

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasi
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32 Chs

Aster of fire (2)

Valerie's blood boiled by seeing the sight of her brother and friends being tortured, she spoke with the deepest voice And aggressiveness can be clearly seen in her expression ," you monster stopping this low for that aster and universe you dare to touch my brother then I will show you who the real devil is".

Though she insisted him not to do something to her brother he uses his black magic and made Jack unconscious.

Valerie broke the cage with her mere hands she was fuming with rage she had enough she turned the situation upside down she used the power of fire and brunt almost everything, she was like not stopping . She used the power of healing on Liam and when she was about to stand out of no where Luna pulled Amelia and blackmailed her by saying she would be pushing her down.

Valerie is like an Angel with rage she transported within a nano second and pulled Luna away from Amelia and spoke " you think I am foolish ,. And she pushed Luna on other side . James was staring at Valerie with his devil eyes, she sent the balls of fire on him it was just a miss that James would be no more, he was totally amazed with Valerie and tried to calm her down but she is not so James started the battle,

It was going on like a war between two equal competitors, James used black wings and flew in the sky and from there he made sparks rain,

Even Valerie was not backing off when she used the power of fumes James fallen down to the ground, then Valerie is about to do her next move.

Luna called out her name aloud , she was holding Jack in her hand and pushed Jack into the deep forest....,

Valerie broke down 'Nooo it can't be jackkkk'

She bursted out weeping , all the power though which her hair and dress changed and shiny now turned into normal once she lost the spark,

James was laughing and giggling in a corner while Amelia and remaining came near Valerie and comforted her , Lucas stood and called out James and Luna for battle ,

" I am not here to battle with a puppy in fact I am here to get this aster of fire " Said James,.

Lucas tightened his fist.

Luna took that aster from its position and stood on one knee and was about to give it to James...

" you want that aster right now take this " Said Valerie and sent a powerful bolt into in the aster and it broke into million pieces as Valerie's heart.

James burst out with anger, you witch how dare you'll regret it .

James snapped his fingers and vanished so did Luna by saying , I am sorry.

Everyone is weeping there Liam was little conscious . Valerie fainted

He used his powers by asking mother universe on allowing him to see past as Valerie is unconscious.

Within few minutes Liam created a circle in which he showed what happened in the past.

It shows.....

Dad see I made this aeroplane, ..

Ok son nice I need to go now ..

That boy cried his mother came and said don't worry my son everything will be all right king was just busy and now come play with your sister, "sister you always care for her and now you leave " said that boy , mother was in disbelief by listening to her own son's behaviour.

7 years later…..

Dad you are doing wrong you should not mingle with them they are trying to kidnap queen Marvina and occupy her throne, Said a girl.

You stupid girl don't you know that our dad also wants Marvina to vanish how come you not know it any way now it's time to move to the war.

The king and the soN left with the army and never returned back….

The circle vanished as Liam don't have power.

Lucas went to Liam and tried to wake him up it was no use,

Amelia said they are James and Luna right.

Lucas tried to recognise and remembered the faces again he shouted yes .

They were astonished by the past.

Catherine who went to find Jack was no where to be found . All cried.

The survivors family came there and took the friends to the ashram in that planet.

It's been two days Valerie and Liam don't woke up and Lucas dint stop searching for jack.

It was around seven Amelia came to check on

Valerie and Liam, there was no development in their Heath when she was about to leave she heard Valerie calling out his brother's name,. She gain came into the room and saw Valerie slowly opening her eyes she called everyone one.

Valerie sat on the bed Amelia and Catherine hugged her tight, she said guys please stop it I am okay and turned around to see Jack but he was not there .

Valerie understood what had happened so controlled her sadness and dint shed a tear and there she saw Liam laying on the bed she stood on her feet and sat near his bed and tried to heal him. And in fact she healed

When Lucas known that Valerie woke up he came running and saw Valerie sitting behind Liam , he turned and chair around and asked her if he is ok she replied by saying thank you for his help on searching his brother and stood and shook his hand .

By the time Liam woke up it's pretty afternoon then he woke up and saw everyone around him .

He sat on the bed and hugged Catherine tightly.

He soon known that Jack is no more . While they are speaking about next plan . Mr quack sir and queen came.

They were more than happy to see Valerie and Liam are alright.

Queen said that it was her fault due to which Jack is no more.

Lucas said don't cry again and leave this matter firstly who said you all that Jack is no more, no one right then why are you all weeping like crazy and according to me I will definitely say that Jack is alive.

Due to his words Valerie came and stood beside of Lucas and said yes my brother is Alive ok .

Soon a person came and informed that James will be going to get the aster of ice.

" I will get it " Said Valerie with great confidence