf, witch, and vampire," he told me

    "How the fuck do you know this?" I yelled

    "You aren't ready for that," he told me calmly

    "How are Izzy and I the same thing?" I asked calming down a little

    "I can't tell you that either," he said

    "Fuck," I said then I turn to face jack who was stand next to me, "I'm sorry for what I said on the bus."

"It's all good sweet heart I thought you knew," Jack said as he winked at me

"I still feel bad for calling you a freak. Is there any way for me to make it up to you?" I said sadly

"The only way for you to make it up to me if you go out with me on a date," he told me grinning

"Why do you want to go on a date with me?" I asked him "you just met me,"

"Cause you seem like a cool person to hang out with," he told me "if you don't trust me we bring your friends and we can also bring my brother,"

"Okay sure whatever," I told him

    Jack smiled and walked into the school. After watching him walk into the school I noticed how beautiful it was. Before you walk in there is two golden sculptures of a cat it was three stories high. As I look around the school yard I notice there was dozens of other building.

    "Leo want to go in side with me?" Danny asked me

    "Sure, why not." I said as we walked into the school together.

    "Wow this place is huge." Danny gasped

    "Yeah tell me about Dan," I said looking around for Izzy. "Do you see Izzy?"

    "No but I'll go look for her," He said wondering off

Jace P.O.V

    "The girls are here!" my brother yelled as he ran into my office

    "What girls?" I asked brushing my hand though my hair

"The chosen ones. I saw them with my own eyes and I saw their protector,"

"When did you see that?" I asked getting enthusiastic

"When they got off the bus the girls changed into huge wolves, and I was walking to the Leona the black wolf, and the guy that was helping the white one jumped in between us and told me to back off because it was her first change. I didn't believe him so I took a step closer and he changed in to the grey wolf with the glowing marking of the protector should has." He said quickly

"Well if it's true the school does put marking on the different species of supernatural so if they get all three marking then we will have to keep an eye on them." I told him

"But he told me they were," he told me

"I need to make sure because I didn't see it,"

"Alright," he said sounding disappointed that I didn't believe him. He started walking to the door

"Jack if it's true you can be the familiar of the black one and the protector of the white one but he is the true familiar of the two."

"Okay bro," Jack said when he walked out of the office.

    I walked out of the office and headed to the main hall to find the girls. When I got to the main hall I saw the most striking woman ever. Her hair was dyed blue but I could see the black roots. Her hair was to the back of her neck, that's when I notice the marking on the bridge of her neck under her perfect ears the marking the show the school that you're a vampire. The marking look like fang bites. I walked over to where she was standing. Is she the one that Jack was talking about?I wealk up to the pretty girl and asks "Hey what's your name?"

She looks up and smiles looking me up and down biting on her bottom lip "It's Leona but people call me Leo,"

He voice was like silk it was so pretty. "My name is Jace Grim," I told her

"Your Jack brother, You don't look like alike," She tells me

"Yeah well my family adopted the twins as baby's," I tell her checking her out from the front. She has a nice body.

"Leo, Who is that," a guy asks her glaring at me, he is with a girl with white hair, the girl has the same mark on her neck as Leo

"It's Jace, Jack's brother. calm down Danny, he doesn't seem like a dick like his brother," She tells them smiling

"Are the principal  of the school?" Danny asked me

"Yes I am. Why?"

"Cause I need to talk to you," he told me

"Okay come and see me in my office," I tell him waving at Leo not wanting to leave her then walk to my office with Danny. "What do you need to talk to me about,"

"It's about the girls," he tells me

Leo P.O.V

I watch Jace walk away with Danny  I felt a ping when he left me. I just meet him but it felt like something was missing.

"Leo let's go look around the school," Izzy says pulling on my arm

"Sure why not," I say letting her drag me around the school.