

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

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The value of Time

All of them completed their dinner and as they can't completely drive the spaceship Lucas called a man from his planet to assist them in driving.

He came just now and everyone introduced themselves and Jack explained everything to him. His name is George Lee.

After a little movements Valerie called out Liam and asked him to meet her at the info room.

As she said Liam came there he saw that Valerie,Amelia and Jack are working on some samples.

He asked what are they doing?.

Oh you came aagh Liam said Amelia. Liam don't mine can you use your power and trap it in this test tube Said Valerie. Liam did as she said and later questioned why. She then replied Liam, in A book read by Jack it was noted that the power of dark ness have some complicated things like the cocoon fibre you made is more powerful that one in a million power can destroy but victor have a power of light Said Valerie. So you think that victor has a another power which made him to destroy the fibre right.

I am not sure about it but I hope it is the deal.

Through my knowledge I never heard someone possess two powers Said Jack. Haven't you seen any one like that asked Liam. No I haven't said Jack. Then you don't know much about your own mother Said Liam.

What!! Asked Valerie and Jack. Queen Marvina posses 2 powers they are teleportation and energy Said Liam. Energy means asked Valerie. It means anyone who possess this power can create any type of energy like water, fire, electricity and so on Said Liam.

All are amazed by the powers.

Mother, I have something to speak with you Liam Said Valerie. Yea say me.

You're the person who helped your mother to defeat queen yes or no.

Time will say the answer to you Valerie Said Liam. I need the answer now Liam you even know that I can know it on my own Said Valerie.

Liam just left the room.


Attention everyone wake up Said Jack. Due to his loud voice everyone woke up got ready and went to Jack.

I hope your ready for our individual tasks asked Jack. Yes said everyone. So let's head to our destinations.

They all got out of the spaceship and called their dragons for a ride to their destination which is 700 kms away .

On the way…

In Liam's capitalism

Catherine your dragon is soo cute and pretty Said Luna. Thank you Luna even your dragon is pretty and yet to see ,it is powerful. Not only to see but it also powerful in real. And Luna my dragon is also powerful you know. But it is not like that Catherine but….

What do you mean it is not powerful aagh do you wanna see its whole power. Yeah relax I don't mean that Said Luna. Slowly that started a big fight ,in between them the dragons and Liam are facing difficulty when they are getting out of control Liam spoke.

Girls will you please calm down your are getting out of control. Liam you only say how can she say about my cute dragon like that. No Liam she is not listening completely to me and started a fight. Now your saying I started a fight aagh asked Catherine. Liam don't have that much patience so he used a spell and stopped them from speaking.

While they are fighting in the other hand Jack and Amelia are very calm and are speaking about how to get the essence and what is its importance.

Coming to Valerie and Lucas, they reminded calm for a hour but when they decided to give some rest to their dragons they started to tease one and other. Like….

Lucas don't mine can you allow my dragon to drink the water first. No I can't my dragon is thirsty. Oh when onwards you started to have feelings for girls. What do you mean. I mean your dragon is a girl right you don't show any emotion to girl right then how come your showing now ,is your sole was replaced by victor or something. Do I have to say you just stand on a side.

It was around 3:30 they reached their destinations

Set 2 and 3 reached their destination at 3:30 whereas due to Luna and Catherine, set 1 reached their destination one hour later.

Everyone sent messages like they reached their destination before an hour here we are now see it's because of you Said Liam.

It's because of her only Said Catherine. Don't you dare to say a word Said Liam.

Fine let's go Said Liam.

After walking a few steps they were amazed to see that Lyra and Fia took aster and are flying. Liam and remaining tried to chase them but they went disappearing.

Oh no Said Luna. It's our mistake Said Catherine.

While they are speaking Liam dint even said a single word and was burning with rage. He thought it is Catherine's and Luna's mistake due to which they dint got the aster so they went back and on the way Luna called quack sir by a magic portal by which she told the situation but quack sir did nothing just closed the portal.

While this happened with Liam's team . Valerie and Lucas also faced the same issue because the harmony bird won't be long it will be just for 7 quick hours from 1:00 to 7:00 which was known to them, only when they went to a woman and asked . They too felt very sad because they were unable to complete the task when they called quack sir and asked his permission of staying upto tomorrow he said only one chance and he will send another team to go their.

On the other hand we don't know is it because of bad luck or not but Amelia and Jack also failed in the task as all essence in the lake vanished due to crack in the land when they asked the people their they said 2 hours back God's server came and took the magic essence in a jar and left.

All of them were devastated by the thought of going again to magix and face the queen and their master.

All of them reached the spaceship at night.

When they gathered in a place

We don't have time sense Said Amelia. That's true actually if we were fast enough we would had got the aster, book, essence Said Luna. They dint spoke any further and fallen asleep.

Next day

They reached magix,, in the ashram…

You all failed in the battle no one here is useful all are selfish because of each of you only you failed Said quack sir.

Jack spoke we are sorry sir we won't repeat again.

What you won't repeat Valerie and Lucas come ahead.

Yes sir said both of them. How many times have I told you not to mess with each other but you keep on repeating this I am not going fail in giving punishment this time Said quack sir and ordered each one of them not to eat for a full day and to give their precious thing to him if they again repeat the same quack sir will throw the things in the burning lava.

Everyone were frightened by the thought of losing their things .

He asked will you all do this again. No sir replied everyone. Loudly. No sir . Still loudly will you repeat again. No sir they said out loudly.

Then Valerie, Liam, Jack and Luna go and get the aster of plack. Sir but we missed it know sir asked Luna.

No you dint, the vision which you saw before is just magic which we created to show you the value of friendship and time.

Sir that means the bird and the essence is also there now ah sir asked Valerie. No there is nothing like harmony and essence I just created it Said quack sir.

Even the book is false or not sir asked Lucas. The book it is true now everyone as a 2nd punishment you all 7 members go and clean and magical library and tomorrow as I said Liam, Luna, Valerie and Jack go and get the aster.

Sir magical library it is dangerous place know sir and it was not opened after the death of queen Marvina because she only have access to it Said Amelia. As now we have Jack and Valerie who are children of Marvina queen can also open it Said quack sir. Sir last doubt sir asked Catherine. What?. Sir if they go to find aster what are we gonna do sir. You will sweep the ashram Said quack sir .

Sir!!! Said Catherine.

And One-more thing the magical library in which your going will have deadly traps even I can't say you will come out of it or not Said quack sir.

Sir!!! What!!!! Said everyone

[ let's see what can be found in the magic library and will they come safely out of it or not]

Can any one guess which things were given by each 7 members to quack sir.

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