
UnOrdinary X MHA: UnOrthodox

After their fight, John decided to end it once and for all. Only to back out at the last second, but life has other plans for him. And now, he finds himself in another world as the concept of 'Hero' is accepted by the society. Will he be able to adapt at the sudden change of environment? Or will he bring the knowledge he learned on his world to this?

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14 Chs

Where did it all go wrong? (3)

The situation gone south as everything gone from bad to worse but at the middle of it all, Arlo interrupted the fight, which made it worse making John think that it all of it is actually planned to stab him in the back. His very best friend siding with the one who ruined it all.

But at the end of it all, both sides were left... Unfinished. Sera with more questions about hist past whilst leaving John with the idea that she really left him with him and now he's all alone.

Back to being a nobody.

Which takes us now to the present. John is now walking towards his home, or at least he tried to when he changed his mind to go for a walk to clear some things up.

He had no direction in his mind, all he knew is that he wants to clear his thoughts. He doesn't even know how much time has passed ever since he decided to have a walk as long as he could get away from all of it.

He walk, and walk. Left foot then right foot, alternating. He can feel his lungs giving him air to breathe, was he already that tired? Maybe what happened earlier exhausted him greatly since he feel so sluggish as he moves.

Now that he taken a look of his surroundings, he's not in the city anymore nor is he close to his home. Felt like he walk a lot of distance than he thought it would be. Guess he was too deep into his head that he failed to recognized where he is. One thing is for sure, he's now too deep in the forest that he entered and there's no signs that can be found to tell him where he could find the exit.

But he didn't mind the strange absurdity of his situation. Maybe this is what he needs after everything that transpired. Just an alone time for him as he tries to piece everything together.

And so he continued on his tracks. He figured that maybe somewhere along the way, he would finally gain an understanding, or reach the answers he desperately wanted.

Taking a look once again on his surroundings, it was quite damp. Musky, even. He didn't knew that there was a rainforest here in Wellston but now he knows. The muddy ground that he's walking on doesn't really help as he occasionally finds himself slipping only to prevent himself from falling. Thick moss and bushes covering every rock and log that it could find, there are also some bugs under and inside it. Trees that towered sky-high buildings, or maybe it's just his imagination, but they are pretty tall for a standard tree. It's covered in moss, making it hard for everyone to climb, and vines that connects at the others.

It was strange that he still hasn't encountered a wild animal in this forest. Could he be lucky? Or unfortunate for the unforeseen danger?

"Whatever." He thought to himself as he continued at his tracks.

A long time has passed but the sun still hasn't dawned as it shone upon at its peak. "Guess it's only been a few or several minutes that passed." He said as he covered his eyes to take a look at the sky. He was right but not that he knows the actual time just by knowing where the sun is positioned at.

After a long trekking, he finds a bridge connected to the other side of the forest. A strong breeze of cold wind suddenly assaulted his tired body. It made him cold but also rejuvenated on how fresh the wind was. What surprised him is the nearby waterfall, it was besides the bridge.

As he slowly walk towards the bridge, he was shocked on how big the waterfall is. The trees covered mostly what it looks but now that he's in the bridge, he was mesmerized the beauty of it.

John looked under the bridge only to find himself scared on how high up he was. He didn't expected the drop to be so... Large. It's like he's standing on a roof of a 4-story building. If he felt it like that when he's standing on the bridge, then how high up is the waterfall?

"What the hell? Just how is something like this is on Wellston?"

Before going to Wellston, he made sure to check every place in there just so he wouldn't get lost. Landmarks, Shops, Malls, or something like that. But he was surprised that something like this wasn't on the list of it. As if, this area was too deep that the people in Wellston haven't found it yet.

"They could make tons of money if they find this and turned it into a landmark." He snickered at the thought of it.

As he look at the end, a peculiar thought suddenly enters to his mind. "What if I jump here?"

But then he was shocked by the sudden thought. After all, why did he suddenly think of committing suicide? Is he crazy?

"I am definitely going crazy." He said out loud to vent his frustration.

But is he though? If he think about it... It could finally give him rest.

Yes... A rest. After all the things that have happened to him, how could he not desire to give himself the rest he deserve?

Has things gone the way he wanted to?

No, isn't it?

Because every time he tries to fight back, he finds himself being beaten by the society he loathes.

Even when he was at his weakest, they beat him up. Even 'til now when he's now at the top, one of the best of the best, life itself finds a way to ruthlessly beat him black and blue.

So, why not end it all? That should finished everything.

"No. No, no, no." He repeatedly said. After all, there is still his dad who supports him. No matter how much of an asshole he was back then, his dad was there at his side.

But... That could also give him the satisfaction that his son who isn't thankful at all for his help is now finally gone.


No one misses him. Claire, Adrion, they hate him because of what he had done to them, and he hated them too for what they've done to him.

Even Sera also. Not only did she dig up dirt on him, she also sided with the blonde prick that ruined his chances of having a life he desperately wanted.

Is it so wrong not to involved himself at the top? It's not like he bothered him at all throughout his days. One meager unintentional shoved then he started searching for his past only because he felt something is wrong.

Yeah... But what all there is to it? It already happened, what can he do? It's not like there's an ability to rewind time and go back to the beginning before it all happened.

That's right. No one is waiting for him anymore. He's all alone yet again.

But this time... He's not letting them win. And so, he decided the first ever decision he would not regret.

John put his backpack to the ground as he climb on the ledges and tried to stand on it. After a few attempts of balancing himself, he finally was able to stand on it.

And now, this is the moment. Where he takes his leap of faith.

He took a deep breath as he take his moment to get ready.

He remembers his dad who's been a support his whole life, making him doubt whether this is the right idea. Maybe he's just assuming that his father will be joyed that he's finally gone. Maybe all he wants is his son to come back safe and sound. After all, it was his dad who warned him about all of this. That everything will backfire if he still kept it secret.

John gritted his teeth as he contemplated whether to jump or not. He look at his behind thinking that maybe it was all a bad idea, then look back at the drop, thinking of ending it all.

His head alternated at the two scenes that he thought about. One thing is for sure, only one choice is correct and the other is wrong.

After a long time of contemplating, he heavily sighs as he decided that ending it all is a bad idea. This is a situation that he made after all. It's his fault, and he can't believe that all it took to realize it is to stare at Death's door.

"Who am I kidding..." John sighed as he finally realized about what he's going to do. He sighs once again as he finally decided to get back down.

But as soon as he decided to turn around, the ledge that he's been standing on then snap into two making him fall in not the direction he wanted it to.

Everything went slow. No, as if reality itself gone slower. He witness a single drop of water go down very slowly, the flap of the bird as it tries to fly, the gentle sway of trees when wind breeze past by, and lastly, the distance between him and the bridge as his body slowly reaches down to the end.

That's it. Everything flashes by in his eyes. His life that is full of torment and continuous despair, it brought him nothing. He could only smile at the irony of it.

"Oh. I'm going to die." Was his final thought as his body falls into the water.

Remember what I said on Chapter 1 about copying the other 2 episodes of UnOrdinary?

Yeah, I gave up on that. Because it took 2 chapters to copy Episode 183 and ain't no way I'm going to drag it out so I killed John right here, right now.

Anyway, I forgot to say this but this is my first time writing a fan fic, and I'll be learning how to write while I write this book.

Just so I can do something about the other books that I've created yet done nothing to it.

Edit: Yes, I edited the chapter.

WAMSHAMcreators' thoughts