

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Valerie and Liam come eumpily is conscious said Amelia.

Both Valerie and Liam went to see eumpily and asked about the situation what happened to remaining.

Eumpily then said I was called to the place by my master and then suddenly everything went dark nothing can be seen by any of us then suddenly small spark appeared then I don't know how I came to this planet and I frantically started to search you.

eumpily do you know either to which planet they went or you were called to??, asked Valerie.

No, Said it.

You must have known it once think asked Liam.

But eumpily have the same response.

The remaining dragons Said all three of them to leave eumpily as they are going to take her to their special doctor.

Valerie, Amelia, Liam are understanding nothing. So started to think of the answer to the question where are they.

Suddenly Valerie thought about aster and asked Amelia and Liam to go to river.

But they said they won't they insisted on staying with Valerie but she said that James would do something to it if it don't belong to someone. So they left.

On the other hand Valerie is trying to get contact with Mr. Quick sir as Shang sir went to a mountain for doing a long meditation.

Valerie finally got contact with me quack by using her magical wand and there she told everything that happened and asked him where would be they in the universe.

Then my quack sir asked Valerie are saying everything correctly. Then she replied by saying yes.

Quack said that he never heard of a planet like that in his whole life time he then said he would contact others and find the answer.

Valerie even tried to get to speak with her brother and remaining but no use.

After sometime Liam and Amelia came then Valerie told Everything that had happened.

It must be James who did it said Amelia. But I don't think so Said Liam. But we can't trust James like that said Valerie

What gonna we do now asked Valerie. Valerie nothing but let's sleep now quack sir Said that he would ask others right so let's be patience and sleep it is dark.

As Amelia said they three slept but in the middle of night Valerie is experiencing a dream which is deadly she tilting and moving so suddenly she woke up and came out of the cave for fresh air.

As she stood she remembered her brother and started to cry. Hearing to that sounds Liam came out.

Looks like miss. Brave is sobbing silently Said Liam. Liam!!! Stop it. Oh Valerie are you really crying Valerie!! Calm down Valerie!! Stop crying Said Liam and in order to make her happy she shown the gift that was given by Valerie to him

You kept it with you all along asked Valerie. Yes I did. Your also good only but you act like like your not.

Liam then smirks

So tell me what or who made you cry. My brother. Oh I know from very start that he is not your true brother and he will make you sad one day. Excuse me I am not saying like that I am saying that as she went out missing I am remembering him and cried that's it. Oh .

Tell me are you not feeling alone as your sister is missing.

No because I know she can pull off. That's great.

Liam then moves back to cave but Valerie stops and says Liam I don't know why I didn't said you truth about healing but I feel that if you know the truth you will feel pity on you and be arrogant towards me so I did it but I am sorry I shouldn't have said lie.

Liam didn't respond and went back to sleep

Valerie then slept back in cave.

On the next day.....

Amelia, Liam and Valerie were surprised-surprised To hear from quack sir as he started to say…..

Valerie you are the answer to the question where they went. What sir asked Valerie. Yes Valerie you are the answer like remember your past when your mother the queen used to say stories of all the planets and their specialities remember the story of the Valerie we dint found the answer to your question but we found the link of the question "you "said Mr quack and asked Valerie to think of it.

Oh Valerie now easy peasy lemon squeeze because you know the answer said Amelia

No, Amelia it's the hardest point because as I forgotten everything that happened in the past , oh wait past right then I and Liam can see past and future so we can see right said Valerie.

But to a shock Liam didn't agreed to see it because didn't cared about the people in there.

Have you lost your mind even your sister is also there in that planet right then are you not interested in saving her asked Valerie. Hold your tongue miss said Liam.

On the one hand Liam is not agreeing and on the other hand their friends are in danger.

After a lot of asking Valerie then gave up on Liam and got an idea

Wait I got on idea of my own firstly I will call my dragon as it is with me almost all of my childhood said Valerie and called her dragon.

The dragon came and Valerie asked about the planet and there the dragon said

Val, remember you don't know about which your asking like the planet is too dangerous to go only dark power can go in because even a little light will be absorbed the deadly creature Mala. It was created by the devil of devil Mr wills.

Then as you know it even Jack should know it but why did he went to it again asked Valerie

Because Jack was not told any story by the queen like she did to you.

Now what say me Eula what is the planet name…..

It is not correctly known by me but wait I will remember..

Eula!!!!! Said Amelia and Valerie

Let me know your thoughts about how Valerie,Liam and Amelia will save remaining and why Queen Marvina dint told stories to Jack but to Valerie

1_shikacreators' thoughts