

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasy
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Valerie, are you done with your sleep

How long a girl could could sleep asked Lucas. Until the madness in her is gone Said Liam.i can hear ok don't be too reactive Said Valerie


Ok come on you guys see the view Said jack

As he said everyone came out of the machine and stepped their foot on Ohio.

Wow beautiful mesmerising Said Amelia and Luna. Wonderful Said Catherine and Valerie

What do we gonna do here asked Martin. Actually we need to find the people who hold the aster tomorrow for today there are no plans so we can take a nap Said Jack. What again!!!! I would be boring Said Catherine.

Yes why don't we go and see the beauty of this planet Said Valerie. Yes it's a good idea Said Amelia. Ok then let's go said Lucas. Where No where??? Said Amelia. What are saying Amelia asked Lucas. Here you boys be and build a fire place and tent before we come ok Said Amelia. You guys are always…. Was being said by Jack but he was interrupted by Liam saying wait Jack let's cook and prepare everything for them ok. Ok Liam as you say all the girls saw a evil smirk on their faces.

Oh god what a creepy thing Said Luna and all of them left to see the place but Valerie is still here with Martin speaking like this…. Martin i heard that your a pro ice skater then why don't make me learn it to. But Valerie where can we find it like the field. We can as it is still winter. Ok fine. Ok then i will near near the field by sharp 5:30 hoping that you will be there on time Said Valerie and left.

What happened Valerie asked Catherine. It's nothing Catherine i just asked your brother to train me for skating. What!! Did he agreed for that yeah of course, why wouldn't he agree. Nothing but now i would be able to see Liam skating again how cool right. Liam!! No no i don't mean him i meant Martin. Oh Martin ok. What happened Catherine all the spark you had before a sec got vanished why what happened. Nothing Valerie just same old past that's it. Is it really that. Yes come on let's move fast as all are way before us see. Ok Catherine come let's go and show them how fast we can run Said Valerie.

They all reached a place where a person is making something with the glass.

Wow it is amazing wait a minute i got an idea let's make something special for our brothers Said Luna. But we all don't have one right except for Catherine and Valerie said Amelia. You too make to a person who you feel the best Said Valerie. Ok then let's make Said all of them after doing a group cheer.

All of them where trying so hard to make a small bottle in which they want to keep a flower.

At last after trying to make it they finally did it after fighting with glass for 2 hours straight.

They all returned to the place from where they came and there they saw that Liam is right as they fixed a fireplace and arranged 4 tents.

Wow you guys are totally awesome Said all the girls.

we know it ,way before that we are awesome.

Ok fine for all your hard work hats off and we even brought you a little surprise Said Catherine

Mm interesting Said Jack.

Lucas it is for you Said Amelia and gave the gift she made. As we all know by now that Lucas is emotionless he dint did anything like smile but gave a hi fi to Amelia. Liam i brought your favourite coloured flower see Said Catherine and gave it to him but he took and left. What an attitude Said Valerie, no Val it's not He just hates being around people that's it Catherine. Mmm. Fine Said Luna and gave it to Jack and then Jack smiled and patted her. Hey you how dare you , do you think i am short asked Luna. Yes of course see me I am 177cm but you are 165cm don't you feel your way too small Said Jack. Jack!!!. Don't worry Luna i am just kidding Said Jack.

Fine here take it brother Said Valerie. Wow thanks mama v.

Wow you're all surprises are so good Said Lucas and Jack. Wait Lucas i have something even for you too Said Valerie. What!!! But why. Because you too is a good person that's why I gave Said Valerie and Lucas went inside the camp without saying anything. What happened to him. Nothing Valerie I think so he remembered his sister Quinn that's it said Jack. Jack where is Martin. He went to somewhere he dint told me where he just said ask your sister to be on time. Ok what is the time now. It is 6:15 Valerie. What!!!. Ok then I think soo he must be waiting ok then bye said Valerie and left to see Martin.

….. there side saw Martin leaning against the wooden fence. The field is so beautiful blue and purple lights and a natural satellite just like moon so cute view.

Sorry Martin said Valerie. No problem Valerie, come in the field. Like this without any skaters. Come in I don't know either this field has magic or not but when I just stepped see I got my new pair of skaters. Ok fine said Valerie and stepped as soon as she did that she got a pair of skaters as well. Come on. Martin I don't know nothing about skating please don't push me away. No I don't trust me Said Martin and they started slowly by holding hands but sooner Valerie is able to balance her self and even now they starting doing a duo skating which is looking awesome they are skating and there are speaking. And after 50 minutes of skating Valerie learnt it.

Martin thanks. Why thanks Valerie it is so nice doing a little skating with you. Oh really it's my pleasure. Ok can we leave. Martin wait!!. Mm say. Here take it said Valerie and gave the same thing that was given by her to Jack and Lucas. Thanks Valerie I will never keep it away from me ,in fact it has my favourite flower and colour Said Martin.

Sorry for speaking like that with you before. No problem Valerie I can understand I too would have reacted the same if I were you, still I am regretting the phrases I said you on that day. Please Martin stop being guilty because of me. Ok past is past Valerie let's think about the present and future like tomorrow I am leaving. I too know it but anyway all the best for your future plans my friend. Friend?!!!. Yes friends what is it wrong. No no I am in a shock like no one has ever said me or treated me like a friend and now I am being treated as a friend by Marvina Queen's daughter. Mm said Valerie and chuckled. Martin I know that my mother is no more will you tell me about her more . I think so there is someone who should say it to you said Martin. Fine this is why everyone says like elder brother like younger brother. Both of them laughed and went to the camp spot.

Guys time is 7:30 why so late asked Amelia. Sorry I just practised with Martin so I lost the track of time. Ok no problem come let's eat said Luna.

Where is Liam asked Valerie. There you see on the edge of this plateau Said Catherine. Ok had he completed his dinner. Yes Said Jack. Wait let me call him over Said Martin. Don't call him Martin he is very angry now because Amelia mistakenly thrown his favourite thing in that valley. What!!!. It is a mistake I even said sorry but I think so it broke his heart.

After that all members are happily and spoke with each other and went to their tents but Jack and Val are sitting there seeing Liam. What do we gonna do now . I don't know mama v but let's go to sleep Said Jack. No you go and sleep Jack I want to speak with Liam. Ok fine but be careful Said Jack and left. After sometime Valerie gathered all of her courage and spoke with Liam.

Liam are you feeling about it. No reply came. Liam I am speaking with you only not with any l kind of ghosts ok. Why are you irritating me now. I am not irritating I am just here you can share your feelings with me. Give the gift that are supposed to give me Said Liam. What!! How did you know it. I need to explain you just give it. Valerie gave it him but we don't know what came into him but he thrown the gift into same valley. Have you lost your mind. Valerie why are you feeling as you want me to share my feelings with you even my thing also would be thinking same so I sent a companion. Said and he left, then Valerie understood the importance of the thing to him like how precious is it to him and without thinking Valerie used her powers to bring the thing of Liam back.

…,.,,... AT early 5:45 Valerie found herself sleeping on the ground .

Oh god what am I doing here oh wait is that Liam who is going into the direction of the ice field. So she followed him

As she thought Liam is really in the ice field and he suddenly turned back and saw Valerie.

What are you doing here. Nothing just I am here to give you this Said val and gave the precious little sculpture of a women. How you got it. Don't know but I think so this companion and your thing climbed all the way here. Liam laughed. Valerie never saw Liam laughing.

Why are seeing like that. Nothing Liam but say me what is that. Sorry Valerie I can't say you this because it is a secret that is between me the thing and her companion. That means are you taking my gift. Yes. Thank you Liam here it is said Valerie.

They spoke there for sometime

Valerie I heard that you want to know about your mother right. How you know it. Because I can read your mind. Wait!!!!, are you Omar or Liam. Both. I know it Liam. Ok say me can I read your mind. Stop playing Liam I know that you have the power to see past. Ok then you know it then you must know even this right that you posses the powers like you can see future Said Lucas. What are you doing here Lucas. Nothing I just came for a morning walk. May I know what are you speaking about. Nothing just about your arrogance Said Liam. Hey what did you say. Can't you hear. Hey hey stop stop, wait Lucas I will we are just speaking about the powers that's it. Ok Valerie.

Ok Valerie will you do ice skating with me asked Lucas. Yeah sure. But wait Valerie this field is not good so we can't skate. I dint invited you to do bro Said Lucas. I am not speaking to you bro Said Liam. Stop why you guys always fight. Because I don't like him Said Liam. I totally hate him Said Lucas. It's enough Lucas I can't skate right now so let's go back to camp and get ready for going to get the aster. Ok fine said Lucas and they three started to go back to camp.

All the other members came running towards them.

What happened Luna?? Asked Valerie. You see first run guys Said Jack. But why asked Valerie. Because the saviours of the aster are coming to fight with us because they thought that we stolen that aster. But we dint right Said Valerie. Yes some one did. First run…,.

Oh god said Valerie