
Unseen Hope: "The Prisoner and the Innocent"

In a world in which darkness and light exist side by side, Evelyn, a young and compassionate girl, embarks on an area experience to the highest security Prison. Unbeknownst to her, this jail holds Caleb, a notorious rogue answerable for the deaths of many pack park members. Caleb, once the embodiment of violence and darkness, is now burdened by remorse. As destiny brings them together, Evelyn's kindness and Caleb's craving for redemption begin to resolve a complicated narrative of second chances, forgiveness, and the surprising resources of desire.

Jessica_Anyamele · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 8: Injuries

Caleb had brought me to an apartment after an all-night walk, I had no idea where we were, or what I was going to do as long as he was here there was nothing I could do. "Okay my little mate," Caleb speaks up for the first time since my house, I look up at him with tired eyes, "Time to listen to me" he sings in a dark tune. I look up and see him smirking down at me, he grabs my arm I let out a yelp, "See these?" he questions, pointing to my scars. I nod slowly, "Only me is allowed to do that, Why? Because when you do it, it hurts, When I do it, it's a turn on," he licks his lips, glancing over at me to see my reaction. My face contorted; he is a sick person.

The doorbell suddenly rings and Caleb gets up to answer it. I looked over and see a pizza man, could he not recognize Caleb? The biggest serial killer in the history werewolves. Caleb came back into what I believed was the living room, with a box of pizza. He set it down and opened it, my nostrils filling with the smell of multiple meats. If i wasn't in this situation that whole box would be in my stomach by now.

"Is the little wolfy scared to eat?" Caleb teases, taking a bite of his pizza. I don't reply, just sitting on the bed. This was his bedroom and living room, small place for a big guy. He rolls his eyes, tearing off a piece and handing it to me, i waited a moment before taking it and looking at the small piece, I plopped it in my mouth and ate it out of hunger. I haven't eaten in a few days, and I was practically starving. "Here, the rest is yours," he says, twisting the pizza my way. I look up at him confused. "I kill and eat, if you catch my drift." I nod, understanding the sickness he was talking about. A shiver ran down my spine.

I closed the box and placed it beside me, for later. I wasn't too hungry right now. I had a problem with eating around people.

Caleb got up and my eyes followed his movement as he sat next to me. He moved my hair behind my shoulder, and I hopped far to my right. I didn't want him to mark me, but my wolf did. Too bad I'm in control.

"But doing it will make my playtime less hurtful," he whines like a child.

"P-playtime?" I stutter, my body shaking as if I was about to freeze. He smiled, "Mhmm", he came over and pushed me into the bed like last night, but right now he wasn't so easy on me. I tried to get up, but he held me down with one hand, after squirming a bunch, he held onto both of my arms chuckling like a maniac. He was going to drive me crazy, in the bad way of course. I felt him lick my neck, looking for the perfect spot, it's going to be hard for him since I'm not willing to be marked, ever.

He nipped at parts, trying to find the perfect spot. He did, multiple times, but I was playing a good game.

I feel him move up to my ear, "Moan, or 200 innocent lives are going to die-all children," he whispers, nibbling on my earlobe. I knew he added the children part, it definitely made it more convincing.

"I can't," I say. I was too scared to... do what he requested. Nevertheless, I never have before.

Caleb pulled away, looking grumpy. "200 people on the line my dear," he repeats.

"I can't do what I don't know!' I shout, shutting my eyes.

All I heard was chuckling and some movement. "Eyes close or ten die," he says, and I agreed. He could easily persuade me with the lives of others, my own life was nothing compared to theirs. I didn't bother questioning whether he would do it or not, because I know he would. He's a cold-hearted killer after all.

I heard footsteps come back into the room and breathing picks up, i feel the bed move and some jingling handcuffs. Oh god! I knew he was sick, but this is plain wrong! I feel the cold cuffs go around my wrists as I'm flipped onto my stomach.

"Hmm," he said, as if he was thinking about something. "I'll let you out of these cuffs, if you give me a kiss. If not, it's going to be a long month," he snickered, pressing down on the cuffs, tightening them. I let out a whimper, nodding. Staying a month in these cuffs would lead them to falling off from blood loss.

"Open your eyes," I listened and opened them up, looking over to Caleb, he was smiling that dark smile of his. I bit my lip and hoisted myself off the bed, so we were face to face. I moved in and gave him a peck on the lips.

He licked his lips again, "Mm tasty, I wonder how it'd be with a bit of blood," he was looking at the ceiling in a dream state. There was no way in hell I was going to kiss him again, especially with blood, Gross! And unsanitary.

He snaps out of his daze and spins me around so my back was facing him, he unlocks the cuffs and I rub my wrists, they were red and would most likely bruise later.

"You know I would've accepted a kiss on the cheek, I do have to admit that one was so much better."