
Having a conversation with Michael. 11

Mister , after what we've been trough , your lucky we don't shoot you , and greet you later .Now let me see them teeth . B

Ahahahahahahah !!!

I couldn't hold myself back , this was extremely funny for me .

Your teeth , goddamn it...Let me see see them ! ° Bob

Michael showed everyone his teeth , which weren't creepy looking , like the old woman.

Okay than , how about you tell us your name ? °Bob

Michael . ° Michael

Well , I'm sorry about that , Michael .We had this old lady in here , who went crazy in my place . She had these teeth . Never seen anything like them. She practically bit a man in half , so what are you doing out here anyway ?° Bob

Michael started looking around , and seemed to found the body .

You don't look like any policeman I ever saw , even one from LA , but he's gotta be right ? I mean who the he'll would be crazy enough to steal a cop car ? ° Bob

You don't know do you ? ° Michael

Don't know what? ° Kyle

We don't know anything , nothing is working , the TV, the radio , or the phone. ° Charlie

I'm running out of time .° Michael

Bob stopped Michael from getting any closer .

Now , you just hold on there , fella . You better start talking , or you just get the hell out of here.° Bob

Michael disarmed him , and pointed the shotgun at him .

I clapped in my mind , this guy who lost his angelic powers , was still a very skilled fighter.

Hold on. ° Kyle

Kyle pointed his gun at Michael .

Bob looked very scared right now , that's one reason I look down on people, who use guns to threaten others .

Dad just say your sorry . ° Jeep

Hey , hey , hey , son. I'm sure you don't wanna go spilling blood , for any good reason , in front of all these decent people now . Now what do you say , about just letting Bob go ?...Then you can gi in you way , nice and easy ° Percy

Michael looked at another direction , while he was holding the shogun with one hand .

They're here. Your gona beed need this .° Michael

Wait who is here ? ° Charlie

More like her . ° Michael

What do you mean like her ? °Kyle

I walked outside to get a weapon from Micheal , but first I decided to introduce myself.

Who are you ? ° Michael

' I'm Orion , do you happen to have any weapon , that I can use ? '

You seem like you handle yourself , so here take this shogun , and this machete. ° Michael

Bob pov ;

What is that man thinking , giving that young man two weapons , he looks pretty fit , but he didn't do anything when the old lady went crazy.

Right after giving that kid the weapons , he gave my son a gun too , which I assumed he wasn't ready for .

He can handle it .He doesn't have a choice ° Michael

He walked past us , after giving Jeep looking at Jeep all funny , than he gave a gun to Charlie.

Don't do anything brave. ° Michael

Sandra came out of the diner , but Michael refused to let her leave .

What's happening ? ° Sandra

You better get back inside . ° Michael

We all rushed back inside , and started getting ready for more of these creepy bastards .

While we where nervously getting ready , the young man Orion pulled Michael on the side , which irritated me since he was pretty much useless.

I wanted to give him a warning ,so I walked behind him , and stopped him from walking by holding on to his shoulder.

Owwww !!

I suggest a weakling like yourself , not to touch me , since my body temperature is extremely high . ° Orion

You told him too late. ° Michael

' What are you ? '

I'm different from these possesed bastards , I guess you will just have to find out later . ° Orion

Michael pov ;

I was troubled , when I noticed how high the temperature of this young man was , and he eyes looked a lot older , than any mortal I've seen in this world so far .

' So who are you really Mister Orion ? '

I'm the son of a divine being , and I'm older than i look . ° Orion

' This makes since , after all you where too calm compared to everyone else , so what's your special ability Orion ? '

I have super speed , strength , hearing , durability , telekinesis , shift into a large wolf , with pyrokinesis . ° Orion

' Orion you should be able to handle everything , since the possessed are only low divine beings , and most low roaming angels are only at high divine beings , after their powers got sealed . '

After we done talking , the power went out , which caused everyone to panic again .

Everybody stay calm . ° Percy

Vidar , and I noticed that some of the guys had flashlights now.

So we're locked in here , so what the fuck we doing now ? ° Kyle

I looked up , than Bob brought most of the men up there including Vidar .

Alright Rambo , you got us up here . You mind telling us what we're fighting ? ° Bob

Listen , listen. You hear what I'm hearing ?° Percy

What the hell is that ? ° Bob

You're worse nightmare Bob. ° Orion

That's not funny kid . ° Bob

Ahahahhahahah !!! ° Everyone laughed

It sounds almost like...Ice cream. ° Percy & Kyle

It can't be fucking serious right ? ° Kyle

There's a safety switch , in the side of your weapons , you won't be needing it. Push it all the wat down two clicks.

Now when this starts hold on tight otherwise , you're gonna blow your hand off. ° Michael

Everyone looked at Percy .

What the fuck you'll looking at me for ?° Percy

Once the ice cream man came out of the truck , Kyle tought it wasn't a big deal , until it looked right at him.

Oh shit , oh shit , oh shit ! ° Kyle

* Screeches !!! *

Oh shit . ° Kyle

Get ready . ° Michael

It's arms , and legs got longer , than the possessed man tried to jump off , but we put him down with a lot of bullets.

Is that it ? ° Kyle

You just don't know , when to shut up do you ? ° Orion