

A training of the students in Martial Art school was taking place at the school. All the students were lining up five- five on like six segment and following all the steps showing them by their seniors standing at the front of them and training them with their swords in their hands when the students were using wood swords.

All of them were shouting including their seniors as they were facing different directions and turning their swords upside down. The seniors were three in numbers and wearing pure white Martial uniform and with white belts, when the students were wearing white uniform as well but with black belts and black on the clothe's collar.

There were three guys at a corner in the school, sitting on the clay chairs at the corridor there and wearing pure white Martial arts uniform and with black belts like the other students and they too were among them.

These three students supposed to be in the part of the training but they decided by themselves to separate from there and sitting alone, drinking wine and charting. There was a guy at the middle, white in complexion, normal in stature and handsome. He was the head of the team and the son of the First chief.

He was so arrogant, stupid, insulting and also lack of respect. He was just using the influence of his father as the First chief and like Hand of the king to be misbehaving in the kingdom especially in the school, he was just like his father and with all his own behaviour too.

"You think we should go and join them because if master come out and meet us here it's a big problem!" The fart boy among said with fear.

"Calm down! Nobody will see us here. Even master can't know that we are here, nobody have the gut to tell him!" The second guy said with boldness.

"It's only master I respect in this school and it's because I was told to do so. He doesn't uses to come out so he can't know anything, and nobody can have the gut to tell him what we are doing here. So enjoy yourself!" The boy said with arrogance and his name was Lee Yangyie, the first born of First chief and his only son.

"Father will bring another wine! So I am ready to finish this today, I can't be in this place and still be living a lonely life. This place is boring, no girls to rub my back or pouring wine for me or have a lady at side that I can be rubbing her breast!" The two boys laughed and hailing him.

"If we don't be in the part of the training for today, doesn't mean that those that are there should good than us. If we are already, we will go and join them from where they are or even start all over for us!" Lee Yangyie said with loud voice.

"I know you on that! I don't even what to do anything today, just to be enjoying myself and later in the night we should go to "Night Mansion" and carry a pretty girls"

'NIGHT MANSION' was the name Zhang Min's mother gave her entertainment house and which was the one it was still bearing and was unable to change.

"There is this girl there that so beautiful and I like her so much. Just don't know, she doesn't uses to come out like others. As I remember her name! Dong Mei!" Lee Yangyie said with sweet voice and drank a wine.

"Dong Mei! But Chang ying is beautiful than her and she is very smart, why are you talking of Dong Mei!" The fart guy said with loud voice.

"Two of them are beautiful but if you look at Dong Mei very well she is beautiful than Chang ying a little and also from my own eye, I love Dong Mei and always love to be seeing her anytime I go to that place but not!"

"Wow! You can ask for her now, maybe this night!"

"Don't worry! I know how to handle it" linked his lips, poured a wine and drunk it. Pouring another one including his friend.

A young guy wearing pure blue Martial art uniform and with white belt, came out from a room and walking along the corridor going to the training ground. He was the last senior student there and with his five others colleagues whom were seniors. It was blue and white belts that they used to wear and they were the next to the Master.

The other pure white uniform students that were passing around the corridor were greeting him with respect and honour and he was replying them. He was tall, normal in stature and very handsome. Left his long hair without pack and with his sword in his hand.

He got down to the training ground, all the black belts uniforms students and white belts students greeted him with loud voice and he replied them all.

"Well done! They are not complete, where is the three students that missed out of them. Where is Lee Yangyie?" He asked the students that were training them.

"We don't know where he is and the other two. Before we will start the training, I told two of their colleagues to go and look for them but they didn't find them!" One of them replied.

"Continue with your training!" He said and left the place, continued checking round the compound, making sure that everything was in order as their Master instructed him.

He was about to get to the corner where Lee Yangyie and co were when he heard some voices there, talking and laughing. He decided to go there and see those that were there and making this kind of noise.

"Carry on! Five hundred yen on the table already!" Lee Yangyie said and the guy got there, met them doing drinking competitions and with money on the table.

"What the hell are you doing there? Playing game with wine and laughing when others are there doing training!"

"Drink the last one or I will take my money!" The two guys as stood up as they saw the guy but Lee Yangyie didn't care.

"We greet you elder senior Teeson!" Said with low voice.

"Lee Yangyie! What are you doing there?" Lee Yangyie looked at him with arrogance and took a cup of wine first.

"With the way everything is, you should have know what is going on there, why are you disturbing us now? Elder senior or what did they said that we should be calling you!"

"Are you okay at all! Still talking stupidity. Others are there doing training and you are here drinking wine and still have the gut to be talking to me anyhow!" Said with anger.

"Look here! You can be senior to others but not on me. Be here doesn't mean that I should not have fun now, even I was begged to come to this place not that I want to come and be living in this stinking place. My father is the First chief so I deserve some respect as him too does!"

"Stand up now, pack all this rubbish and follow me. I will make sure I punish you today for all these!" Lee Yangyie looked at the guy and laughed loudly.

"Guys! Sit down and let continue having fun!" Said louder and pouring another one. Teeson used his legs to throw the wine and the cup away and everything broke.

"How dare you do this!" Lee Yangyie said with anger and stood, wanted to fight him. Teeson kicked him back with his legs and he fell on the floor.

Lee Yangyie cleaned his mouth that had injured and stood up again, wanted to fight. Wanted to kick him too back, Teeson grabbed his leg and beat him up with his hand.

"Carry him and follow me!" Teeson ordered the other two guys and they carried Lee Yangyie, going after him.

The other students at the training ground were looking at them carrying Lee Yangyie inside and surprised of what could have happened.

Their master was in his chamber, laying on the small bed put on the floor and with books beside him. He light a big candle put beside him and with a cup of tea.

Door of his room opened and closed. Teeson entered with the two guys and Lee Yangyie, put him down and they stepped back after greeting their master.

"What is going on! What happened to you Lee Yangyie?" Master asked and stood up, sitting on the bed.

"I was walking around as you instructed me. When I got to training ground, I discovered that Lee Yangyie and two others are not there and asked of them but their seniors training them said they didn't know where they are and also they have look for them but didnt find them. I continued with the walking when I met three of them at a corner drinking wine and playing game!" The master stopped him.

"You mean Lee Yangyie and his gang are somewhere else on their own, drinking wine and playing game instead of be at the training ground with others!" Lee Yangyie franked his face and looking at his elder senior with anger.

"As I just say a word, Lee Yangyie started talking arrogance to me and shouting. Still have the gut to want to be pouring another wine and I broke it with the cup. Because of this Lee Yangyie stood up on me and started want to be fighting me, so that was what caused the injuries!" Explained.

Their master stood up and slapped Lee Yangyie, he looked at Teeson angrily as their master slapped him and faced the Master back and didn't say anything.

"What an audacity do you have to be fighting with your elder senior, even any of your own senior you don't have the gut to fight him or her, or question their orders!"

"I am so sorry My Master!" Said with his mouth not opened properly and franking his face.

"It's two offences you have and which you will serve punishment on. Firstly when a training is going on you and your gang are somewhere else drinking wine and playing game. Secondly, you had a fight with your elder senior. So you serve punishment for this, there is discipline here and nobody care if you are First chief's son!"

"I am sorry Master and accept my offences!" Looked at Teeson with anger and him too looked at him.

"You too will serve your punishment for not be on training ground!" Talking to the two guys.

"Take them to the library, they should clean the books including the shelves and arrange the books back properly. Two of the elder senior should be with them!"

"As you said Master!" Teeson said, ordered the guys to be going out at the front and him too followed them. Sound of the door closed, Master faced Lee Yangyie.

"You too follow me!" Leaving the room, Lee Yangyie stood up on the floor and followed him.

Their master talk to a young man working in the school silently and the man left. Lee Yangyie and the Master continued walking and going to the backyard. They entered the kitchen as they got to the backyard and standing their.

Lee Yangyie was looking at the environment and didn't understand what he was doing there. The man that Master talked to and another man got there with fowls which were twenty in number and had been killed, dropped them on the floor and left the kitchen.

"This is your punishment! boil water as be on fire and make sure you remove feathers from all these fowls, you must do all the twenty fowls and without anyone supporting you!"

"What kind of punishment is this now! I don't know how to do this, may be you should just give me another pun----" He stopped talking as their master shouted at him.

"That is your punishment and make sure the chicken clean and no single feather on them!" Leaving the kitchen as he finished talking.

"This is rubbish now!" Lee Yangyie shouted with anger.

He brought the water down from the fire and poured it inside the big bowl gave him and put another water on fire. He took one of the chicken, holding it legs and put the body inside the water a little and struggling to uproot the feathers on the part that he put inside the water.

"You better put all the body inside the water to serve yourself from all these stress!" Teeson said as he entered the kitchen and stopped at a spot.

"You are happy now right! Yeah!!" He shouted as his hand entered into the hot water.

"Just always be watching your back! I will deal with you!" Lee Yangyie said and Teeson laughed loudly. Lee Yangyie looked at him and continued uprooting the feathers.

"You must be done with this before the afternoon training will start because you must be part of them!"

"Are you stupid? Are you the master that gave me punishment!" Said in insulting ways and put another two fowls inside the hot water.

"Hey boy! What are you doing there self?" Asked with loud voice, Teeson looked at him and smiles.

"When you know how to ask a question politely, then ask!" Lee Yangyie looked at him and didn't said anything. One of the student in the same rank with Lee Yangyie entered the kitchen, they just finished the training and came to collect her food.

"Serve her the food!" Lee Yangyie didn't replied.

"Do you hear me! Serve her the food!" He said again.

"You still have the gut to repeat yourself, you are-----" he shut up as he saw their Master.

"You are so arrogant and stupid! Do as he said, anything concern in this kitchen still you will be done with the fowls, it's you that will be attending to it!" Lee Yangyie looked at Teeson and cleaning his hand. Their master left

He served the girl and she left, he started serving all the food down for the other students and spacing them. Teeson was just looking at him and didn't support him with anything. After finished serving the food, he went back to the fowls.

After few hours later. Lee Yangyie had done with the fowls, put them inside a big bowl and leaving the kitchen. He stopped at the front of Teeson had looking at him with bad looks and left the kitchen.

Their master was with the elder seniors telling them something when Lee Yangyie barged in without knocking.

"Am done!" Said with low voice and hiding his anger.

"Go back, knock at the door and then enter!" Master said.

"I have told you what I am here for already now, so let me just go to my room and sleep!" Said with loud voice.

"Go back, knock at the door, and entered!" Lee Yangyie looked at him and leaving the room. Door closed.

He knocked at the door, opened it and entered.

"Done with the fowls which you said it's my punishment!"

"Now! Go and apologise to your elder senior, bath, eat and get ready for afternoon training!"

"As you said Master!" Said with low voice and leaving the room, Master called him back.

"Make sure you apologise to him, it's an order!" Lee Yangyie didn't replied and just left the room.

As he came out, he met Teeson and him too wanted to enter. He looked at him with arrogance and left without saying any apology words