
Uzumaki Naruto: Lost Soul

The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats?

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70 Chs

Chapter 6

Kurenai refrained from narrowing her eyes in annoyance and decided to speak. "Ummm, forgive me but its rather ummm…strange talking with you while you have that mask on. Would you mind removing it for now?" She asked.

Naruto paused for a moment. It was odd, now that he thought about it…only Sarutobi had 'truly' seen his unmasked face. And the Kazekage during a meeting a few years ago but the man had probably forgotten and one other time during a mission where his mask had shattered along the left side, revealing his sharp blue eye to the captain, one Hatake Kakashi if he remembered correctly, had seen just that one part of his face but that was about it.

He hesitated for a few more moments before he slowly nodded his consent and with a soft click his mask was removed, revealing his stark blond hair and whisker marked face. The baby fat that would have normally been present to some degree on a boy his age was completely gone. Revealing angular features.

Kurenai sucked in a breath. He was...young...he was just a Kid...She'd figured he'd be fifteen, maybe sixteen, but the face she was seeing was a boys.

To think that the Hokage, her village could allow something like this…it was…almost nauseating. She knew of course there were many young people that were extremely powerful Shinobi but she'd thought her village was better than a place like Kiri. Uchiha Itachi had been their last example and look where that had gotten them.

"Is something wrong?" Naruto's voice brought her out of her stupor. It was still flat and emotionless, but much less foreboding without the voice altering device in the mask.

She shook her head. "No nothings wrong. Ummm, these are civilian clothes, many gennin wear them since none of the truly serious missions begin until they're chuunin. So its not really necessary to have hidden Kunai pouch or armor beneath the fabrics.

Naruto nodded it was logical really. He turned back to the clothes rack and continued shifting through it.

"What form of clothing would you recommend?" He asked after a few moments.

"Which one's do you like?" She asked after a moment.

"I have never had any need for any other clothing besides Armor. I am uncertain what colors are common amongst gennin of the village." He stated simply.

Kurenai had to hold back from gaping at him. "But didn't you have clothes like this when you were younger?" She asked incredulously.

"I have been in Anbu uniform for as long as I can remember. If I did possess civilian clothing at some point I do not recall the time." He stated as he turned to her. "Is something wrong? You are quite red?"

Kurenai was indeed red. Her fists were clenched tightly. It was common knowledge that children at the age of twelve could, most of the time, easily recall events as far back as four to five years. For him to have no recollection of ever having civilian clothing then that meant that the Hokage had placed him in the Anbu when he was seven, six or perhaps even younger. She didn't know of anyone anywhere that had joined Anbu that young.

Indeed the standing of the Hokage had in her mind was dropping rapidly.

She shook her head and took a deep breath in order to calm herself. "Alright." She breathed out after a moment. "Well I guess we'll be starting from scratch."

It had taken a while, much longer than what Naruto had anticipated but eventually they had settled on some clothes. Mostly dark colors. She'd been able to convince him on one or two pieces that were not black, but it would have been easier to pull teeth really.

Still Naruto throughout the day had felt quite…in a way…vulnerable without the familiar weight of his mask. And the sound of his unaltered voice disturbed him. How long had it been since he had heard his own voice? He couldn't remember.

So it was with great care that he had left Kurenai to go to a weapons shop where he had acquired a metallic face mask that covered the lower half of his face

As he returned to his estate he had carefully dismantled his Anbu mask and had removed the voice altering device and had placed it on his new metallic one. Just behind the grille mouth design. His own voice without it was just too unfamiliar for his taste. A testament to just how long he had been using the device.

He set aside his new attire and sharpened his twin scimitars. Then took the files of his two clients and shifted through them for a few moments before he quietly went to sleep.

Kurenai stomped up the stairs of the Hokage tower, seething quietly. The very air seemed to cackle around her and no one dared to bar her path, even the Anbu guards at the Hokage's door. They didn't have the balls to try and stop her, maybe Orochimaru, or Itachi, but an angry Yuuhi Kurenai…no chance in hell.

She threw the doors open, ignoring the ruckus she made and glared at the old man that casually puffed his pipe. Seemingly uncaring at the anger directed at him.

"Mission accomplished, Hokage-sama." She spat out the title like acid, lacing her words with venom.

Sarutobi puffed his pipe. "Are you angry at me for doing what I must?" He asked flatly.

She clenched her fists and glared at him, her ruby red eyes shining with fiery fury. She didn't speak she merely turned and walked out of the room and slammed the door shut, making both Anbu cringe.

Sarutobi felt a smile tug at his lips as he watched her leave. Perhaps gaining support for the blond Jinchuuriki would not be as difficult as he once believed.

Umino Iruka was rarely surprised. Having seen and heard some of the most farfetched and ridiculous excuses from his students as well as having been the victim of several pranks caused by said students allowed him to develop a form of sixth sense to any and all forms of surprises.

However he highly doubted that even with twenty more years in the teaching business could have prepared him for what the Hokage was telling him right now. Hell twenty years in the ANBU might not have even remotely prepared him for this.

In his classroom, stood the Sandaime Hokage and a young boy, who's face was obscured by a metal mask

But that wasn't the surprising part. Nooooooo, the surprising part was what they were saying. The Hokage apparently had a second Uchiha Itachi hidden away in the Anbu black ops and now wanted to place him in a class of gennin to act as an undercover bodyguard for Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuuga Hinata.

In the face of this Iruka could only say one simple thing. "Are you insane?"

The Hokage took a puff of his pipe. "No Iruka, I am many things but insane is not one of them." He replied calmly.

Iruka blushed in embarrassment as he realized just what he'd just let slip out to the Hokage.

Sarutobi took another puff of his pipe before he spoke. "Grant him the gennin test Iruka, he will pass, no mater what his score you will place him on the team with Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuuga Hinata. This is the course of action the council and I have come to agree upon." He said before turning on his heel and marching out the door. His new student following him quietly.

Iruka stood with his mouth slightly gaping before he sighed and plopped down on his chair he knew that this was going to be a long day.




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