
Chapter 3.

"Did you open it?" Cole asked the intruders.

Linda sighed and take a sip from the coconut water, " We would if we could?"

"Is that my coconut water?" He furrowed his brows to take a look at the bold move, for all they knew he could be socio path on loose or the person who kidnapped their friend, college is really an amazing place, he thought.

"Yes, it is, you have no food except for this?" Linda rolled her eyes and made herself comfortable on the bean bag.

"Guys, please"

"Carolina is right," Mark said."So you were not able to open the letter?"

The stress line increases, he knew his hunch is never wrong.'To Manly Cole,' The receiver's address says.

"Is your friend manly?" Cole tried to crack a joke, despite knowing the true meaning behind the word manly.

Linda snickered, "What the hell are we even doing here, listening to him shitting around? We should call the cops-

The paper tearing pause Linda, she couldn't believe her eyes, the letter was opened. The same one with what she and her two friends were trying to open for the past two days.

Cole teared open the letter and smirked at the shocked faces, "Dear Asshole," The salutation read. Cole knew the letter was addressed to him, the rule makers.

He sat on the nearby couch, holding his face in his hands, the exhaustion was pretty clear now.

"What happened?" Carolina asked.

"I think its a prank." Cole put the letter back, "It has nothing else in it." Lying was now his second nature.

Mark's stomach made some noise and the three friends realized they haven't eaten since breakfast, so they decide to go to the vending machine.

"You think we don't where you are, just because we don't come after you, you think you can do whatever you want?" Cole read out the letter.

"So did you find anything?" Caroline asked as she pass him the sandwich she made for everyone.They decided to stay the night with Cole. And now they all were planning to search for their friend, together.

Shaking his head to the sandwich, Cole got up from the couch and made his way to the table.

"What are you doing?" Linda asked in a hoarse voice, she had just woken up and was mushing on the PBJ her dear friend made.

"I still have a class to attend." He stated. On his way out he turned around, "Stick around till I am back, will ya?" He wanted to slap himself for this, he knew if they stick around he will eventually help them.

But he have a plan and all he can wish for is the plan to not come biting him in the arse.

"Hey Evans" Cole called, he knew he was being a jerk but he got to behave as if he was truly clueless, his friendship was really precious.The girl waved back and jogged back to him, despite the hurt she wanted him to be her friend and that was what she is going to do.

"So what are you doing in the spring break?" she asked him a very neutral topic.

"What.... What break?" Evan stared at him, with a puzzling look, she said, "You are kidding right?"

Cole scratched the back of his neck, laughing nervously, "No?"

"Cole spring breaks, the special 12 days holiday for the college students, to go home... you know that sort of stuff," she throw her hands in air, "You are sophomore." She stated, as if that was meant to explain everything.

Cole decides to not press the matter further and only focused on the fact that he is getting vacation, he can finally search for food, he is craving that so much.

"Cole Adams you are required in the office." Some girl with a badge told him. He is not the type who follow orders but he has to. If he wants to live here than he have to do everything a college student is required to do.

"Yes," he opened the door and himself comfortable. "Cole," the Principal of the college smiled sadly, "My child, I heard what happened with your father -

He cut the principal off, "Wait, what happened with my father?" he realized his mistake as soon as the sentence left his mouth.

"Oh dear, I know the accident was hard on you," Mr. Sharma consoled him, he is a middle aged, hefty man with a beard. According to his friend, Dravin, he is in this field for the past ten years.

"Right, the accident." Oh boy, just much is this Cole guy going through, first the accident and now kidnapping.

They talked for a while, the real reason why he wanted to talk to Cole was, there is a big history competition in the beginning of June, a week after the spring break and Cole Adams happens to be the winner of 'The World History Championship'

"Why the hell someone even wants to study something ancient?" he muttered to himself as he walked in the muddy field.He was by now sure that the one who kidnapped Cole Adams was The Rule makers and he won't be alive, once they know he is not the real guy.

On one side he can run away right now, after he get his stuff from the dorm room, or he can lie another time and send the three away and continue living like the guy or he can help them.

The last thought cause shivers and he wrapped his hands around his body, he knew what he is going to do, he was stupid to do so, it can cause him his life, now that would make an amazing sacrifice.

Smirking at this, he kicked the empty can on the muddy field and walked to the dorm with the letter safely tucked in his jeans pocket.