

Khitan river kingdom which was a neighbour to Liu Wei's kingdom was so silent like nobody was in the kingdom, it was only birds that were flying around and everywhere be like there was a war in that kingdom. There was no war but the dragons attacks that they were fighting with was more than war.

None of them really know where the dragons uses to come from or where exactly that they were living, just uses to fight them when they came but still they didn't have the power to win over them. It was some of the farms that had destroyed as the result of the dragon's fires.

It was in a village there that Li Qiang and Wang Wei came from and which their parents were. None of them really know, what had been happening in that kingdom and in their village because nobody to write letter to them, if not they would have come to safe their people.

The lifter of the Queen that went Liu Wei's kingdom arrived back to her kingdom and with the man riding the horse with sadness showed all over him. Queen had cry that her eye had swollen up and that the cry had stopped by itself.

The two guards at the big entrance gate in the palace, opened the gate for them. The man rid the horse inside and stopped, the Queen took his son's head from her lapses and got down from the lifter with dull look.

"Welcome back the Queen!" The guards at the front of the front of the door to enter the house said with unhappy look.

She passed beside them with saying a word or even asked them why their face was so dull.

The maids inside the king's living room that were cleaning it and during their morning duty greeted her with sadness showed all over them as well, she looked at them and going to her bedroom without saying a word.

She came down to the living room back after few minutes and going out, the guards that were inside the living room opened the door for her and she got down to the compound.

"Why is my King? Where did he went to?" Asked a man.

"The king didn't go anywhere my King!" The man replied with low voice and felt sad.

"Then where is he or you are not okay! His bedroom door was locked so where is he!" Asked with anger.

"He is in his room! Come with me my Queen!" The man whom was the head of the armies in their kingdom said. Going at the front and the Queen followed him.

The guard outside opened the door for them and closed it back after they had entered, the maids were looking at them as they were going to the King's chamber. The man brought out the key to the king's bedroom, unlocked the door and opened the door widely.

"You can go in my Queen!" The Queen looked at him, she had know that something was not right at all. She looked at him again and entered the room.

As she entered. She saw the king's laying on the bed and with white cloth used to cover his face. She walked closed to him and removed the cloth, saw scars around all over his body and the body had cold it was obvious he had dead.

"This is dragon attacked right! When did it happen and how did it happened?" Asked with loud voice and no even a drop of tear dropped from her eye, she had turned hard.

"Yes it's! It happened like two days ago and at the centre of the kingdom when he went to greet his people! The dragons just came from nowhere as they uses and we tried to protect him but he was attacked!" Explained.

"My son in there laying down dead and my husband too is here laying down dead! Wow!! It good!" Saying with hard smiles and looking at her husband's corpse.

"Take it easy my Queen!" The man said with low voice.

"They will surely pay for this! Liu Wei will pay for this!" Said with loud voice. Since that it was only Liu Wei that they were seeing none know that was the demon doing all the evil works and controlling the kingdom all most.

"War just started! I am coming for you!" Said with not loud voice, stood up from the floor and face the man.

"Tell the maids to gather firewoods, put two of them on it and call me when you done!" Said with low voice and leaving the the bedroom.

The Queen faced back again with red eye, looked at her husband's corpse on the bed and left the room. The man too followed her, left the room and closed the door.

Two of them got to the living room at the same time, the Queen sat down on her Queen's chair and looking angrily and burning inside her. Door opened and closed for man and got down to the compound, trying to arranged for everything so that they could as the Queen said.

After an hour. Like ten female and Male maids entered the place with think logs of firewood and dropped them on the floor. Started arranging them together and used it to formed a V shape, two guard got there with the king's body put it on the woods and put Prince too on it.

It was everybody in the palace that were there, standing around the woods and waiting for the Queen. The door opened for the Queen and got down to the compound, standing at the front of the firewoods with bitternes.

One of the guards got there with stick lamp fire, gave it to the Queen and she collected it. Looking for few minutes and threw the stick lamp to the woods, fire set in on the wood and browning heavily. People started leaving one after the others still remained only the Queen looking at the fire blowing heavily and with a bitter sadness.


A young guy which was the same age with Wang Wei was sitting on the floor at a corner in a house and put his face on his lapses. The young guy was tall, normal in stature and had a short hair, he was living with a middle age woman whom be to his his mother and they were the only one living together.

"Get up! What happened to you?" The woman called the boy as she entered the room and saw the where he be, but he didn't respond, the woman tapped the boy on his neck and worried about him.

"What!" Raised a scaring red eye up and said with a scaring voice. It was the Demonic blood in his system that was disturbing him and he hadn't know what was happened.

The demonic blood had been put into his system since he had been born by the unknown second demon, for him to be able to use for what they needed him for. As you demon power CONTROLLER.

"Leave me alone!" Said with loud voice and shouted. The woman turned back immediately and going outside, she had know that the demonic blood had been over acting in him.

The woman got to the back of the house where she was cooking, check a hole chicken that she was cooking and making their local food inside a bowl with flower.

"You should have call me to help you!" The guy said as he standing beside his mother.

"Don't worry my son! Just sit down and I will do everything!" The guy didn't remember anything or know maybe he was acting strange and woman didn't use to say anything.

"My friend in school use to say that my eye uses to change something to a demon's own, my voice uses to be scaring and my strength uses to be hyper. What can that be? And I don't know anything"

"May be it's a play! I don't notice anything like that, maybe they are just playing!" The guy looked at his mother.

"Okay! I too think so maybe they are the one that don't know what they are saying, how can I be acting strange and won't know!"

"I want to cut out of the chicken. Am very hungry!" Took a knife on the floor.

"You can go ahead my Son!" Said with low voice and looked at the guy and breathe in.