
Vampire Deus

Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >

KURO_SCAN · Fantasi
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23 Chs

Place of memories

They entered the Dormitory together, it is a 4 story facility, with a cafeteria, the students had individual rooms, so they didn't have the problem of living with someone else

As they walked through the halls of the dorm they met a certain acquaintance of Dark's, a woman with black hair and blue eyes, dressed in a summer dress she is tall with excellent body, almost on par with Stella

-Oh, Irina," said Dark with a cheerful tone in his voice.

Irina looks at Dark confused as if she doesn't know him -You are you?

-Ah... right... I'm Dark," she says smiling nervously.

Stella who was next to him, had a curious look on her face when she saw the woman in front of her.

-D-Dark?" She was astonished to see her friend's appearance.

-That's me," she says with a smile on her face.

Irina who couldn't believe what she was seeing fixed her eyes on Stella, her beauty was dazzling. Dark, who noticed that Irina was looking at her partner, intervened.

-The girl standing next to me is Stella, you can consider her my wife," he said with a big smile on his face.

Stella when she heard what Dark said, her face blushed because of the embarrassment of being called wife.

-My name is Stella Tepes, Dark's wife," she said with a notorious embarrassment in her voice.

Irina who was still in a daze involuntarily replied

-Her eyes jumped between Dark and Stella.

-But you look so different..." Still in disbelief at Dark's appearance.

Dark tilts his head a bit as if he was confused.

-Hum? I'm still the same as always, but it was nice to see you, I have to go to my room - he said trying to avoid the subject.

Dark started walking followed by Stella

-ah Yeah... sure- He said watching Dark and Stella pass by his side.

Stella kept looking at Irina as if she was trying to analyze her, without anyone noticing a murmur came out of her lips

-She would be a good choice-


Dark entered his room followed by Stella, the room was located on the 4th floor of the dormitory.

-So you lived in this place, it's pretty simple? Stella looked around curiously.

The place had a bed, a desk and a closet, plus there was a door probably the bathroom, Dark spent most of his time working or at the University, although he often used to go to Emma's house, there was no decoration or anything that marked a style of its own in the room.

-I've lived here for 5 years," he says, feeling nostalgic at the sight of his room.

[He hardly spent any time here.]

Dark's routine was from home, to college, from college to work, and from work to home.

-Well, until today you live here," says Stella with a smile on her face.

- What do you mean?

-You'll live with me, won't you, you're my husband after all, it's the most natural thing to do," says Stella sounding as if it were a fact.

[And having to leave this place... I could do it but... I'm going to miss it.]

Stella walks over and sits on the bed, she pats the bed as if inviting Dark to sit down

[It's nice to have a beauty like her.]

Dark walks over to the bed and sits down next to Stella,

-Stella, I feel like I'm getting carried away with the situation, it's a little uncomfortable for me, even though I'm accepting the fact that I had a change, it's strange, but even though I feel this way, I don't regret it- Dark reveals a little of his thoughts.

Stella gets up and sits on Dark's lap.

-That's normal, what we did yesterday is a big change for you, although you were special in a certain sense, I'm sure that as long as you weren't involved in something supernatural, you weren't going to awaken what's inside of you" she says with a noticeable sadness in her face and continues

-After all, because of me, you got involved and as a result you are now here, although I feel happy, I feel that because of me you were forced into this".

Dark hugs Stella from behind

-Don't worry about it, to be honest, I don't know what I would have done with my life yesterday, I felt so bad and annoyed with myself, probably if you hadn't shown up I would have ended my life right there- [After all, the only person who would have been here is Stella].

[After all, the only person I was counting on betrayed me].

Stella turns to face Dark.

-What were you doing in that place yesterday?" she says worried about what Dark is saying.

Dark turns his gaze, hesitant to tell Stella the reason, even though he had the determination to end the relationship, there's still some feeling for her, they were together for many years.

[Should I tell her?]

Internally deciding whether or not to tell Stella, he finally decides that it is right to do so

-Well... listen the person I was with, she cheated on me with someone else, I mean yesterday- Dark had mixed feelings when talking about the situation.

Stella's brow furrows

-Is that the person who called you yesterday?" she says with obvious disgust on her face.

-Yes..." Dark nods with a slight sadness in his eyes.

Stella sighs heavily

-Well, it doesn't matter, you're with me now," she says with obvious satisfaction on her face.

I couldn't help smiling at her words -You're right- -Since this is the last time you're going to be here, shall we do it?

-Since this is the last time you'll be here, shall we do it?" A small lustful smile forms on Stella's face.

-It's a very good idea.

-Sending a light Burst of crimson energy to close the door to the room.

A big Smile forms on Dark's Face.


Let's go back in time a little bit, around the time when Stella and Dark did the marriage ritual.

-What is this girl doing?

A tall, muscular man, blond hair, pale skin and blue eyes, just walked into his office, he had a large amount of paperwork, on top of his desk.

-I know I told you I was going to respect your opinion and back it up, this is too much," shouting in exasperation.

The man sits down on the chair in front of the desk and begins to review the papers, the more he read the reports the more a vein began to pop and throb in his forehead.

[This little girl, she already had someone in mind, a human, special power?]

The man's eyes widened as he read the following lines.

[She incapacitated Marcus!]

Marcus is one of the top commanders, of his Kingdom.

[Although he is not an active fighter, his strength cannot be ignored, if he trained he could easily be one of the most powerful]

-I just read a couple of pages and already my head hurts," he says sighing heavily, with the papers still in his hand.

The name of that man is Black Tepes, the King of the Vampires, and Stella's father.

[There's nothing left to do but to check the paperwork, all for my sweet daughter.]

A small smile forms on Black's face, but suddenly, his expression had a 180-degree change.

-What the fuck!" Black's face distorted with rage.

-The family connection was severed.

The only way to sever the Family connection is for a member of that family to perform a marriage ritual, Black knew it, he knew that his daughter, had married and that probably, his precious daughter would be with that human, being one of the complementary requirements to sever the family connection, to have a carnal relationship, Black's mind, was in anger.

-This little girl... no... yes... it's all that bastard's fault," Black's eyes were lifeless.

-It's all that bastard's fault!

-It's all that bastard's fault...

-Yes..., it's all that bastard's fault...


-Yes, my lord.

A middle-aged man in a butler's suit enters the office.

-We are going to the Human world.

The butler bows in a curtsy and adds

-Yes sir, but first you must finish the paperwork.

Black's face distorts

-Get everything ready to leave as soon as I finish this.

-As you wish.

[You'll see, I'll find you] A big smile forms on Black's face.

-Dark just sneezed and a shiver ran through his whole body.

Stella, who is on top of him riding him, notices it and asks

-Everything ok?" with a curious look on her face.


[What could that have been?]

For the people who read this novel, I would really like you to leave your opinions in the comments, I don't know if I'm doing it right, so I ask for your help

and thanks for reading this story


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