
Unrivaled Arcanist

Vertblade , the most famous family of all in the god realm. By refusing to join the devious plan of the counsel, an organization made of gods who plan to bring the whole universe under their control. Due to their decision the Vertblade family were almost wiped out by the counsel. With the remaining members the Vertblades decided to nurture the next family head in order to make him strong and powerful enough to lead the family back to glory. But everything didn't go as planned as the counsel had found them as their soon to be leader Eldric had just awakened his powers. But he could have never imagined that due to this he would reincarnate in another world as Eon Von Vertblade, one without magic, martial arts, and grudges. A land where only the strongest ruled and the weak obeyed. The Solar Continent. And with his memories and powers from his old life sealed he would have to start from scratch. How will Eon survive in this unknown environment? With a new road to follow, a new legend begins…

DivineArcanist · Fantasi
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7 Chs

The end before The beginning 2

When Stan saw Eldric's expression he couldn't help but feel anger towards the people who caused with a tone that made even the offenders shudder Stan said.

" The time has come my people lets rise and show the lackeys of the counsel the strength of the Vertblade's"

When he said this the villagers started shouting shouting and each of the was enveloped in a light and after the light disappeared they all looked different, no longer have human features they looked like a different race. Immediately war cries, curses and dying screams could be heard from all over the village.

Whiles this was going on a woman with wings behind her back approached Stan and knelt down before him and said." Greetings my lords everything is now ready since this world had already destroyed for a million years and it's no longer able to produce life energy the world would soon be destroyed and if we were to continue to use our divine powers to fuel it, we might cause a disaster to the other worlds " 

Stan nodded in agreement to what the winged girl said but Eldric on the other was getting more worried and intrigued at the same time. Even though he was called a lord it didn't matter that much to him since he now had a vague idea of who his grandfather was to the people of the village.

" So have you found a world which is yet to be under the control of the counsel" Stan asked with a little hope left .

"Yes my lord but its a newly born world at the 1st stage and it seems that there is life in it but the races have yet to comprehend the use of spirit energy so there is no high being of existence making it a good place but since it's a world in the 1st stage and has no god realm we can't go there. And the time it would take for it to allow it's life forms to achieve godhood and create a realm would be almost a million years" Stan's heart skipped a beat when he heard what the girl, his last hope was shattered in to pieces.Eldric who stood beside the duo couldn't help but be filled with so many questions which he wanted answers to but seeing the situation he kept quiet. 

Whiles Stan was talking the Sun God had quietly looked at them without interfering this wasn't because he was proud but rather because he was doing Stan a favor since he was an acquaintance's. A few minutes the girl with wings took Eldric and flew in the direction of their cottage, within a minute they had arrived at the cottage.

The two entered building and the the girl leading they head towards Eldric's room when he saw where they were headed he immediately jumped and stopped the girl from entering. " What are you try to do my lord this is not the time for you to be shy please step aside and let me do what I have been assigned to do." the girl side in a respectful manner.

He couldn't complain about that so he had no other choice but to just step aside and let her do what she had. She imbued the door with divine power causing the dark hole the twice the size of the the door to appear the two walked through the hole and as they appeared on the other side all Eldric could see was the nothing but a void filled with countless specks of light that travel really far.

"Where are we and how is this possible I can't believe my eyes" he said 

"This is the universe, it contains many worlds and mysteries that even the gods can't figure out" she said. Eldric was still feeling uneasy and not being able to hold it in any more burst.

" What hell is going on here who are those people what do they want from me and what is this matter about gods, 1st stage planet and all these and what do you mean by the world has been destroyed for a millennia" he kept on spewing out everything until he felt the touch of a person's hand on his shoulder. When he turned around and saw it was stan he couldn't help but start crying as he clenched onto him.

Eldric was still a 12 year old and it wouldn't be a surprise for him be in this state. "Ariel start the process " Stan said with a smile, he then went down on his knees and a began to tell Eldric what was going on. " The universe is a beautiful and wonderful place but know that there always be trash.we are known as gods, beings that have brooken through the shackles of mortals and have acquired divinity and the Vertblade are from a line of gods who ruled over countless worlds. But due to some reasons we were driven to extinction causing this problem. You may not remember somethings now but just believe me when the time is right you would know everything so just stay alive and get strong make allies cause the would help you, and remember make the name Vertblade known to the universe again" Eldric understood everything he was told but counldn't believe it and wanted to know more, Just as he was about to talk the attackers had located them.

"Everything is ready my lord we can start the process but since the world is a new world we would would have to intervene if we want to achieve success" Stan immediately nodded and began an incantation." On behalf of the Goddess of life that rules over a every life form I grant you the rite of reincarnation and the power of and on behalf of the God of light I grant you protection and good fortune with the blessing of the two Gods,I the God of war grant you my blessing and give you the name Eon Von Vertblade meaning he who is vast and immeasurable these are the gifts your parents prepared for you but since you haven't met their requirements you won't get so you should get strong and come look for us we are waiting you idiot grandson" he said with a poker face.

Eldric simply smiled at Stan and said to him" Grandpa can you do me a favor before I leave" Stan pondered for a while before answering "Can you seal memories along with my powers I don't want to rely on them and I want to have a fresh start without any hinderance is that okay" 

Stan almost fell into tears when he heard it but with respect for his grandson he did so and sealed his memories and finalized the rite and reincarnated him Eldric turned into a ball of light as dense divine power wrapped around him suddenly a streak of light flew across the universe . After Eldric was reincarnated Stan and Ariel began another incantation suddenly the whole place began to quake and a huge crystal appeared from thin air and vanished when the God of the sun saw this he called all the people to break into the space where Stan and Ariel were.

"Do you believe that he would be able to reach Godhood whiles his memories and powers are sealed, and he being in a new born world make it a harder . Though it may be from the grasp of the counsel, am not sure he would be able to do much unless he is able to be break through the shackles of the mortal realm."

A figure from behind said " Don't worry about that son your nephew is much more capable than you think and with this act of ours every is set in motion lets wait and see what he has to show us but before that can happen summon everyone let others guard his soul the rest should come with me"

Within a vast void multiple entities could be seen appearing out of nowhere and they are seem to be looking at one thing a huge planet there were others but this was the only one with life with Stan and the Sun God being the vanguard divine power leaked from their bodies and made its way towards every corner of the void making it more pure and dense in cosmic energy this went on for thousand years until finally the whole realm world had reached the third stage it was at that moment that Eldrics soul had finally made it's way to the world.

They all watched as his soul was reincarnated into the world without any problem and as everything was set in motion the could no longer interfere .Since they had exhausted their divine power they needed to leave that world in order to get it recuperate or else they would suck life out of everything causing the world to collapse and making all their efforts in vain, as they were leaving Stan had sealed the world preventing other power houses from finding it and trying to interfere with it. 

Somewhere in the night sky which was filled with million of stars the cry of a baby could be heard as his mother held him in her hands whiles trying to calm him down.

"What should we name him dear" the woman asked a tall figure that stood behind her the man closed his eyes for a while before saying" Eon , Eon Von Vertblade"


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