
Chapter 4.

"What did you just said?" Linda yelled at the top of her throat.

"Calm down, okay." He pushed her down, urging the three to sit. But to no avail.

"Who are you again?"

"Okay. Look I am a vampire, okay." Cole signed and drink the coconut water.

"You just prove yourself wrong, Mr. Vampire." Mark commented gesturing to the water in his hand

"Coconut water has the same transfusion as blood and I am vegan by the way." He voice showing the traces of anger.

Caroline rolled her eyes, "Lets go guys, the last thing I want to hear is this."

The three never expected this to come, all they wanted was the imposter's help in searching for their friend but now he is going crazy with hour by hour.

"Yeah go away." The anger now clear in his voice, "But remember, the only person who can help you search for that history geek is me and if you don't help your friend fast, he is going to die."

Linda laughed the loudest. And the expression on Cole's face changes. The two other friend noticed the sudden drop in the temperature and the aura.

Cole moved towards Linda, slowly with a smirk hanging loose. Her sixth sense alerted her but alas she was late. Cole grabbed her hand, the cold in his body freezes her. The red in his eyes showcasing the hunger but all she could see was fear. She felt the faint touch of sharp teeth touching her neck.

But he move back and the temperature of the summer returns.

"I don't give a shit about you pesky creatures if you utter to anyone about this, I will personally make you my breakfast." He smirked and pointed at the door.

"Wait." Mark was the first one to recover, "You are really a ...."

He couldn't complete the sentence. Cole pointed again at the door. He knew this was a mistake, telling them about his secret was a mistake. He never should have trusted these creatures.

"Cole," Caroline whispered, "We are sorry," she put her hand on his, "We should have listened to you, please explain yourself. All of this is new for us. We are humans and..."

Cole enveloped her hands and stared back at the inky eyes, "Caroline, we don't have time. If you trust me than come along."

"Where?" Mark asked

"To save your friend."

"You are going to help us?" Linda asked with a good distance between the two.

Cole nodded, "Your friend is in my world and he is kidnapped because we have the same name, but clearly the rule makers are a bunch of idiots if they think I look like a pesky creature, I mean I am handsome." He muttered the last line and told the three to pack bag and whatever humans need in a long trip.

"So what are we using?" Mark asked

And Cole stopped the packing of his coconut water. Oh god, he didn't even thought about it.

"Don't any of you have a car or something?" he looked hopefully.

"Cole drives Chervolete, latest model." Linda smirked, her usual bubbly nature coming back. But the distance between her and Cole and her crossed hands giveaway her fear.

"Alright than it's decided. We are going to the Rule makers." Cole fist bump in air.

Caroline couldn't help but let the small trace of suspicion slip, the way Cole aways acting was odd, just a moment before he was all Bye bye with them now he is fist bumping in this trip. She wanted to trust the stranger, a vampire, but she could not.

He was a vampire, a paranormal creature, someone who should be a part of Twilight or Vampire Diaries not someone who was taking a place in college. Aren't vampires supposed to be in high school or something.

"Let's go Caroline." She nodded back at Mark.

Cole and Mark went to pick Cole's car and the girls went to buy necessary stuff.

"I think Mark should drive." Caroline said.

Cole pause and raised his eyebrow at her, his eyes questioning.

"Yeah it makes sense, he is human and you are -"

"Getting stereotypical now, are we?" he smirked and take his wallet out, showing his latest Driving License, "I think I make more sense here, I will drive and I won't sleep."

The three friends agreed and went inside. With Caroline in front, Mark and Linda in the back, the drive to save Cole Adams began.