
Chapter 5.

"So how old are you?" the age was bugging Caroline so she asked him, she was not usually this noisy but she wanted to know more about him. The Vampire.

"Are you always this noisy?" He faced her, his red eyes full of amusement.

"No she is not," Mark interjected, "We all are curious." To prove his point, he looked at Linda and she too give a slight nod. After the incident, which no one talks about, this morning, she has been keeping her distance from him. She is not the type who gets scared easily, heck she is planning on joining the army after college. But the way he walked, the atmosphere of the room suddenly drops and the way her skin alerted, she knew she would have died today, if he hadn't controlled himself. She could still feel the faint touch of Cole's teeth, her left side of the neck still burns.

"Right. So where are we going exactly?" Caroline asked and Linda realized she had missed the previous conversation.

The sudden applying of brake causes her to come back in the car, "What the fuck?"

"I don't know," he frowns.

"What you don't know?"

"Mark, I don't know where we are going?" Cole confesses.

Linda rolled her eyes. "Why is that?"

"I haven't payed the rule makers a visit since a century." He opened the door and walked out.

They were in the middle of nowhere.

Caroline was sitting on the car's roof, eating a Popsicle, "Why did you not tell us before?"

"Is it a strategy to, you know" Mark make a sucking face while biting another large bite out of his pistachio coco.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"He said that you will suck our blood." Linda completed for him. And he offers her his ice cream.

Cole chuckled and the attention came back to the infamous vamp.

"I have said it before and I will say it again. I am vegan." He showed his coconut juice container, "I have been one since a century. Occasionally I feed myself to the luxury of human blood."

"Luxury? Human blood?"

"Vegan?" Mark wide opened his eyes to grasp the man before him.

"Yeah. Come on break is over." Cole walked to the car.

"Wait. We still don't know where to go." Linda pointed out as they sit inside.

"Yeah, we still don't know but my friend does." He smirks and start the engine.

"So your friend lives in Springfield?" Mark asked looking suspiciously at the white cottage in front of him. It was giving me cowboy vibes and he was not sure how to handle one. The land was covered in orchards and the blue berry one was a sight to behold. The faint smell of summer makes him pinch his nose, he was never the sun type of guy, all he wanted to do walk covered in layers of scarfs. He signed as he saw Cole, the imposter who take his friend's place in college, walk out of the car.

"Yeah." Cole pinch his nose at the foul smell of dung and carrying a very irritated face, he knock the door.

The shriek of the wood and the faint smell of beer filled up their noses and another pale person opened the door fully. The strong smell hit the nose and Linda moved a step back, just in case the drunk guy attack her.

"Joe? Is that you man?"

Cole look around and smiled a little. "I go by Cole now -" he hug the man in front of me, "- You know the old farts were after me."

"They will never learn the lesson, huh!" The guy in the cowboy hat chuckled and look at the three, humans.

Caroline was dumbstruck with the conversation going on, here was a guy who smelled of liquor and was possibly a vampire, in an old rugged and dirty jumper with a cowboy hat in the middle of Springfield. She tried to listen to their conversation some more, but the turquoise eyes of the cowboy drag her there. He was handsome and well built at she was sure he would cause some hearts to flutter, but she can't figure him out, whether it was the aura or those shades of blue that she can't help but stare at a friend of Cole's.

Ah! Cole. She figures the reason out, Cole Adams was the reason. Those eyes and those clothes, not the hat, bring back the memories of the time they spent in Montana during their summer vacations. Those were the days she craved the most when her dear friend, Cole Adams was still hers.

She blinked her eyes and looked at the rest of the crew, to her surprise, they were looking at her. "What?"

"We are introducing ourselves actually." Linda told her.

Cole stared at the blush that threatened to come fully on Caroline's face. He had not know the three since a long time but he gather much that Caroline wasn't the type to space out. But the blush was kind of cute.