
Chapter 3 I will definitely find a way!


"That damn Wen Xuebing!" Pang Feng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes turning bloodshot.

"I thought this son of a bitch was just mean and greedy, but I never expected he's an utter beast in human clothing!"

"Ding Fang, leave this matter to me, I'll take care of it," Pang Feng said coldly.

"You... what are you going to do, Pang Feng, don't act rashly, if you do something impulsive, you'll ruin your whole life! It's not worth it!" Ding Fang looked at Pang Feng with concern.

Pang Feng let out a cold laugh and said, "Take a risk for him? Does he deserve it? Don't worry, I have a plan."

Ding Fang sighed softly and shook her head, saying, "It's useless, even if you have a plan, it's too late. His final deadline for me is the day after tomorrow, he's going to the Health Bureau for a meeting, and he wants me to go with him to the county city..."

"Damn it!" Pang Feng shook his fists fiercely, as his inner rage climbed to its peak, and Ding Fang, holding onto Pang Feng's hand, gripped it tighter. She whispered:

"Pang Feng, I'll give myself to you today, I... I will never let that devil take my first time!"

Pang Feng once again felt Ding Fang's passion, but at this moment, there was not a trace of desire in his heart.

He gently pried Ding Fang's hand off and tidied her disheveled hair on her forehead, saying earnestly, "Ding Fang, trust me, there will be a way!"

Ding Fang looked at Pang Feng and, for some reason, she suddenly felt her heart wasn't so frantic anymore. Pang Feng's simple words gave her a sense of security she had never felt before, a feeling that was very strange, even a bit absurd.

Because she knew Pang Feng's situation, Pang Feng was an orphan, impoverished from childhood. He even had to borrow money to pay for his nursing school fees; he was completely penniless.

After graduating from nursing school, he had been relying on this job at the Wugai Town Health Center to pay back his debt, but having offended Wen Xuebing and now getting on the bad side of Director Jin's wife, Liu Jinzhi, he had completely lost any chance of becoming permanent staff and was heading down a dead end.

To put it bluntly, Pang Feng was like a clay Buddha crossing a river, hardly able to save himself. How could such a boy give a girl a sense of security?

The answer was unexpectedly yes. Now, Ding Fang felt very relieved. The confidence and sincerity exuding from Pang Feng made her feel an unprecedented calmness inside...

The night in the small town was cool, but after saying goodbye to Ding Fang, Pang Feng felt very hot and agitated.

"The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow…" he muttered to himself, "That damn Wen Xuebing, I will be irreconcilable with you!" All of a sudden, Pang Feng tensed up, as time was really pressing. Today, Pang Feng was very confident because he had received the cultivation inheritance; he felt he had the ability to fight Wen Xuebing and turn around his desperate situation.

However, Wen Xuebing was planning to make his move on Ding Fang the day after tomorrow, and the urgency of the situation suddenly made Pang Feng nervous. If he hadn't known about Ding Fang's predicament, that would have been one thing, but now that he was aware, how could he just watch Ding Fang be thrown into a pit of fire by that bastard Wen Xuebing?

With only two days, Pang Feng was just an ordinary intern, penniless and powerless. How could he deal with Wen Xuebing, who had been operating for twenty years as Vice President Wen at the Wugai Town Health Center?

Had it been before today, Pang Feng wouldn't have even entertained the thought, because it was simply impossible. Fighting Wen Xuebing would be like an egg striking a rock.

But now, after receiving the cultivation inheritance from the Copper Coin Pendant, his body had undergone an incredible transformation and he now possessed abilities beyond those of ordinary people. The situation was different.


"The only good news for me now is that Director Jin is still at the county hospital for training, and he doesn't know about today's incident..." Pang Feng's emotions gradually stabilized, and his thoughts became more active.

"Wen Xuebing has hated me to the bone for a long time, and today just so happened to involve the matter where I pressured Liu Jinzhi. That old guy will definitely take the initiative to make a move against me tomorrow!"

"This old guy is very cunning, and Liu Jinzhi's identity is special, so Wen Xuebing will definitely find other excuses..."

A cold smile emerged at the corner of Pang Feng's mouth, "This old fellow's every scheme will take place tonight, while I'm acutely aware of everything. As long as I wish, I can catch every move Wen Xuebing makes."

With this thought, Pang Feng clenched his fist, and his heart suddenly felt brighter.


Early in the morning, the staff at the Wugai Town Health Center's general office were chattering and gossiping.

"Shh, be quiet, stop talking, Sister Liu is walking over from over there!" Someone called out, and all the doctors and nurses in the general office immediately fell silent.

In the corridor, Liu Jinzhi wore a tight-fitting POLO shirt, highlighting her enchanting curves, and the rhythmic "ding ding" sound of her silver high-heeled sandals echoed with each step, accentuated by the sway of her hips—an absolutely beautiful creature oozing with maturity from every bone.

Liu Jinzhi wasn't a doctor, but she came to the hospital to work every day. Her job was one thing—managing money.

The health center's daily finances passed through her hands; rural hospitals were collectively managed, with salaries and bonuses distributed by the hospital. Therefore, Liu Jinzhi wielded significant power.

Moreover, she was the director's wife, making her "Sister Liu" regardless of age or tenure, a title that signified her status rather than her years.

"Hey, why are all of you crowding here? Another meeting?" Liu Jinzhi scanned the general office with a smile on her face.

"Sister Liu, Sister Liu..." Everyone greeted her politely, and as Liu Jinzhi's gaze swept over the crowd, she slightly furrowed her brows, "What meeting? It doesn't look like everyone is here yet!"

"Sister Liu, Vice President Wen called a meeting, but we're not entirely clear about the agenda."

"Vice President Wen has arrived!" the dentist Fong Shaojun announced.

Around the corner of the corridor, Wen Xuebing, with his hair carefully combed upwards, dressed in a white coat and striding with pomp, walked over.

When he arrived at the door of the general office, he cleared his throat for show, and upon seeing Liu Jinzhi, his demeanor changed 180 degrees. With an obsequious smile, he said, "Oh, sister-in-law, are you here to guide us today? Welcome, welcome!"

Liu Jinzhi chuckled, "Oh Wen, please, what guidance can I offer? I came to get last night's inpatient department ledger. You go ahead with the meeting; I won't disturb you..."

As Liu Jinzhi laughed, her face bloomed like peach blossoms, causing Wen Xuebing to be visibly distracted, and he stood staring. Liu Jinzhi's laughter grew louder, and just then, Tang Zhijian exclaimed, "Wow, Pang Feng is here!"

With Tang Zhijian's light remark, the room fell silent instantly, and everyone's gaze turned toward the corner of the corridor. The young man swaggering in wearing a white coat, if not Pang Feng, who else could it be?