
Chapter 2: Inheritance

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Pang Feng's mind suddenly became flooded with an abundance of information. After sorting through it, he was utterly astonished.

He never imagined that the Copper Coin Pendant he had worn since childhood, accompanying him for over a decade, contained such a massive secret—it was actually a cultivation inheritance.

Today, as his blood touched the pendant, the inheritance was activated, and the information surged into Pang Feng's mind like a tide, endowing him with a wealth of knowledge.

"Cultivation inheritance? Have I truly obtained the legendary cultivation inheritance? Indeed, it lives up to its reputation. Merely activated, and I feel as though I have undergone a rebirth." Pang Feng thought to himself.

Pang Feng's senses were now incredibly sharp, and he felt a noticeable enhancement in his physique. The most direct sensation was that of strength; he felt several times stronger than before. If this wasn't a rebirth, what was it? Could all this really be thanks to the Copper Coin Pendant? Pang Feng couldn't believe it was true.

"Grandpa Zhang said this pendant was on me from birth. It seems that my parents, who abandoned me, might have had their own story. Heh, blessings lie within calamities, and calamities foster blessings. There's always a way out. At my lowest point, I received such an extraordinary inheritance, how can I not rise again?"

Suddenly, Pang Feng felt an explosion of confidence, and the anxiety and frustration in his heart vanished in an instant…

He took off his work clothes and walked out of the sickroom. It was dinnertime, and everyone except those in the inpatient department had gone home, leaving the first floor almost empty.

Pang Feng walked out of the health clinic's main entrance, his heart surging with emotion. He headed straight towards Wugai Town, the largest town in Yongping County, but even here the streets weren't crowded. Pang Feng strolled back and forth along the banks of the Yingyang River that flowed through the town, as the sky grew completely dark.

As he walked, he focused on a single problem: how to use the inheritance he possessed to change his current dire situation. For now, Pang Feng was indeed in a tough spot. His stomach growled with hunger. He wanted to eat fast food but didn't have a penny to his name. His internship at the health clinic provided meals but no salary!

"Damn it; this situation must change! Wen Xuebing, that bastard, thinks he can push me around? People take advantage of the kind. I'll start with him!"

"Pang Feng!" Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name. He paused slightly and turned to see Ding Fang.

Ding Fang was tall and elegant, with an oval face, delicate features, and skin as smooth as porcelain. Pang Feng truly had feelings for her.

"It's Ding Fang! What's up? Aren't you working tonight?" Pang Feng greeted her with a smile.

Ding Fang frowned slightly and gave Pang Feng a curious glance. "Pang Feng, you really seem composed. Stirring up such a big mess and yet you have the mood to wander around?" she said.

Pang Feng laughed, "Fretting can't prevent the inevitable, and besides, I have a clear conscience. If I'm really plotted against by a villain, it's simply my bad luck. I refuse to believe that in this vast world, I, Pang Feng, with my own hands and feet, can't support myself!"

Ding Fang's eyes widened as she looked at Pang Feng, a glimmer of admiration flashing through them. She felt Pang Feng was different today; although he was humorous as usual, he often seemed a bit insecure, but today, the confidence he radiated was striking.

However, as soon as Ding Fang thought of that matter, her mood darkened. She let out a silent sigh and said, "Pang Feng, you haven't eaten yet, have you? Let me treat you to some dumplings!"

The dumplings at Bridgehead Dumpling Shop in Wugai Town were delicious and only cost five yuan a bowl. Ding Fang and Pang Feng each ordered one. Pang Feng, whose stomach had been growling with hunger, didn't hesitate to polish off his bowl in one go.

"Ding Fang, what's the matter? Why aren't you eating?"

Ding Fang stared at Pang Feng; a faint smile played at the corners of her mouth. "Watching you eat is enough to fill me up!" she said.

"Shall we go for a walk?"

"It would be such a waste to not finish such a big bowl of dumplings. Let me help you with that!" Pang Feng was indeed hungry. He quickly finished Ding Fang's bowl of dumplings, finally feeling satisfied.

After eating, Pang Feng followed Ding Fang, and they slowly walked along the river. Ding Fang said softly, "Pang Feng, I'm not like you. I... I have to land this job."

"Uh..." Pang Feng was momentarily taken aback and turned to look at Ding Fang. "Ding Fang, you shouldn't have any issues, right? The shortage is in nurses; you're surely going to be hired permanently."