

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The backward time

She is too good to be true, she might be an Angel . Those were the words of a saint .

Valerie and remaining hopped into the spacecraft And rode to the planet of snow .

They were all enthusiastic on the thought of snow, especially Lucas and Amelia.

There Valerie is dreaming about something that no one can know .

Valerie had tears rolling down her cheeks on the thought of her brother.

Catherine came to her and comforted her.

Then Valerie saw something unexpected on Catherine.

She asked Cathrine what was the necklace all about.

Catherine without saying a word took it off and opened the necklace with her power and showed the aster of each.

There it came clear that

They had nothing . It was null

They panicked what was with this now . Catherine called remaining and asked them to read about it.

All were like what was it and when Lucas turned to next page there were no aster's left with James either.

They were all in confused state not knowing what was all this about. Suddenly out of nowhere their spaceship started to crash the engines are not working properly. Liam came to the defence and landed on the planet snow correctly without any interjection. But to their bad they all crashed directly into a lake which was completely froze due to relatively low temperature.

B O O M !!!!!!!

Ah ag agh , what was that again

B O O M !!!!!!!!!!

Ah ag agh , what was that again

B O O M !!!!!!!!!!

Ah ag agh , what was that again

B O O M !!!!!!!!!!

Are you kidding ??

Oh god said Amelia and and came out of that mess

She pulled Valerie, and remaining out of the lake .

What is happening here I am the only one who felt …..,, wait a minute I am panting sails Valerie

No Valerie we crashed here ,4 times Said Amelia.

They were in a confusion of what was happening .

Every one are very wet which made them sneeze at least once in a second .

They saw a girl coming that way and asked her to help them.

And she introduced herself as Mary and made the lamest joke ever.

But soon they jumped into joy when she said she has a restaurant which serves hot food.

They were overwhelmed .

Valerie used her power and stayed warm but Liam and Catherine were shaking like a belly dancer .

They were on a motionless place and moved to her restaurant. In the mean time they forgotten about Lucas who was soaking wet.

Lucas joined them

Soon they found themselves being in a restaurant which is very cold

They got in , and saw no one. Mary said everyone to have a seat.

They were totally exhausted so they lay down for some time.

After sometime they felt too cold and became conscious. They are being afraid of the sight which was presented in front of them .

It is soo dark no one are able to light up anything .

Slowly the temperature is going down

What the hell ?? Said Catherine.

Apparently we are in a cold region so you should say what the cold ?? Said Lucas .

You Lucas!!! Stop it said Catherine

The door slammed out loudly .

All of them shivered slowly they heard a voice singing tu tu tuuu tuuuu tuuuuuuu .

What is this sound they thought.

Slowly the coldness is increasing everyone are in a confusion . The voice is coming nearer and nearer which made them worried.

Is it a devil raised a question by Liam

Oh no no I dint planed my life to go in this way

I still have many dreams so please missmister said Amelia .

Who is missmister asked Valerie.

I meant miss+ mister as I dint know who you r is?? Said Amelia .

Is this the time for grammar class .

Shut your mouths said that voice .

Everything went dark for a second Lucas screamed with pain .

The lights came, it was a cave which is closed in both the ends .

Valerie screamed , where is everyone one. ( all disappeared)

A strong bolt of ice was about to hit her , she escaped in time .

A coldness swept across the cave leaving Valerie to shake.

What is he happening why are you attacking me have you gone mad asked Valerie.

That person dint listen and charged towards Valerie.

Mary have you lost your mind asked Valerie. Mary was not replying neither stopping the fight .

She posses the power of ice , she used ice veins that tied Valerie.

Valerie broke off them and attacked Mary reluctantly.

Valerie used the fire bolt that hit Mary in the heart .

Everything went back and black . Again Valerie found herself using the bolt .

This time Mary escaped .

Mary attacked Valerie,

It was like a fight between two wild cats neither of them backing off .

Valerie pushed Mary hard , she fell to the ground when Valerie was about to end ,


Valerie is again fighting with her.

What a mess she thought and realised something so this time Valerie used her power seriously and pinned Mary against a Rock .

Mary said something and again it went black and back .

Valerie understood the assignment and used the most powerful thing , the power of dragon and made Mary to fall on the ground without further time waste Valerie closed the mouth .

Don't think you could run back time again Mary , it's over now fire of dragon she said and created a cage and trapped Mary inside it and used the un known power and made Mary mute temporarily.

Valerie don't know how come she possess a power something like that .

She runs in the direction of light and made way out of the cave .

She found a person and asked him to take her to the kings palace .

Un willingly he took Valerie to the king palace.

The king asked what is the matter . Valerie introduced herself as princess of magix.

King stood and asked Valerie to ask her what he could do .

Valerie explained the whole situation and king ordered guards to bring Mary .

There Valerie met a girl around her age and introduced herself as quinine .

Isn't it a drug asked Valerie .

She smiled.

She asked Valerie to get ready and gave her cloths to wear .

After sometime the king asked Valerie to come to the court .

Mary was in surrounded by guards .

Valerie came in front of her and asked to spill the truth where her friends are .

Mary dint replied . Though king and the ministers in the court asked her . She dint replied .

The king ordered Quinine to use her power .

Quinine stood in front of Mary and concentrated .

Quinine sighed and said to send Mary away to the jail .

The king and Valerie asked what dint she saw .

Quinine posses amazing mind reading powers she read the Mind of Mary and said .,

She sent them to the valley of death they all are working as servants and one of them is unconscious.

Valerie sobbed and she quickly remembered the power of past and future .

She concentrated and thought to see either the past or the future .

The court was silent for sometime , Valerie shouted saying Liam is alive so that means remaining are .

Everyone clapped.

Valerie told that she would go to the valley of death but king told it's also night so you should go tomorrow. Reluctantly she went with quinine to her room .

They sat on bed quinine asked Valerie to be calm as she her mind Is clumsy .

Valerie took deep breath. Valerie asked do quinine really posses the power of reading minds .

Quinine told Valerie to answer 3 questions that she would ask .

Now who do you love the most

My brother she thought in her mind and quinine said exactly

Do you like your mother or father the most .

Both she thought and quinine .

When she was about to ask another question Valerie said she believes quinine .

Valerie said she was sorry for commenting her name before . But she said no worries as she understood the intention of Valerie before and she thought that Valerie was beautiful charming and powerful .

Quinine insisted Valerie not to go to Death Valley as it is dangerous

Valerie said , no matter what I am not gonna give up I lost 3 important persons in my life I don't want to leave without the rest .

I Valerie the holder of dragon fire will make sure to get what I aspire for…..,...….