
Unseen Hope: "The Prisoner and the Innocent"

In a world in which darkness and light exist side by side, Evelyn, a young and compassionate girl, embarks on an area experience to the highest security Prison. Unbeknownst to her, this jail holds Caleb, a notorious rogue answerable for the deaths of many pack park members. Caleb, once the embodiment of violence and darkness, is now burdened by remorse. As destiny brings them together, Evelyn's kindness and Caleb's craving for redemption begin to resolve a complicated narrative of second chances, forgiveness, and the surprising resources of desire.

Jessica_Anyamele · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Help

I laid in my bed, listening to the rain patter against my house outside. My phone screen lit up and I picked it up, thinking it was another message from Greta or Darian. To my dismay, it was an emergency broadcast.

Soon my phone started to ring with the broadcast call, along with the town sirens.

I frowned, clicking on the notification. What was so important this late at night? I thought to myself, almost forgetting about my mate.

Mass murderer Caleb has escaped from the high security prison and is on a killing spree. Barricade your family in a single room with food and water. My mouth fell open.

 I was right, that was Caleb on top of the prison building. He didn't escape, he was let out, I knew that. The Warden was acting too fishy to miss.

I got up from my bed and moved my dresser in front of my bedroom door, my desk in front of the window, the bathroom was okay on its' own. There weren't any other windows or second door in my room, my heart raced as I sat back on my bed, debating as to what I should do.

I wasn't sure if he'd come after me but, if I was with him, he'd be stronger and heal faster. I'd be like a power up and he could kill nonstop.

I shiver at the thought of just me alive, could make him kill faster. I bite my fingernail, already having the thought of people's demise...

I stuck my hand in my back pocket and pulled out Darian's razor I stole, it's for his benefit and others.

 I lifted up my sleeve and took a deep breath, if I didn't kill myself now, others would die later. I repeated this about twenty times before I brought the razor down to my skin, sinking it deeply into my skin. I let out a scream but continued as blood dripped down my arm and tears fell down my cheek. I cut a cut about two inches long, but very deep. The smell of my blood flood the room.

I got up and double checked the window, making sure it was closed.

Thankfully it was and I sat back down. Blood was all over my carpet, staining it."I'm sorry mom and dad," I whisper, inserting the razor again. This time I didn't scream, it didn't mean it didn't hurt, because it sure as hell did. This time I stuck it in as far as I could, my bone. I stopped when I heard an ear-piercing growl outside. It was scary, but somebody might've just died. Wait, that'd mean he is close by, that growl might have been his, I forgot he could feel my pain.

 I bit my lip, ripping the razor out, blood rushed out of my arm, and I was starting to feel lightheaded. I knew my arm wasn't enough, so I placed the razor above my stomach, I couldn't go for my heart, my body wouldn't let me go that far, even though I was already trying to kill myself, before I could sink the razor in my window shattered and my desk was knocked over, my schoolwork spilling everywhere. It was Caleb, only feet away from me. I quickly sunk the razor into my stomach, letting out a small cry. I wasn't going to let myself live, I was determined. He walked over and stood tall in front of me, not saying anything as he pushed me back onto the bed, I tried to move, but my muscles were too weak to cooperate with me, he was on top of me when he picked up my arm and began licking the blood off of it.

I stared at him, my breathing changing paces from the blood loss and fear. My stomach was still bleeding heavily, and I felt my shirt get soaked from it. Not like it'd matter, there was a good chance I could still die.

I looked back at my arm and noticed that the cuts stopped bleeding. My eyes go wide, not expecting that at all. I have heard of mate's being able to do weird things, but this... is bad luck.

Caleb set down my arm softly and lifted up my shirt above my bra. I couldn't see what he was doing, but I didn't feel him pull out the razor. I let out a scream, feeling more blood come out. It stopped when Caleb started to lick my stomach slowly. His tongue was rough, like a cat.

Once I felt him finish, he stood up and looked down at me. I either looked really stupid or really vulnerable, both being true.

"Before I throw this out." Caleb held up the razor and moved over to the left side of the bed. I couldn't move still; I lost too much blood. Everything felt hazy, but my defense system wasn't going to let me pass out with him around.

I watched him closely as he brought the razor down to my thigh, i moved it with the little strength I had, he grabbed my leg and inserted the razor, which made me scream. I shut my eyes as he kept moving the razor around.

Once he was done, I was panting and shaking. "Caleb's mate," he said, holding up my leg. The blood was wiped clean, and I could see what he did. He scarred my skin with proof of his property.

A tear rolls down my cheek and he notice, smiling. "Time to go," I looked at him with wide eyes as he picked me up bridal style. I was going with him. Of course, why would he leave me here to tell the world. Not like I would, everybody would turn against me immediately.

He hopped out of my window; I groaned when I felt the sudden stop.

Nothing was said as he walked to hell knows where, carrying me in his arms. We passed by many houses in my town, that were suddenly boarded up. It felt like a ghost town, just because of this one person.

One person I couldn't escape from.