
Vampire Deus

Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >

KURO_SCAN · Fantasi
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23 Chs

Father in law

-Dark What is this?

Stella speaks while holding a box in her hands.

At the sight of the box Dark's eyes widen.

-That's the only memory I have of my parents, apparently they had a taste for Egyptian culture, and in the orphanage I was in, they had several books about different religions, and since I knew my parents had a taste for that specific religion I researched it that way.

Stella opens the box, inside she finds ancient scrolls and ushebti figures, Dark approaches, takes a scroll from the box and opens it.

-This is one of my favorites, it talks about the Sun God," a small smile forms on Dark's lips and he continues.

-I like it because he can be considered a God of creation and he could do whatever he wants.

Stella's eyes look attentively at Dark, she thinks he looks like a child when he talks about what he likes.

Stella turns her gaze back to the box, as she was looking through the scrolls and figures, there was something that caught her attention, a small emerald green stone

-While she was staring at that stone, a voice echoed throughout the place.

-I FOUND YOU," a great murderous intent was felt all over the place.

-Eh? -Dad?

Stella hurriedly turns to find her father, grabbing Dark by the head and a gap of light forming on his back.

-Her father throws Dark into the gap and disappears, following that he looks at his daughter who is stunned by her father's sudden appearance, staring at her he says, "I'll decide if he's worthy of you".

He starts walking towards the gap and disappears.

-What the fuck?


"What the fuck happened?"

Dark is collapsed on the ground, slowly gets up and starts to look around him.

[I saw a man, he grabbed me by the head and threw me up in the air, but how did I get here?]

Dark had fallen into a wasteland, with black colored grass, puddles of a crimson red color, looking around him, suddenly a gap of light appears and from it, a man with a very obvious hostility towards him comes out

"So you're the brat."

The confusion on Dark's face was evident, he had been with Stella but suddenly he was dragged into this, with an unknown person, in an unknown place

[Why in these two days have I only met weird guys, how annoying, I'd better answer him]

"Did I do something to upset you?" Dark asks confused

The man's expression becomes distorted and a throbbing vein sprouts from his forehead

[Huh? Now what did I do?]

"You don't even know who I am" the man slowly walks towards Dark.

"Well I just met you" a small bead of sweat breaks out on his forehead.

[I'd better find a way to run away, I can't fight... Huh? Why did I even consider fighting?]

"Get ready brat" the man suddenly appears at his back and lands a punch to his ribs.

Dark went flying due to the impact

[Leaves me no options...] managed to stop after flying a few tens of meters, firmly resting his feet on the ground, Dark tries to see the man, but, looking towards the direction the man was in

"He's gone."

Looking up to the sky, a floating figure stares at him.

[Now he can fly too, wish he could do that too]

Dark was unaware, but slowly his mindset is changing, all the frustration he felt all his life, all his desires are blossoming there is little he can do to contain them

"At least you have stamina, a normal vampire would be dead by now" the man speaks, glaring at Dark

"Who are you?" annoyed by the situation, he wanted to know, who was the being that is attacking him

"You don't need to know"

The man's answer, made a vein sprout on Dark's forehead.

[You leave me no choice... Do you hear me?] A short silence falls, before an answer came


[Can we win against him?]

(It's impossible)


(That could certainly be possible, but you don't know the basics of the ability to teleport)

[What are my options?]

(In this case, unleash all the power you can control and hope it doesn't kill you).

Dark fixes his gaze once again on the man.

[There's no choice left, please help me]

(No need to be so respectful, I am yours after all, I can take any form you want, you just have to have an accurate picture of what you want, remember that)

(I understand, let's go Ra)

(It will be my pleasure)

A pillar of Crimson light erupts from Dark and expands into the surroundings, the eyes of the man floating in the sky suddenly widen at the burst of power

"Looks like he did have something..." a small murmur leaves the man's lips.

When the pillar of Crimson light vanished, there was Dark, standing with a jet-black kusanagi-no-tsurugi sword in his hand, one of his eyes changed to a crimson red color

[Hopefully it will work]

(Get ready, I'm going to teach you basic combat techniques, it might hurt a little bit).

-A sudden surge of information is sent to his brain.

(This hurts) A few seconds later the pain is gone.

(That's all I can do for you, the rest depends on your luck)

[Thank you]

Dark tightens his grip on kusanagi-no-tsurugi, stares at the man, raises his sword to the sky and lowers it as if cutting the air.

Moments later a slash of crimson light hits the man.

His eyes widened at the sudden attack on his body, blood gushed from his wound, but, almost instantly the wound closed.

-This could be fun." A murmur comes out of the man's mouth and he adds, "Well, brat, this is fun.

-Okay brat, it's time to have some fun," the man's eyes glow red.

Dark's whole body shuddered at the man's gaze.

[It got worse]

The man shoots off in Dark's direction

-Here he comes-

Dark manages to stop the man's right fist with the sword attached to his body, but even though he managed to stop it, he was pushed backwards and his feet were buried in the ground

[What a pain]

Almost instantly Dark's body shuddered, feeling something coming from behind his back, he stepped to the side, looking back, the man's arm extending towards the place where he stood, a large blast of air shoots out from his fist

[That would have gone right through me...]

Taking a big leap to get away

-There must be at least a few dozen meters," he says without taking his eyes off the man.

A big smile forms on the man's face as he sees Dark far away from him.

-Let's do something," he suddenly speaks, staring at Dark and continues.

-Throw your most powerful attack, if it satisfies me, I'll let you free and return you to the place where you were with Stella- [Do you know Stella?

[Do you know Stella?] Dark frowns.

-What's your relationship with her?" sounding a bit annoyed.

-I'm Black Tepes, King of the Vampires and Stella's father," he says staring at Dark and increasing his bloodlust, "I know you got married... you have to prove to me that you're worthy of her.

[Her father?]

-If I attack you with everything I have you let me free, I understand, you have to give me time to prepare myself- he says being confused.

-You're free to do it", crossing his arms and staring at Dark.

[Ra returns, Thank you]

(It's ok)

Fading kusanagi-no-tsurugi, take a deep breath.

[Something powerful, Stella...the stars have different temperatures, from red to blue...]

Dark extends one of his arms in Black's direction and closes his eyes in concentration.

[The red stars have a reddish color and around 3000ªC temperature].

A small red sphere is formed in the palm of his hand

[After the red ones, there are orange, yellow, white ones.]

The sphere in Dark's palm, changes from a red color and starts taking different colors, orange, yellow, white

[The maximum color of a star is blue and a theoretical violet, but... we don't need the logic... more temperature more and more].

The sphere in Dark's palm changes to a blue color and slowly turns to a violet color

[I don't think I'll ever have this facility again, I must go all out]

His sphere generates so much heat that the ground is melting

-More power...

[That's all I can do]

Dark opens his eyes and stares at Black, as if sensing Dark's intentions, Black prepares himself.

-Come brat, show what you can do!

-The sphere shoots out from his palm and expands in Black's direction.

Black prepares to catch it with his hands, but, he can't stop it, he is dragged backwards, a violet colored aura comes out of Black's body, more and more power is released, but he is unable to stop it.

-Enough!" A large pillar of Violet light comes out of Black's body and sends the sphere of light into the sky, seconds later the sphere leaves the planet.

-Phew, that was hard," Black looks at Dark, "You have power brat, but you don't know how to use it, I'll let you go back.

At the moment Black walks towards Dark, a huge explosion from space illuminates the entire sky.

Dark, who fixed his gaze on the sky, couldn't believe what he was seeing.

[I did that?] A bead of sweat breaks out on his forehead.

-Ha ha ha, that was unexpected." Black laughed as if he found that funny.

-Can I go now?" Dark asks anxiously.

-Black extends one of his arms, creating a gap of light.

[At last]

-Thank you- Dark walks into the gap of light and disappears.

After Dark leaves the place, Black, who was looking up at the illuminated sky, thinks

[That boy has divinity in him, besides... he's also a vampire... is he... A Vampire God?]