
Uzumaki Naruto: Lost Soul

The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats?

Carl_One · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 5: Your Mission

"You summoned me Hokage-sama?" Came Naruto's altered voice from the balcony doorway.

Sarutobi steeled his features and turned to face the young boy.

Now in the morning sun one could truly get a good look at him.

One could tell the boy had been trained from birth. The council had governed everything in his life until just recently, even food consumption. His diet was literally the healthiest thing Sarutobi had ever seen. Thus he had grown making it to a height of 5'7 which is tall for the age of twelve.

He had his two swords crisscrossing along his back, the black cloak which was specifically designed for the Anbu so it would not reflect light was slightly parted revealing a custom Anbu armor which was red in color with two shoulder plates which made him seem much more broad thus increasing his intimidation factor. After all…psychology often won the battle before it was even fought.

Sarutobi tilted his hat. "I have a new mission for you Naruto."

Naruto bowed his head. "Whatever you ask, I shall serve."

"No, wait to hear it before you accept." He demanded, hoping the boy would question him for once. "As you know, six years ago Uchiha Itachi committed what is known as the Uchiha Massacre. Because of this, Uchiha Sasuke is the last remaining Uchiha. You also know that almost a decade ago Kumo attempted to kidnap Hyuuga Hinata in an attempt to steal the secrets of the Byakugan. We have reason to believe that both of these children will be targeted in the near future. Therefore they must be protected."

Well it wasn't a complete lie, Kumo could go after Hinata again. Sarutobi sighed. "The council and I-" He lied. "-have decreed that you are to be their bodyguard. You are to go undercover as a gennin under the tutelage of Hatake Kakashi. Do you accept? I understand if you choose to refuse."

"Whatever you ask, I shall serve." The young Jinchurriki spoke without an ounce of hesitation.

Sarutobi sighed a little in disappointment before he nodded. "I shall send one of my Kunoichi to your estate in order to help you acquire attire for your mission." Sarutobi knew for a fact that the only thing Naruto possessed in his closet were cloaks and pieces of Anbu armor. The boy had nothing else so it was highly unlikely he would know anything about normal civilian wear since that is what most gennin wore.

"Will I be allowed to keep my weapons?" The blond Anbu asked.

Sarutobi paused. This was the first time Naruto had seemingly placed any value on any object. Given, weapons were a shinobi's best friend but still, it was better than nothing. He nodded slowly. "You may."

Naruto nodded and bowed before he exited the office.

Sarutobi sighed as the boy left. Every time he saw those cold blues or that damn mask he was filled with so many regrets it hurt. Soon enough the doors opened and his secretary walked in. "You called Hokage-sama?" She asked politely.

Sarutobi nodded. "Bring me Yuuhi Kurenai please."

Yuuhi Kurenai was known as many things in life. The Genjutsu mistress. The Ice queen. And a myriad of other nicknames that she would not list out.

Still despite her reputation it had only been a few months since she had become a Jounin. Nevertheless even having only been privy to the rumors that circled among the Jounin for such a relatively short amount of time, she had managed to get right in the center of the gossip network of Konoha.

So it was no surprise that she was nervous as hell as she continued to walk towards the home of the mysterious Anbu that was only known as 'The Demon'

The rumors about this strange and dangerous Anbu ran rampant in the Jounin lounge. Stories of how his eyes would freeze your very soul in fear, of how he could single-handedly destroy entire regiments of enemy squads. Of how he created flames that could burn the very flesh off your bones. 'The shinobi worth a thousand' was only one of his alleged names. Possibly the most exaggerated was the claim that he could not be killed.

Exaggerated or not however; she wasn't planning on testing it.

So yes, Yuuhi Kurenai was very very nervous.

As the dense foliage finally gave way she gasped at the sight of the strangely designed yet beautiful estate. She half expected for the elusive Anbu to live in some secluded cave with torchlight's along the entrance.

Before she could look around anymore a commanding voice spoke to her right. "Are you the Kunoichi the Hokage sent?"

She turned and gulped as she caught sight of a black faceplate mask. She slowly nodded to his question. Still she knew that Konoha's 'Demon' was no ordinary Anbu, his voice, she could tell was mechanically altered to be deeper than it naturally was, he was short and his body structure, though somewhat obscured by the cloak was not that of a fully mature man. It was more that of a…child?

Konoha's 'Demon'…was a child?

Naruto seeing her nod to his previous question nodded in return before he turned back on his heel "Then come. The Hokage stated that you would assist me in acquiring clothing that gennin normally wear."

Kurenai nodded but wondered just why the hell he couldn't do this himself.

"Is something wrong?" Kurenai asked as she saw him staring at the civilian clothing oddly.

"This clothing has no armor plating between the fabrics, neither does it possess kunai and shuriken holsters to hide weapons." He stated in a confused tone as he turned to her with a raised eyebrow showing his confusion. Not that she could tell with the mask still in place.




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