
Up Against The Wind

" You can't leave me like this ,not now ...am not ready ! " . When he said those words I could feel the pain ,sorrows and rage in his voice ,tears scatting down his eyes . How was I to make him understand? , I couldn't fight fate! I could feel my body getting cold, slowly losing my breath as every second goes by, heart beat decreasing. Call me mad but I can see the bright light, and that glorious music has begun ringing in my ears...

Dolly_nonduh · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Life changing incidents

New Year 's Eve . It was a week after I got engaged . It should have been the happiest time of my life ,I was getting married to a well renowned doctor . But it had just been crying myself to sleep ,only Musa and Lwandile knew what was happening but neither of them approached me ,because I was in a mood . Spent that entire week locked indoors and watching romantic movies . When Malik came over I just left the room , he would just stare at me with puppy dog eyes ,but I had no time for that .

The boys told me that we were going clubbing ,and I was coming along with them ,like it or not . They told me to call my fiancé so they could get to know him . Lucky for me he was working at the emergency room due to an accident . Hooray that was going to be my life from there on , I was going to be stuck at home while my husband ,saves lives all night . I spent the whole day with Sheila while she told me about how she was planning on spending the night with her hubby , she was a little old but really cool to hang out with . Even though she told me the same thing my mom had been saying " Follow your heart !" .

She dragged me upstairs to help me get ready for clubbing . We had exquisite taste in clothing ,and her make up skills were on point . She turned me from ugly Betty into Cinderella . The boys were also dressed up and we all made our way the famous club they hanged out at . It was jam packed ,and girls threw themselves all over Musa and it got on my latest nerve . I kept on having drink after drink to forget ,how messed up the life I lived was . Lwandile was right by my side getting wasted with me ,whilst Musa got down to every beat .

I received a call from Nate ,he was wishing me a happy new year and apologized for not being on my side .I was glad he was not there . They played the sing Love you always by Stevie Wonder .It actually got me off the chair and danced besides my brothers, they really managed to cheer me up . The moves we pulled on that dance floor got everybody in the club bursting into laughter. My smile faded away when Malik entered that door .He looked so good . " Just don't mind him " Lwandile whispered in my ear . He came up to us ." Happy New Year guys and Lorna " When he said my name ,he stared at me for some time . " Can we talk please ." I didn't even get the chance to answer ,but these girls came flooding to him and I just made way for them . He tried escaping and calling me but the girls were too aggressive ,that was his life and I certainly did not fit in .

I told my brothers I was tired and was heading home ,just a few minutes before the New Year's .They were reluctant but let me go ..They told me for them the night was still young ,they were eloping to another club .I just hugged them got in on the car and drove off . I didn't really go straight home ,but the roads were empty so u just drove around. God why did I care so much for Malik , and there was that part of me that believed Malik did too .

I actually drove to the park alone , the air was so refreshing and I had that bottle of champagne in my hand and the fireworks went off " Happy new year to me " in said that whilst I popped my champagne . I was playing the radio and getting down to the beat , I took of my shoes .It began to drizzle but I just turned on the head lights and let myself go . The one o'clock news disrupted my one man party ." Well sad for the night ,a well-known Rugby player was assaulted outside a club tonight and has been rushed into hospital , it seems he is in a critical state "

After listening to that Musa was the first person that came into my mind . But what happened ? will he die ? was it really him ? .Those were the questions racing through my mind as I drove if to the hospital .I became sober in just a few minutes and I then noticed I was soaking wet from the drizzle . When I got to the hospital ,I laid my eyes in Lwandile who was sitting on the waiting chairs .I ran up to him " Lwandile what happened ? " Before hold answer ,Musa came in through some room ,he looked devastated . I just hugged him ." What the hell is going on ? " I asked him and he just broke down . " It is Malik, some people beat him up and it does not look good " I went cold ,and tears ran down my eyes .

What if he does not make it out of that theater alive ,and I don't get a chance to tell him I love him ,with all his flaws. I don't care about the girls from his past ,I just want him to be with me .Those were the thoughts in my head ,Musa give me his jacket and some coffee . They wanted to ask why I was wet ,but just kept quiet . I wondered where Nate was because he was working, but that was the least of my concerns .

I was beginning to fall asleep in Lwandile's arms when I heard noises ,of someone talking really loudly ." Oh God what happened to my baby, will he be fine ? " She was shouting and all teary . When I looked at Musa he whispered " Malik's ghetto mom " .She was a beautiful woman ,who did not look that old ,but was just simply ghetto . She just ran into Musa's arms ,she knew him well since Malik and Musa were practically brothers . He introduced her to us . And she had to comment about how puffy my eyes were .

It was almost dawn when the doctor finally came out of surgery . " How is he ? " I was the first one to ask and I didn't care what they thought ." He is stable ,just resting now ...so it has been a long night I suggest you all get some rest ." The doctor said those words with much confidence . " So what's the damage ?" I asked the doctor .." well it was a broken leg ,but we can really know after we get the test results " I just nodded ." let's go home we will come back tomorrow " Musa said that heading for the door . " No, I'll stay here and when you come tomorrow you can bring me some clean clothes " Musa tried talking me out of it but Lwandile told him it was a lost cause .

Tasha ,Malik's mom just smiled and we both sat down ,staring into space . I was tired and fell asleep and I was woken up by the doctor " Good morning Ladies ,I am happy to let you know he is awake and you can see him in a few minutes " I had a huge smile on my face when I heard those news ." You different from all the girls my son has been with " I just looked at her ." Now seriously why is a girl with such a huge rock on her finger be out here worried by my son, with very little principles might I add " I just smiled ." To be honest I would rather be here than anywhere else And this was a big mistake and last night just confirmed it for me .. Life is too short ." After I said those words I took of the ring and put it into my pockets .

The nurse came to lead us to where Malik was . When we got there he looked bashed up . When he opened his eyes ,his mom had her hand on my shoulder and he just smiled ." Lord I must be in heaven, my mom with a lady and not chasing her out ." We all just laughed . " She is different, nice ,with a bad taste on clothing but nice " I didn't know how to react when she said that . " Well tiger ,since you up and alive, I'll checkup in you later today " He just smiled .I gave him a kiss on the part of the forehead that was not swollen .

I walked off ,I decided to check on Nate. I had to tell him about calling of the engagement . I was not looking forward to telling him this ,he was such a perfect guy and I was going to break his heart . I went up to the receptionist asking her if Nate was there and she directed me to Nate's office . I was weighing my options , what if Malik will never change his player ways , and what if Nate bored me to death . I actually laughed at my thoughts . I heard something weird outsides what was supposed to be Nate's office ,groans and they were familiar sounds .

I opened the door ,and I almost fainted . I just opened my mouth wide open . Nate was on his desk with some girl ,he was penetrating the life out of her ,and groaning loudly in pleasure . I actually felt tears I'll down my eyes ,I was hurt which meant I did care for Nate . In my head ,and from all the things my dad said about him, he was supposed to be the ideal man ,but there he was cheating on me . Like I was super fine ,and would make a perfect wife ! When he saw me ,he immediately stopped , and pulled out ,grabbed some papers to cover his junk ." Lorna it's not what it looks like ... " He had the nerve to say that . " Am I blind Nathan ? You know what save your explanation ,you just helped me make a very important decision " I took his ring out of my pocket and threw it on his face .