
Unrivaled Demon Knight (Sidonia)

(A/N: Not Harem. Jason X Kobayashi.) At first, Jason Star seemed like an ordinary handsome man who didn't stood out much, but secretly, he was the number one ranker of the most popular virtual game in the world which had the theme of robot vs aliens. The most notable thing about him was his exceptional piloting sense, and rational decisions. Still, he was a human who also usually makes mistakes when faced with sudden situation. While relaxing on the rooftop, Jason suddenly met his demise after an unfortunate accident of getting struck by lightning. However, he soon found himself being thrown into a futuristic sci-fi reality where his life is always at constant dangers. However, despite that, he now seemed to found a place where could truly belong. Along with his alien parasite buddy, Jason will use any means to survive. Helping humanity along the way is just a stepping stone for that. As for girls? Pftt! Who needs those thots when you can have those beautiful mechas for yourself! But it might change soon... who knows... .... This is me trying to explore and create some of my ideas about the world of sidonia, so expect changes. A/N: This story is not about some loner or selfish MC. He will instead help humanity and it's sanctuary by 'indirectly' helping advance the technology. The reason is simple. He will die alongside it because there are no other place. Suggest some good weaponry and other technological stuff There will be many mistakes done in the grammar because of this shitty auto-correct. This is also an uncharted territory for me so please pardon my mistakes.

Ishya_Chan · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
71 Chs


Chapter 9 — Worries.

Jason Star's Daily Log.

SDF Academy | Day 41.

A graduation ceremony was formally held for Jason in the Sidonia Defence Force Academy.

Kobayashi handed Jason his official Guardian Pilot Certificate. He also received a unique kind of medal along with it. The medal was given to him as a sign of Jason being the most outstanding student to graduate from the SDF Academy.

There are only a few of this medal to exist in the entire history of the SDF Academy.

Jason pinned the gold medal on his black military uniform. He then smiled, thinking inwardly that this medal was only the first and he would earn more in the future.

He would work very hard on filling his portfolio with various amazing achievements until he was completely accepted by the general public. He would receive their support to fight back against those with powerful influence in the future.

Jason would become their saviour—their bringer of light and hope.

And at the same time, he would become their punisher—the bringer of darkness and despair to those who seek to harm humanity.

This not only included the Gauna, but also his fellow evil and corrupted humans.

The students from the whole SDF Academy attended the graduation ceremony.

This include Jason's classmates and friends from Class 1.

Majority of the students expressed their awe and respect toward Jason who stood proudly on the stage along with the commander.

Some also felt envious at Jason's amazing achievement, having some thoughts of also wanting to stand at the stage quickly.

Those thoughts ignited their passion to study and train even more harder.

On the one hand, Jason's classmates were joyful, tearful, and proud over him since he was their classmates and can be considered as friends.

On the other hand, not all of them expressed good feelings.

They held an ugly and angry expression.

Such an example of such a person was Kunato Norio. He didn't liked the sight of Jason standing at the bright stage while receiving lots of attention and compliments.

It was an eyesore.

He should have been the one standing there proudly and recieving such an important medal. He was also supposed to be the one to recieve those praises and compliments from those inferior humans.

If only he didn't exist...!

If only Jason didn't exist, Kunato wouldn't have to feel inferior and lesser for the first time.

The graduation ceremony was soon completed and over. Jason received some essential information from Kobayashi after the ceremony.

Since Jason was now an official Guardian Pilot, he would now earn a salary every month and also receive a free house since he would now be kicked out the SDF Dormitory.

Jason could also eat food at the cafeteria for free without having to pay. It seems he could still eat Mother Bear's cooking and it was even free!

Jason was relieved.

Also, he was very excited inwardly. He would after all now get to own a house that would only belong to him. Who wouldn't get excited over this fact? It was essentially the average adult dream's to have their own house.

Jason promised to decorate his future house nicely with the salary he would earn.

He wasn't able to buy that much previously because his allowance from Kobayashi was only limited to his basic needs.

Jason then heard he could choose his house by going to the archaic library that was located somewhere in the residential area.

He could check the map of the entire Sidonia and use it to choose what kind of house he would own.

It seems the the archaic library still uses real books unlike the SDF library which was all technological and virtual.

Books weren't that popular anymore.

Jason didn't delayed anymore and quickly went toward the archaic library. He asked the residents along the way since he was still not familiar with the residential area.

He rarely explore the residential area. He was busy studying and training. Now that he have some spare time, maybe he might be able to finally explore around and admire this futuristic society with his own eyes.

Jason managed to arrive at the library once the night came and he immediately went inside. He quickly saw several dozen rows of entirely filled bookshelves that seemed to spread to no end.

Jason was amazed.

To him, it felt like this archaic library contained the entire knowledge of a civilization.

However, that sounded farfetched.

Jason then saw a beautiful girl that looked like a bookworm. She reading a certain book over the counter.

He went toward her.

He gently asked her for the map of the entire Sidonia to check around for a good house to settle.

The girl handed him the map and continued reading.

Jason didn't minded her strange personality and took the map.

It was a large map that looked old, but it contained many information about the Sidonia detailedly. It even included the various pipelines and sewers that were built.

Jason searched around the map and thought the house he preferred was something not that too large, but not too small. He was the only one that was gonna live there. It was not like he have a partner to shared with it.

He also wanted it to located somewhere isolated and no others resides near it. The house being near the greenery and lake also sounded nice.

A good and peaceful environment.

A two-story tree house near the large lake and forest seemed nice.

The most important thing was the location needed to be located close the military base, so Jason could immediately sortie out in times of emergency.

He also wanted it close the archaic library and SDF Cafeteria.

After looking at the map for a while, Jason soon found the perfect place that didn't have owner and was vacated. He memorized the coordinates and handed the map back toward the girl while expressing his gratitude.

The girl just nodded and once again continued reading.

Jason simply smiled and left the archaic library while saying goodbye.

He went to meet with the commander to claim his house before anyone could occupy it.


Jason Star's Daily Log | Day 61.

Several weeks have passed.

A large two-story house built inside a small forest and near a clear beautiful lake was successfully occupied by Jason.

He had to clean and fix the tree house first since it was dusty and broken in some areas without anyone to maintain it previously.

He also used his salary that he received in advance to decorate it neatly with things like plants. He also bought some books and placed it all on the bookshelves.

Currently, Jason's tree house was as good as new. It was very comfortable to live inside the tree house.

Jason even though of building his own Virtual Training Room inside his house, but it was expensive to do it. He needed to be promoted further and increase his salary.

And during these several weeks, not a single Gauna was found by Sidonia.

Jason was still not able to absorb an energy core to extend his lifespan, causing him to feel more and more worried.

He was relieved that he was still alive, but he was now very anxious without knowing how much time he have left.

Jason know he was gonna die, but not properly knowing when it was gonna happen terrified him greatly.

It caused him to sleep less comfortably.

Without any other choices, Jason could only focus and temporary forget it by practicing on piloting Rokurome at outer space with the help of his squad.

Jason's relationship with the Akai Squad grew more closer and tighter as they spent more time together and hang out occasionally.

He had many training campaign with them to prepare for the real stuff against the Gauna.

He was thankful for their help, as he was finally able to experience using the palm formation and other things in real life.

And Jason also recently had his first real mission from Sidonia. He was sent along with the Akai Squad to protect the workers that went to collect resources from a dead planet under the request of the resource department.

However, nothing dangerous and complicated happened like a Gauna attacking them.

The resource gathering mission ended up safely.

As a result, Jason didn't know whether to feel happy or not.

Sure, he was definitely happy to see there were no casualty and he didn't have to confront a terrifying Gauna.

However, it also meant that he still couldn't obtain and absorb a Gauna's energy core.

Jason's heart grew complicated and twisted as time passed.

He felt guilty and selfish.

He closed his eyes to sleep, feeling death slowly inching near him.

He wondered when Mr. Alien would wake up.

Jason desperately needed its comfort and help.

It just left him alone here at an unfamiliar place to cope by himself. It didn't even provided him with help. He dealt everything and managed to reach this far by himself without relying too deeply on anyone.

Sure, Jason used the superhuman body given by it, but without his firm mind and rational choices, he didn't know what would have happened to him even with a superior body.

Sigh, it was such an irresponsible bastard.

It didn't even tell him when would the energy (lifespan) exactly ran out....

If it did, he wouldn't have to worry too much!


A good thing about to happen soon...

I also placed Rokurome"s image at the end of the previous chapter.

Gib pawher stonze and sam reviews of encouragement plez.


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(I don't know how to make it, so it might seem simple and too direct. And do it only if you like to)