

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Just a dream or a sign?

Little do they know, they went to the library which is like playing with death of course.

The door was slightly opened which made them fear to the death. They often don't laugh in the face of danger especially Luna is afraid of dark.

The door was opened by them. No light so lighted the room. The view made them to say wow.

As queen Marvina is an intelligent and intellectual person due to which she made a door that can never be opened without nothing.

They thought what's the key To open the door.

A large scroll was landed on Jack's head. He took it with care and opened it he read out loud about the question "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? ".

Everyone were completely in the dark about the question they deeply but to their bad they dint got an answer. But astonishingly Amelia said sound. Suddenly Amelia went into a deep hole like suddenly the ground opened and took her in.

Everyone panicked due to the situation and thought where might she went. Another scroll came and landed on Valerie. She

Opened it and read correct answer as echo.

They were frightened and don't know what is gonna happen next.

The wall moved backward and they can see that there are many arrows which were ready to target them. 3,2.1 here we go said all of them

There was a rush in their hearts as the arrows are about to hit them Lucas used his powers but in the direction of Valerie she panicked and shouted. She opened her eyes and saw Amelia behind her patting her head.

She woke up and realised that it was a dream and when Amelia asked about it she said it was a realistic dream. And she questioned her self when did she went to bed. Then it was known that Valerie blacked out at the spot where quack sir is speaking and she was taken care by them and now it's dark so she did eating and slept still wandering about the dream.

Valerie woke up in the middle of ghost hour due to drastic change in the room temperature but again she fell into bed.

She woke up again when she heard a sound of someone walking so went near the door to see if someone was there or not. She opened the door and saw Amelia standing in font and looking at her , she screamed .

She asked why was Amelia awake she replied by saying I heard someone walking so I came to check on and as they made sure that no one is there again they heard wind whistling and little spooky hissing sounds, so came out to check again. This time the picture is different they saw two ghosts coming in their way they were unable to move due to sudden shock Amelia screamed loudly due to which the two ghosts shouted and even Liam came running towards them.

Liam took the art work behind him and smashed one ghost. What smashed as ghost? Is it not a soul…..

Another ghost gasped and removed the cloth over its head. Valerie shook her head in shock.

The two ghosts are Lucas and Jack.

When Amelia asked them what is this naughty thing jack replied by saying " we thought there are some ghosts roaming here so in order to fear them out we dressed up like this".

Liam shouted and said go to your room you idiots And take this piece to your room Jack. And stormed from there.

They all went to sleep in fear.

It is amazing to know that even though this many Chios are happening Luna and Catherine are still asleep. What a luck.

It was next day morning Valerie is the last person to wake up, while she is completing her morning obligations, Luna came running to her and started to knock at the washroom door.

After a little while when Valerie came up Luna grabbed her and took her to the garden where Amelia is acting weirdly by plucking out all the trees and plants which are most valuable to her as she adores them. Valerie asked Luna what was going on she replied by saying ," she is acting strangely but removing all her favourite things Valerie ".

When Valerie tried to calm her , she didn't stop in fact she pushed Valerie away and said ," Sorry Valerie these trees are dangerous they give out oxygen we shouldn't live so I am killing them.

Luna used her powers and stopped Amelia for causing further trouble. And Valerie used her powers and made Amelia to sleep. When they thought the problem is over Liam came running towards Valerie and asked her either he can be Valerie's friend or not, Valerie was in a shock like how come a heartless person came and asked Valerie that question.

She dint thought anything and pushed him away. When she thought to call quack sir in case of him arrived at ashram, Liam started to grab Valerie's leg and gave a flower to her.

Valerie asked for Luna help and she brought a rope and tied him tightly. While they are thinking about Liam and Amelia's unusual behaviour they heard a loud scream and when they went in that direction they saw Jack crying for help because he fallen off the roof while trying to bring his kite.

Valerie and Luna went to him and asked what's the matter but Jack is sobbing a lot so Valerie thought for a second and came to conclusion that Jack had become childish so we need to give him something so that he can play. Luna took him to give something.

Something is bothering Valerie so she thought to check on others.

She ran towards Lucas who is about to drown in a river. Valerie is unable to help him because she is Afraid of being drowned in water when Lucas shouted out loudly ,Valerie risked and dived into river to help him. And she did .Lucas thanked her but she slapped him so hard .

Luna came running and asked Valerie why did she slap him, when she didn't replied Luna took Lucas to the place where Jack is playing.

On the way when Luna is going to Valerie, she saw Catherine fallen on the ground she took her to the bed and called Valerie to heal her . Valerie came running and saw that Catherine's body temperature is very high so tried to heal her with powers but her powers don't work so they thought of another solution and Luna brought a wet cloth and kept it on Catherine's head and Valerie brought some medicines but Catherine don't woke up she fainted.

They sat behind her thinking of what is happening to everyone then Valerie and Luna thought at a time like they are behaving opposite to their behaviours Valerie spoke," see Amelia is a nature lover but now she is hating, Jack is matured but he is childish, Liam is behaves like he doesn't have any emotion but now he is full of emotion and Lucas takes and deals everything intelligently and seriously but now he became a fearless and headless person". Luna also then agreed to her but questioned why…

A women came and told them that quack sir came so Valerie and Luna went to him and asked the women to see Catherine.

Quack sir asked what happened to all of them. They said they have No idea so quack. Sir used his magic and known that all of them are acting opposite. Luna asked why dint Valerie and her not changed. Quack sir asked both of them to say a situation where you both are not involved and remaining are?..

They replied today early morning they (remaining)said that they are going somewhere.

Quack sir used again his power and found that they are under some magic spell and there is only one solution to it and that is the reverse solution . When they asked where it would be found he asked Luna to go to her motherland and find it in the flower and magic laboratory.

Luna said ok sir and I will be before today night.

Quack sir gave some instructions and sent her.

When Valerie asked what is she gonna do he said take care of all the remaining and left to queen place as he has an important work on the aster.

Valerie, don't know what to do because she can't take care of all the 5 members but she thought to start and went to gather all the 4 members .

She saw Liam still being tied in the rope and removed it to her bad Liam is asleep dreaming about Amelia saying something that she can't understand.

She thought before only Liam is good even though he is emotionless now he is out of control.

Valerie gathered all her strength but can't hold Liam in her hands and Nether take him in a piggyback ride so she called a soldier passing by and asked help.

She asked the maids to give the 4 members food.

Valerie again went to Catherine and tried to heal to their good Valerie cured her just 5./.

And her temperature started to decrease but she is not awake so asked someone to call a cure person.

Again went back to garden because Lucas was sitting there silently without eating anything.

She sat behind him and asked what happened he decided to leave but Valerie took his hand and asked him to sit. When he sat she asked again. He said I overheard your conversation with quack sir. She asked don't you know you shouldn't hear others conversation.,

He asked don't you know you should slap someone. She said sorry for behaving like that. Lucas said no problem . Valerie said wow you accepted if real Lucas is there he would have not been spoken to me at least this much time .

As due to his condition he understood nothing. Valerie convinced him on coming for eating breakfast.

They went and they ate.

When she thought the problem is half over Liam came to Valerie and asked again the same question. This time called said if you wanna be my friend promise me one thing. He promised . She asked him to be nice with everyone and he agreed.

Like that the day was continuously going for them but on the other hand James was furious on Fia,Lyra ,fillipa and zeal because they failed to get the aster off plack from the survivors. There Lyra asked James about the 5members weird behaviour like is he the reason behind it. But James said he had nothing to do with it and even if he wanna try to do something like that he would definitely try to do it for Valerie.