

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasi
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32 Chs

The Quest

1 hour later

I got it said Eula. Tell us what it is Eula asked Amelia.

It is the planet extravagance.

Extravagant said Amelia. She said extravagance Amelia said Valerie.

By the way what is meant by extravagance asked Amelia. Valerie and Liam replied at the same time saying which has used up too many resources. Oh that's quite interesting said Amelia.

So come on let's go to it Said Valerie. Wait you can't just go there as your power is fire the monster will completely drain your power Said Liam. But Valerie said no i am not gonna listen they are my friends and brother I can't just be here being quiet and send you both to the planet Said Valerie.

But many times Amelia tried to stop Valerie from coming but Valerie dint listened so Liam asked Valerie to once contact with Mr quack sir as he said she contacted with him and said the planet name and asked how can I go there and return with no power drain.

Then Mr quack sir replied Valerie that monster will come to the planet once in a while as it came and took the remaining it won't come near you to drain your power so you can be calm and go but Liam make sure that everything is alright Said sir.

As sir said they wanna go

Ok then Eula you too come it would be helpful as we don't know about the planet Said Valerie. No no Valerie I can't come there because once I had a deadly experience with it so I don't wanna be there again Said Eula and left like Swift.

They went quickly to the spaceship and went to the planet by looking at the navigating map sent by the quack sir.

In the spaceship

Do you even know Driving a spaceship? Asked Valerie to Liam. Yes unlike you I am perfect like I know everything. Even I got the prestigious award from the queen Marvina when I was a kid.

Oh for what asked Amelia. I think so for crying a lot Said Valerie. You stop it's for a competition called arrow target Said Liam. Ha yes I remembered that Liam at that time before results even your mother cried right Said Amelia. Immediately Valerie Said nepotism. What did you just said Valerie asked Liam. Oh nothing Said Valerie and sat at a corner reading a book. All through the journey Valerie dint stopped thinking about her brother and friends whereas on the other hand Liam didn't even thought about his sister even for once so that raised a doubt in Amelia's mind.

Soon after a couple of hours travelling they finally reached extravagance planet.

In the planet

Ok let's go and find our friends Said Amelia and all three stepped on the planet at the time the second they stepped they were raised above the ground making it difficult for them to step on the ground again.

What is this asked Valerie. I don't know said Amelia. I hope it's not the monster because I need to protect a caterpillar Said Liam. Wait Valerie don't reply now once see there Said Amelia.

Amelia pointed to a big box made of different ores and it was decorated with a big blue button.

Wait what are you saying that we can see here asked Valerie. Oh yes that's a great point how are we able to see here as it should be dark but there no that much dark in here Said Amelia.

They all thought for a second and suddenly a high pitched yet deep voice came out.

where this voice is coming from asked Amelia. Excuse me look here,( they all are looking somewhere else), hello here down see Said a small person wearing a oversized dress. Hello cutie May we know why there is light but firstly WHO are you?? Asked Amelia.

Why, Said why. What why are you asking I just asked your name. Ok fine it's not new to me miss my name is only why and I am the guardian of the planet extravagance door to show here your dint entered the extravagance yet firstly..

Wait we are not in extravagance Valerie. That is what I am saying you're not in it Said why.

Wait but what are we on asked Amelia. Will you all calm down and listen carefully your not the place where you want to be in order to be there firstly you need to answer my questions. Said why. What why questions asked Liam. I think so you three have nervous weakness so listen don't speak till I complete Said why. Upon listen ing the word nervous weakness Liam gave a death stare at why.

Ok ok cool down bro, and listen firstly you need answer all my 5 questions and if you give all the answers correctly then you can go through this door and reach the planet extravagance Said why.

Your changing the history why Said Valerie. What do you mean asked why. I mean every genie or guardian or keeper asks only 3 questions but you are asking 5 questions Said Valerie. That's the specialty of why Said why and asked the 1st question to Valerie.

Do we have answer individually asked Amelia. Yes said why and asked When your mom says, "Say the magic word". What should you say?.

Valerie is repeating the question and thinking When your mom says, "Say the magic word". What should you say? Hmm I feel like knowing the answer but I am not getting hmm wait I think I know the answer Said Valerie. Then say but if you say wrong see the below of you there is a hole which is big and I will push in that Said why. Ok the answer is The magic word.

Are you sure about the answer asked why with a husky voice. Yes I am sure Said Valerie.

You are.... Not wrong but correct Said why with high pitched voice.

Ok moving to.. Said why but he was interrupted by Amelia asking are you a boy or girl. Excuse why are you asking this can't you see that I am a perfect man. But according to me high pitched voice is for women and deep voice is for men but you have both so I asked saris Amelia,. After listening to it only Liam bursted into laugh and laughed loudly remarking just remained silent. Oops sorry you continue Said Liam.

Next question is for you Said why ,pointing towards Liam and asked Kids love her and wait eagerly for her to come around. By the time she arrives, they fall asleep. Who is she? .

Are you asking a question about" she" asked Liam. If I ask about she you won't answer or what said why.

Then Liam thought for about a minute and asked why , do I get a help like lifeline or something like that .

Yes you will . Oh they say me asked Liam. Why then furiously Said ask your help from your soul.

Ah you .. … again Liam thought for a minute and suddenly said tooth fairy.

Your correct Said why. Amelia and Valerie clapped their hands enthusiastically.

Ok next you said why and asked Starts with F and ends with an N, he is famous in books, movies, and cartoons; he is friends with ghouls. To Amelia

Yeah I know this answer my mother read me about him and he is Frankenstein Said Amelia.

You are fast are you sure about your answer

Asked why then Amelia confidently said yes.

Your are not correct….. but correctly correct Said why all are happy with the remark.

Only two more questions and we can go in it Said Valerie.

Ok you Valerie.. said why. You know my name asked Valerie. Yes I do said why and asked What is at the end of Rainbow?.

Easy peasy It's W Said Valerie. Your are correct Said Valerie.

You are sharp Said Amelia. Yes thank you but this question was asked by Jack once said Valerie.

Last but not least Said why and pointed towards Liam. Ok what's your name asked why. I am Liam. Yes I know you, you even have a sister right her name is.... Hh Catherine said why. Yes but will you complete the quest but asking the last question asked Liam.

Mm Liam I am not gonna ask you question but you sing or say a poem then if I like it I will send three of you to planet extravagance.

No no I don't do it Said Liam. Liam!! What are you please do it because we don't have much time we need to save your sister and remaining Said Amelia. Yes Liam please just at least recite a poem you learnt and say asked Valerie.

It's in your hands Liam if you want you can say and if you don't want then you can go down Said why.

I know it you are doing it intentionally like before I laughed at you and never learned anything like that Said Liam and slowly he closed his eyes and started to sing a poem peacefully

Flower flower..

My golden tower..

Where are you these years

Hiding like a mini cheers

Don't you like me

As you like the flower we

Please be with me as you are

my final dew.

Please like me as you like

The hike we went on...…

He then slowly opened his eyes

Valerie and Amelia are controlling their laugh as he sang the poem

And why started to laugh uncontrollably

Liam turned to Valerie And asked why you three are laughing like maniac .

Hey we are not laughing like a maniac but your poem is beautiful and wonderful can't even express our feelings said Valerie.

Why then spoke ok jokes apart but your truly awesome Liam and then clapped and then said ok fine listen up you there only got 4 questions and answered them rightly but you failed in your last task so close your eyes and now your going to down into the hole Said why and snapped his fingers

All Said no!!!!!!!!

[ let's see what will happen next]

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