
Vampire Deus

Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >

KURO_SCAN · Fantasi
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23 Chs

In the castle

Two hours later

Dark and Irina are lying on the bed, still naked and hugging each other.

-We have to go somewhere," Dark says getting up from the bed, "your clothes are damaged so wear something of Stella's for now.

Irina, who was listening attentively to Dark's words, nods.

Dark opens a nearby closet and takes out a black dress and some black sneakers and brings them to Irina to put them on.

-Dark, is there any underwear? - Irina asks a bit nervously

-I don't think there wasn't, but I can generate something for you." Extending one of her hands towards Irina, a small light covers her and a black bra and panties are generated.

Irina is surprised by Dark's action

-Amazing... can I do that too?" asks Irina with enthusiasm.

-Yes, you should, but right now we're in a hurry so you'll learn later." Generating clothes on her body, she creates an elegant black suit.

Irina dresses quickly and they leave the room.

Walking down the stairs, past a cellar, they arrive towards the basement,

[I'm really surprised that there is a basement made entirely of stone].

Standing in the center of the teleportation circle Dark instructs Irina.

-This here is going to take us to a castle, in the realm of vampires, so don't be scared," he says.

Irina nods at Dark's words and takes his arm.

-Let's see-

Dark gives power to the circle to activate, a light starts to come out of the teleportation circle and his surroundings distort, appearing in the real room of the castle.

Looking around, he sees a certain familiar figure that was waiting for him.


-Let's go this way, Dark - his gaze falls on the woman standing next to him -Welcome Irina- a gentle smile forms on Stella's face.

-Ah yes, thank you- Irina felt nervous to be in Stella's presence, it hadn't even been half an hour since they had been having intercourse.

-Don't worry come with me, Stella holds out one of her hands to Irina- Irina who was hesitant looks at Dark, Dark in response nods as if to say it's okay.

- Dark go to yesterday's room, my sister should be there- giving directions to Dark, Stella leaves with Irina towards somewhere.

[I guess it's okay] walking towards the indicated place Dark thinks about why Stella was so kind to Irina.

What Dark didn't know, is that Stella also had a connection with Irina and she felt, all the emotions from her, while they were together, that genre a certain bond before the sincere feelings Irina had for Dark

Entering the room indicated by Stella, Dark sees Akira s sitting on the furniture with a cup of tea in front of her.

-You're here," Akira notices Dar K and with a big smile she greets him.

-Yes... sorry for being late," apologizing for being a few hours late, it's currently 8 PM.

-No worries," says Akira standing up and waving for Dark to follow her.

Extending her hand towards a bookcase, making it disappear and leaving a tunnel in front of them.

-I'll take you to my personal training room, of course Stella doesn't know about it," walking into the tunnel, Akira takes Dark's arm and pulls him inside.

As they pass through, the entrance closes and the bookcase appears as if nothing has happened.

[For some reason I feel like I'm in danger...] Dark who is walking next to Akira who is holding his arm and burying it between her breasts, as he feels the soft sensation he can't help but be conscious of it

Akira was smiling seeing Dark's expressions.

After a few minutes and a few turns through the tunnel, finally light is seen, next to a large coliseum at the end of the tunnel.

-This is..." Dark is surprised to see the great structure.

It has a vast terrain and a large dome on the roof.

It's a subway coliseum, no matter what happens here, it won't affect the castle, no power, no screams...- Akira smiles seductively at Dark - Now let's test your ability, I know you had a little encounter with my father so... I'll test you-

-Dark is about to get ready when suddenly, he feels an impact in his stomach..." Akira smiles seductively to Dark.

Akira had sent him flying with one blow, rolling on the ground Dark finally manages to keep his balance.

-First rule kid, always watch out, you can't let your guard down like that- Staring at Dark lying on the ground- You thought I was going to go easy on you- Akira bites his lips at the sight of Dark.

A shiver runs through his entire body, making him shiver.

-I'm one of the most powerful Vampires, get ready- A sadistic smile forms on Akira's face.

[This is going to hurt]


Irina and Stella walk through the halls of the castle after parting from Dark.

[This is a bit awkward] Irina didn't know what to do, he had slept with her husband, but technically he is now her husband, meaning that Stella is now her partner, various thoughts were going through Irina's mind

After a few minutes they arrived at a garden, decorated with beautiful red flowers and trees.

In the center of the garden a table and three chairs had been placed by Stella's orders.

-Let's sit there," Stella walked to the table followed by Irina.

After sitting down, Irina was the first to speak.


-Stella Tepes, that's my name," looking at Irina, Stella speaks.

-Yes... my name is Irina Scarlett- She says speaking nervously without being able to look Stella straight in the eyes.

-There's something you want to say, isn't there?" Stella goes straight to the point without beating around the bush.

-Yes..." Nodding at Stella's words, she continues.

-Are you really okay with me being Dark's second wife," trying to look into Stella's eyes, Stella sighs and answers.

Stella sighs and answers - if I'm honest, I had already contemplated that fact, sooner or later Dark was going to get more wives, but I didn't think so soon - laughing softly Stella continues - I wasn't ready yet, but I think if it's you it's ok that fact, so don't be nervous and talk to me as if I was just another friend - giving a big smile towards Irina

-I understand I'll try to feel comfortable, but Stella, are you a princess," Irina asks with curiosity, Dark only told her that they were going to a castle in the vampire kingdom.

Stella nods, "Yes, my father is the King of our race".

Irina is shocked by Stella's affirmation.

[I didn't think it would be true]

-I should tell you Princess," Irina asks doubtfully.

-Don't worry about that, I don't feel like one, so call me Stella," she says indifferent to Irina's nervousness.

-I understand, Stella?

Stella smiles at Irina- Besides, your status in this Kingdom is high now-".

-What do you mean by that?" She seemed confused by Stella's words.

-Well, you married Dark and he is my husband, besides I am a princess, we could easily found a new house, with a Duke status easily.

-You mean Dark became a prince? - Irina says incredulously

-Yes, and you are the wife of that prince, that gives you a status similar to that of a princess.

-How confusing..." Irina didn't understand how the vampire society was managed.

-Well then you will understand, now I want to teach you basic vampire stuff, I guess you want to, keep on living like a normal person- she says before getting up- now look at me , most traits can be controlled by instinct or imagination, once I find your ways to use the energy, then you should be fine- -I understand- Irina puts all her energy into your body, I'm sure you'll be fine- -I understand- Irina puts all her energy into your body.

-I understand- Irina puts all her attention on Stella.

-Vampires drink blood, in our case, our husband's blood and he drinks ours, but we can also get nutrients from human food, but much less, if you don't control yourself well enough, your eyes will be red until you can control yourself, it usually happens when you are thirsty in excess, another trait is regeneration, if an arm is cut off we can make it grow again as well with any part of the body, the only way to kill a high class vampire like us is to pulverize us totally, another fact is that you don't need to sleep, but you can get tired mentally, so it's necessary to do it sometimes- says Stella while she stares at Irina.

-High class?" asks Irina with curiosity.

-Yes, there are classes among vampires, and we are high class, I turned Dark and Dark turned you, besides it's not normal, so I have a lot of interest in you" she pauses before continuing.

-The power, aura or energy whatever you want to call it, that manifests our race is violet, but Dark's is Crimson red and for some reason recently my aura changed to Crimson red as well as Dark's." visibly manifesting her energy, Stella is enveloped in a crimson red aura.

-Irina is surprised to see Stella.

-Now, you, do the same, close your eyes and feel the energy flowing through your body," Irina closes her eyes and concentrates on trying to feel the energy flowing through her body.

-I think I feel it," says Irina still with her eyes closed.

-Now try to move that energy and take it outward.

Irina frowns, the palm of Irina's right hand is covered by a Crimson Red Aura.

Eyes widen as Stella's palm is covered with Aura.

-So she is too- a slight murmur leaves Stella's lips.

Irina opens her eyes and sees her palm glowing slightly as if something was covering it

[Unbelievable, but it's tiring...] Irina stops moving her energy, her breathing is a little shaky

-Since it's the first time, that can happen- says Stella nodding her head to Irina- You have potential- -You have potential-

-How tiring on that," says Irina leaning her arms on the table, "Hey Stella, how did you and Dark meet," Stella smiles.

Stella smiles- Well, come on in- ....