

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

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32 Chs

The Stolen Aster

Why do we have to do this running said Valerie. I am very tired how come they are running very fast as us asked Luna. Actually they are running very slow, with their powers they run 18 km/h Said Jack. How much can we run like this I am too tired Said Amelia.

[All of the 7 are running and speaking about the survivors of aster of Ohio]

Not any more Amelia see we are blocked by them all around Said Lucas.

Finally we got you said Said someone with base voice. Look sir we dint done anything like we dint stolen your aster said Catherine. We don't know that all first Seattle close their eyes with a cloth and take them to the Ohio forest of great Said that man. Excuse you can't do it Said Liam but all of the survivors / warriors applied some magic which made them sleep.

After some time all the friends found themselves in a large pot.

Where are we asked Amelia. Don't know but I can say that we are in a pot and all of you get ready to become meal Said Jack. Which meal??? Asked Luna. Oh no Luna look up it is a monster with large appetite today it is going to get good food Said Valerie and everyone freaked out as they are going to became a lunch of some body.

Everyone stop speaking said a old man. Sir we dint stole any type of aster sir please trust us sir Said Amelia and Catherine. Just stop me as the owner of the aster Ohio know who stole and who but here we found you and brought you because you posses great powers. That means your leaving us sir asked Jack. No no we want you to bring the aster back from the person who stole it that's it. Sir but we don't know who stolen it and we even don't want to be in this pot for one more sec also said Valerie.

No more speaking now your white hair boy and you pink hair girl , blonde hair girl , green mint hair boy , black hair girl come out Said the man. How can we sir asked Luna. bring them down ordered the man and brought Luna , Catherine , Amelia ,Jack and Lucas down .

What should we do here asked Valerie and Liam. Monaco send them to get that person who stole aster and everyone out said that man.

Excuse me sir we don't leave them here all alone said Jack. Hello please leave him said Valerie. But no use that old man dint even care a word and came to Liam and Valerie.

Long time no see my cute little girl and boy said the man. Excuse me sir do we know you??. Yes your parents do know me Valerie, I am master of your mother and father vi. Really do you know where they are now ,is my mother alive asked Valerie. Valerie you know the answer right Said vi.sorry sir for asking but why you brought us here. Because of the aster it was stolen by someone and we need your help. What sir asked Liam. It is ,you should see past and future now. How??? Sir asked Valerie. But sir using the both powers at a time will make a lot of destruction. I know it Liam but the Ohio aster is most powerful one if it is in wrong hands then almost half of the power of diamond of eternity will be in their hands. But we can't do it sir and I don't want to. What happened Liam?. I don't want to that's it Said Liam. Liam I know why your backing off but you should do it Said vi. Sir!! I don't know what made him to stop it but here I am also not ready until he says yes. Liam!! You are smart and you know the consequences of the aster getting stolen right.


AMRIO the power of time make them see past and future of the aster of Ohio Said Liam and Valerie.

Suddenly a beam of light came and shown all the events of Ohio aster and vi found the culprit it is James

Enough Said vi. What sir have you saw the person who stole it. Yes Liam it is James. It know it sir said Valerie. Now we should see...

Was being said by vi but he was interrupted by a survivor of aster. He came running Said James came here. So Everyone gathered in a large green field where James is speaking like this.....

Hello vi I don't have time so give me the power to hold the aster with my hands Said James. I don't give it to you . Then get ready for a battle, now Fia. Valerie and Jack came front to fight but James said that he want to do this battle.

Why change in plan asked Fia to James. Do I have to say you. Yes you should sir. No need just be calm and see the consequence, Valerie and Jack come on you guys. Valerie and Jack are in a shock and dint understood why James is coming this time.

Defence said James. Dragon flames...…..

Said Valerie.Flames of fire.. Said Jack.

Suddenly Liam came from no where and stopped the battle. Stop it James if you wanna fight then do it with me and one more thing you became a witch you are not the one who you are now. Stop the nonsense Liam and I don't wanna fight I just came here to get the power of the master vi but what you know I got it right now and Valerie I think so today are saved because of this Liam I hope Said James and disappeared in the thin air with his laughing voice left behind .

What is happening I am not all understanding what is happening said Valerie. It is because of him master vi. What are you saying Liam.

Liam suddenly went closer to vi and grabbed collar. You Martin how can you do this you just ruined our plan now how can we get the Ohio aster after it was completely owned by James now and how can you kill your own friend said Liam.

To a shock vi turned into Martin and real vi was brought by Catherine and Lucas.

How can this happened she should've been no more but how did you find it. Stop it Martin and get out now Said Valerie. But we are in outside only Valerie Said Jack. Stop it Jack and you Martin your are not trust worthy and leave now said Valerie. To a surprise Lyra came to pick up Martin and he did went inside the lira's space ship.

Master vi we are very sorry for what happened Said Valerie. I don't have words Valerie and you may leave to your next destination as you have nothing to do with this planet anymore as James's sister will make this planet miserable.

All of the 7 Said sorry. Sir as I was known that you are my parents Teacher I will make sure that their children will bring the glory of this planet back. Hoping so Valerie and I hope can see them in you Said vi and left.

Soon they all found themselves in space ship speaking with Shang sir and leaving the planet Ohio in a shock.

What are you saying Jack ?? Asked Shang sir. We are sorry sir we will not repeat it again sir trust us next the planet blue's aster will be ours sir Said Liam. Shang sir said all the best and said don't worry about the aster of Ohio.

Now with their magic they automated the space ship and sat for a group meeting.

It was a shock right Said Amelia. Yes we went and came back very soon without doing anything Said Luna. But Liam how did you know that vi is not vi sir and he is Martin asked Catherine. Because when future and past are seen the future can be seen by me and outer person, past by her and outer person so at that time I saw that Valerie went to save Jack and lost her life and even me asking Martin why he did it. Liam don't you know that changing future by seeing is dangerous Said Valerie. But ones life is very important so I did it now past is past let's get the aster of blue Said Liam. Yes and I even heard that aster of blue warriors are weak to dragon fire and ice powers so it's Lucas and Valerie turn to defeat them mostly Said Jack.

I think so we should give a chance to Amelia this time as she also possess ice powers Said Catherine. Yes said all. Valerie what do you think asked Lucas. Why are you asking her man Said Liam. To irritate you and asked again the same. I hope that we all should try to defeat them Said Valerie. All of them said yes and soon they reached planet blue.

All of them got down and Catherine made the space ship disappear.

Wow it is amazing Said Amelia. Oh no Said Luna. What happened Luna asked Valerie. I thought that this planet would be blue in colour but it's not Said Luna. It is said planet blue because this planet was once owned by ice master yan chi said a man. Hello sir May we know who are you said Lucas. Hello Lucas my name is sushi . Really sir but how come you know my name sir. Because Shang sir said about you all and asked me to show you where the warriors of blue will be said sushi. Ok thank you will you take us to there now sushi sir. Yes Jack.

All of them walked a mile and now stood in front of a mountain with blue colour.

Where are they sir asked Catherine. They are on that top of the mountain Catherine and now you all should walk through the steps to reach there.

What about you sir asked Amelia. I am afraid of heights so I can't come worth you so all the best and bye you guys said sushi and ran faster than the speed of light.

All of them came about an 1780 steps but still there are many steps ahead

Still how many Valerie asked Luna. Around 4,750 steps Luna. That many oh god we are finished Said Luna. No problem we will walk slowly and reach there no more fastness or speediness okay Said Valerie. Ok Said Jack.

All of them are trying very hard and pushing themselves Forward

Everyone why are you all so silent speak something or at least crack a joke Said Catherine. Mm Catherine I have a joke so listen up okay, see what does a pirate says on his 80th birthday asked Valerie. Mm I don't know Valerie you say it. He says I am 80 see how much fun right Said Valerie and fallen on Lucas . Oh sorry Lucas I dint done it wontedly. Ok no problem Valerie but give me a promise so that I lift you okay. Say it. Don't ever crack a joke again Valerie said Lucas and lifted the Valerie. Hey Lucas how dare you said Valerie and chased Lucas.

... ok ok fine your joke is very nice now stop chasing me like a bull who sees a red cloth. Oh god yes.

Guys you came running very fast Said Luna. Because a crazy boy can take a girl even into a drainage if he wanted to Said Liam. Hey how dare you said Lucas . What did I said wrong Valerie said Liam like he is imitating Lucas. Stop it Liam or else. What or else said Liam. Guys stop stop enough and let's move forward said Valerie and they moved on