

600 years ago, the old home(Earth) was destroyed when the Lycana, an intergalactic exterminator race, attacked the human race, although we evolved to defend ourselves to some extent, same couldn't be said for our home. We watched as our home planet imploded while we escaped to find a new home, we finally settled on Cassen, our new home, but the scar of the destruction of the homeworld etched deep within our souls. When we were finally an established force in our new home galaxy, we went out in search of traces of the Lycana, but circumstances impeded our progress. We sought for answers and we found one, a forerunner, a pathfinder who would go ahead of us in search of the damned Lycana, Vangaurd. Vanguard 001 was our first champion, our pathfinder, but years after his departure he was no longer heard from. That is when I was created, a war machine, My humanity lost along with my origins, my identity undefined, and unclear even to myself, but what is clear to me, is my mission, to find 001 and in the process myself, I am Vangaurd 002. "No, your name is David".

Night_Monarch_001 · Sci-fi
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33 Chs

The Lore of Alberuth

This time the familiar transition didn't occur, 002 finds himself standing in a white void, Weiss towering over him by his side,

"You have actually come across Alberith and survived"

Weiss remarked with a slight hint of surprise,

"You know of the Trelfs?"

002 inquired intrigued.

"I was once on Alberith I don't remember why I was there, but it has something to do with why I am here"

Weiss answered.

"If you are willing to listen, I will gladly tell you the true story behind Alberith"

Weiss offered sounding like an old man in need of company.


002 bluntly replied.

"isn't it about time for you to dissapate?"

002 retorted.

Ignoring 002's retort, Weiss begins to narrate but not before saying,

"When I am done, I will like you to tell me about, the Twin Pheonix of Solaris, i am quite curious"

"Why do you think I will?"

"Because in exchange I will teleport you directly to the heart of Locke"

"Why would I believe you?"

"I can't keep you here forever but I can make your consciousness dissapate along with me, do not forget, this is my domain, is this reason enough?"

Weiss replied almost letting out a smirk of triumph.

"I shall begin"

"In a time long forgotten, a tale known by few unravelled, the tale of Alberith and the fall of the Yotr.

The Yotr was a proud and blessed race, it was an ancient race of giants, they believed themselves eternal and undying. They had endured many cycles of nirvana, yet they survived and were reborn even stronger, they dominated the vast galaxy, and ruled as the sovereign race of the Eternal Galactic Empire for many millenia.

They had such potential that over the centuries they began to bare offsprings who could already be considered as a level 3 transendent, this was the kind of evolutionary level every race desired, but to attain this, they needed to go through a seemingly endless cycle of death and rebirth, but those who survived throughout the numerous galaxy clusters could be counted on only one hand, the Yotr were reveared as a mighty and noble race who were bound to reign for eons to come.

The Yotr were domineering and proud, they were ruthless to those who did not submit to them, and were greedy to conquer the universe, forcing all lifeforms to quiver and prostrate in their wake, those who don't submit will be deprived of half their kin and be reduced to slaves, those who submitted where divided and weakened, and those who actively swore allegiance became the dogs of the Yotr, they were unstoppable and tyrannical, but their tyranny brought them to their ultimate doom.

Their vast expansion brought them far, far enough to cross another celestial race, -the Albe race-, when they stumbled upon the Albe,they found it was a race of pacific creatures, wielding high intelligence, but lack the will of aggression, or rather they had opted for peace and tranquility.

The planet the Albe inhabited was known as Alberith, it was a planet filled with green, there were no structures that inhibited the green, they lived in harmony with the green, yet despite their docile nature, they had a history of brutality and destruction, leaving their neighbour galaxies in ruins in the end, they became a celestial race by forming a symbiosis with the planet's energy in the form of a world tree, they protect ed the tree and inexchange they were maintained by it, they swore never to harm it, but the countless centuries of peace had soften them and made them naive, they believed the Yotr came for friendship but they came to destroy.

The Yotr anilated the Albe in order to get Alberith for themselves, they believed it will further enhance their level of evolution as a celestial race, they uprooted Alberith the world tree from it's world after overpowering the albe, and brought it back to their home world Yotrhiem, as a result the Albe lost their vitality and seemingly weathered away.

A thousands years after Alberith was planted on Yotrhiem, it roots had crept in every cravas of Yotrhiem, it help the Yotr grow even s'more powerful, breaking the limits of old and attained the mithycal lvl 12 transendent, capable of creating lifeless planets by combining the celestial bodies, but this was the millennium plan of Alberith who was now fully integrated with the consciousness of the ancient Albe race.

The Yotr didn't know what hit them when Alberith struck, it began when the planet was deprived of energy, causing the Yotr who were below level 7 to be unable to muster enough energy, then it began to drain all those who benefited from it's energy of their vitality, even those off planet were not spared, they could only drop dead, Alberith used their vitality to spawn the ancient Albe race who poceded to slaughter the weakened Yotr, the more they killed, the more their fragmented consciousness began to reconstruct, the Yotr expected help from their allies, but no one dared to step foot on that cursed planet, even their own kin didn't dare, even the emperor who was a lvl 12, a quasi deity's life was simply snuffed out.

The surviving Yotr were now number one enemies of the Eternal Galactic Empire, they were hunted and killed or kept in captivity for their genetic material, the foreigners who were unfortunate enough to be on Yotrhiem on that dreadful day were forever trapped, and forced to live in hiding, Alberith had her roots all over the planet and didn't allow anyone to leave, wether by flight of by spacecraft, teleportation was neither feasibly as the energy was quite thin, and if you were found by Alberith, her slaves will come for you head.

In a span of decades the empire collapsed and the Yotr were forgotten, but every civilization that was once part of the empire kept records of Yotrhiem and Alberith, so that their descendants never find themselves coveting the beautiful green Planet Yotrheim had now become."

" I have fulfilled my part, it is now your turn"

Weiss said gazing at 002.