
Vampire Deus

Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >

KURO_SCAN · Fantasi
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23 Chs

After the battle

It has been two days since Dark's battle against Seiza << 52 Days to Duel


Akira is checking Dark who is sitting in the center of Akira's personal training room.

Moving his hand away from Dark's Chest Akira says. 

- Well, first your internal energy is altered, both of them, besides your body is not in good shape, and you are weaker than before.

Dark's face is relatively calm, he already expected this kind of consequences for using his energy in this way.

-Can I use my energy?

Dark is a little confused with Akira's explanation.

-Yes, but to a lesser extent than before, the damage you suffered will take a long time to heal, your physique can easily recover, but your energy can't.

A serious expression appears on Akira's face.

-Besides, your divine energy is the most chaotic, avoid using it for your safety.

Dark gets up from the ground and stretches.

  -Well, I guess I can only use my vampiric energy.

Akira, who was staring at Dark, crosses his arm and closes his eyes as if he was thinking about something.

-Well, I guess I'll be spending more time with you guys from now on

Akira says with an exasperated expression as he remembers the events of the previous day.


Dark, Akira, Stella and Irina, are together in Dark's room lying on the big bed that Stella bought for Dark, when suddenly a big rumbling sound is heard inside the castle.


  Black Tepes' voice echoes throughout the castle.

In less than a second Black is at his daughter's side, giving her a hug.

-Stellaa, are you all right?

Black looks at his daughter desperately

  Stella, who is not used to this kind of treatment, hits Black to calm him down.

-Yes, I'm fine thanks to Dark

Looking towards Dark who is lying in bed, watching the scene made by Black.

Noticing the presence of the other people Black clears his throat.

-Excuse me Stella, this happened because I was far away.

A guilty expression forms on Black's face.

Black had gone to the meeting between kings that is held once every 10 years, although Black was going to be an intermediary between the gods and the demons.

-Well, I'm fine, don't worry so much, Dark rescued us and we're fine, on the other hand he was the one who received more damage in comparison to us

Stella's expression blurs

Akira noticing her sister's expression intervenes


-Dark really did something incredible, according to the Energy traces I could detect, he fought against a Continental Class being, even though he's not as powerful as me, it was a great achievement for Dark. 

Akira who showered Dark with compliments, blushes at Dark's smile.

-Well anyway, he protected them.

Black noticing Akira's abnormal attitude squints his eyes, looking with suspicion he turns to Dark, biting his lips says

- If what they say is true... true... I have to make it up to you...

  Black says as if his heart is being squeezed....

She still can't accept that Dark is married to her daughter, and that he took her daughter's innocence away from her....

Dark laughs internally as he remembers all the moments he spent with Stella, after every training session Stella, Irina and Dark have long intense love sessions.

Keeping his poker face Dark says

- Even though I arrived by coincidence I did what I had to do, I don't think I should receive a reward for something that is my obligation to do, to take care of my family.

  A big smile forms on Dark's face.

Hearing the word "family" leave Dark's lips a small vein formed on Black's forehead and the smile only made him angrier.

Snorting loudly Black says

- I don't care, if you don't have something I'm going to reward you myself. 

A smile forms on Black's face

-I grant you the rank of Duke, a mansion outside the castle and an estate in Greenmount.

Dark is stunned by Black's sudden declaration.

Stella and Irina reacted the same way.

- Huh? 

But Akira was different

-FATHER, do you understand what you're saying?

Akira is exalted by Black's statement.

-Of course, I'm very conscientious 

Black had an arrogant smile on his face

Dark is confused by Akira's reaction.

- What's that about?

  Dark asks

  Black looks at Dark and says

- It means you're in service to the Kingdom

Akira looks at her father in exasperation and says

- It means that, if the King requests it, you must accept the missions he gives you, hearing "Duke" you think it's a good position but it's just a Shitty position.

  He pauses before continuing

-Also the title can be snatched away, in a battle to the death.

-In 3 months we'll make the announcement, I'll give you the provisional title.

  Black says before leaving the room

Stella and Irina were confused by Black's sudden statement.

Akira says

- Tomorrow we are going to the Human Kingdom, we will use my property.


-Are we leaving already?

  Stella who is next to Irina asks Akira


  Akira who is arranging the last details before their departure.


Irina who is helping Dark to Walk says

- What's this place like?

Akira turns to Irina 

- It's the same as the mansion Stella had, so there won't be any difference.

They are walking through the passageway towards Akira's teleportation circle.

A few minutes later they arrive to the circle,


-Well this is the place

  Says Akira who just showed them the mansion.

Irina who was the most astonished one says

- It really is the same place

-It certainly is the same

  says Dark still leaning on Irina

Stella had already been in that place before so her impression was more indifferent.

-We still need to see the 3rd floor

  Says Irina

  Dark who had listened to Irina's words says 

- Is it the same?

Stella seemed annoyed for some reason

Akira says

- Look first

  her face was starting to blush

Dark and Irina who saw Akira's reaction, were confused, but decided to go up to the room.

When they opened the door of the room, everything was the same, except for the big bed in the center of the room, Dark and Irina's eyes widened in surprise as they entered the room followed by Stella and Akira.

-Here we go to spend ....

  Said Irina astonished by the size of the bed.

Such a big bed full of pillows, easily 6 people could sleep on it.

Turning to Akira says Dark

- Will we all sleep there?


Stella replies

- Unfortunately yes

  crossing her arms and looking towards Akira 

Akira noticing her sister's gaze says

- It's for more security....

  She seemed a little nervous

-I understand

  Walking next to Irina, Dark lies down on the bed, followed by Irina and Stella, who lay down on each side of Dark, Akira who saw that scene looked exasperated.

-Two things, don't leave the mansion and don't have sex in front of me, okay?

  says Akira staring at Dark

Dark, feeling Akira's look, smiles nervously. 

- I understand

Bringing his gaze towards the two women, Akira says.

- Do you understand? 

Answering at the same time they say


-I don't promise anything

Stella responds sullenly towards Akira.

Akira noticing her sister's attitude, comes closer to Stella's ear and says

- Have sex in front of me and I'll take Dark to have sex with him.

Smiling coldly towards Stella 

- Do you understand?

Stella nods at Akira's words.

Stella knows that her sister always does what she says.

Akira noticing that Stella nodded smiles, walking to the other side of the bed, going to bed.

A few hours later

At about 2 Am, Dark couldn't sleep and wanted to go out, looking towards Stella and Irina who are sleeping as they came into the world

[They are asleep] raising his eyes a little he sees Akira, who seems to be sleeping, she had a nightgown over her

[Ra Will we be able to leave?]


(If she does it quickly she should be able to)

Thinking internally Dark, he wasn't sure about leaving.

[Well let's go]

Creating a crack millimeters from his back, Dark falls, appearing in his old room in the University dormitory.

-Ha, I didn't think it was going to work.

  Surprised Dark gets up from the floor

[Now what will he do?] Ra asks

-Walk I guess

  Dark says still unsure of what to do

Creating a black suit on himself Dark 

- It really hurts a little when I use energy

[He's not fully recovered yet, he should avoid using too much energy, having used the rift, he used up a lot of energy]


-I understand

Leaving the dormitories, Dark starts walking through the streets of Greenmount.

-I think today is Sunday

  Dark says as he walks through the deserted streets of the city.

The occasional homeless person appears on the street, but when they see Dark, they get scared and walk away.

[Probably most people are asleep or indoors].

-It must be that, it's still very quiet.

  He's been walking for a couple of minutes but not a single car has been seen cruising the streets.

-Do you want to demonstrate?

  Dark asks

[I would like to] Ra answers honestly

Appearing in front of Dark a teenage version of Ra appears in front of him.



Dark is surprised to see Ra's appearance

-It's to avoid excessive energy consumption, master.

  Ra says explaining the reason for his appearance.

Taking Dark's arm, Ra presses his maturing breasts on Dark.

-You should look about 16 or 17 years old.

  Dark says a little confused

-With this appearance there should be no problem in case we run into any humans.

  Ra says a little smiling

-I guess you're right

  Accepting Ra's reasoning, Dark accepts.

A few minutes later

-Master, I sense 3 energy sources, they are not vampires, a few meters ahead, they seem to be in some sort of alleyway.

  Ra says informing Dark

-Are they stronger than me in my state?

Dark asks before deciding what to do


Ra frowns as if he was thinking

-I should be fine 

Ra says with a serious expression on his face

- Besides, I have almost the same physical capacity as you, I'm not weak.

  Ra says smiling

Seeing that smile Dark, smiles and pats Ra's head, Ra's smile becomes even bigger.

[How cute]

Walking towards the alley, Dark hides his presence and sees two men cornering a girl.

Ra taps Dark's shoulder,

(If he ambushes them it should be easy, finish him off) Ra says in Dark's mind.

(Could you do that?) Dark is surprised turns to Ra.

(I'm part of you, so it's easy to do this).


Turning his gaze back to the 2 men in the alley he says. Dark [Let's see a little more, before we decide to do something]


One of the men towards taking the girl from her arms.

-No one should worry if you disappear.

  Says a black-haired man wearing a white T-shirt and green pants.

The brown-haired man wearing a yellow T-shirt and black pants, holding the girl's hands, says

- Neither in our kingdom nor here, a waif like you has no use.

The girl with light blue hair and golden eyes struggled trying to get out of the man's grip, but she did not scream, she did not cry, her look full of determination said that she was not going to give up without a fight.

The black-haired man approached the girl and hit her on the cheek, sending her to the ground.

- You are a disgrace to us gods


The girl was wearing sports clothes, they looked worn and dull.

The brown-haired man with one of his hands grabbed the girl's chin and lifted her up with force.

- At least your body and pretty face will be of some use.

  He says licking his lips

The girl spits saliva and blood on the brown-haired man's face, being hit again.

The black-haired man says

- After using you you will go to the same place as your parents.

  A sadistic smile forms on his face.

- you are going to die

Dark who saw the scene, only one word remained in his mind "Parents".

Ra who noticed Dark's thoughts says 

- I will support whatever decision you make Master

-Thank you

A slight murmur leaves Dark's lips.

Having his abilities reduced Dark couldn't carelessly attack two enemies whose level he doesn't know.

[Ra, stay here, help me in the worst case scenario.]


Dark creates a dagger in his hand and slowly approaches down the alley, being 4 meters away from the black haired man, Dark covers the tips of his toes with small violet lightning bolts, jumping forward, Dark cuts off the black haired man's head, the girl's eyes widen as she sees the man's head falling down

Seeing the girl's expression, the brown-haired man turns to find a dagger at his neck.

A cold sweat breaks out on the brown-haired man's forehead.

- I can give you the girl no problem, we can negotiate.

  says the man trying to persuade Dark

-I'm sorry, no deal

  Cutting off his head the man falls

The girl who had blood splashes on her due to Dark's attack, looked at Dark with fear.


Noticing that the girl's gaze was directed towards the dagger in Dark's hand.

Dark vanishes the dagger, and raises both of his hands, with a smile on his face he says

- I was passing by and I saw you in trouble, I wanted to help you.

The girl seemed confused by Dark's words.

Dark noticing that the girl doesn't answer says 

- May I know your name?

A slight murmur comes out of the girl's lips.

- Astarte...

-Oh, Astarte, what a nice name, I'm Dark.

  Extending his right hand Dark says

- Do you want help?

Astarte sees Dark's outstretched hand, small tears form on her face.

-Eeh, wait don't cry, Ra come!

Ra approaches Dark and Astarte


Ra seeing the girl crying says 

- I suggest you take her in your arms

-Are you sure?

Dark wasn't sure

Ra nods

Dark approaches Astarte, caressing her head softly, he takes her in his arms.

-Let's eat

  Dark says with a smile on his face

Astarte looked confused towards Dark

-Let's go Ra

Dark says coming out of the alley with Astarte in his arms.

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