
UnOrdinary X MHA: UnOrthodox

After their fight, John decided to end it once and for all. Only to back out at the last second, but life has other plans for him. And now, he finds himself in another world as the concept of 'Hero' is accepted by the society. Will he be able to adapt at the sudden change of environment? Or will he bring the knowledge he learned on his world to this?

WAMSHAM · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

New Environment (1)

[John's POV]

I don't know how long has passed ever since I've fallen from the bridge. What supposed to be a life-changer for me became my death.

"Me and my stupidity." I cursed myself for thinking of doing it at the first place.

I can feel my body getting dragged by the currents of water as it lifelessly followed along. The sway of the water as it push me forward. I could raised my body up to see where I am now but I don't have the strength for it.

But I am still in a body of freshwater so I guess I will die here as I bled out. Well, so much for having an epiphany.

But then, the current pushed me once again and my body finally reaches land, or should I say, sand.

"Wait... Sand?" Noticing the error, I mustered up any strength left in me as I tried to move even if it's just a single strand of muscle. Even if it's only for a moment, I have to move.

"I'm not going to let myself become food for those animals!"

And so I did. Gathering every bit of strength, I tried to move. I grit my teeth as I forced myself even if it hurts. The pain I've felt is nothing compared to what I have lived through.

In the end, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't know why but I guess the fall really took me out.

I can feel the blood dripping from my wound in my body as it spread throughout the sand. I couldn't even moved my hand so I could at least try to cover it.

"No luck, huh... Is this the end?" I thought to myself as I finally gave up and let myself lie down the sand.

As I wait for my approaching death, I can hear someone from a distance yelling. Since I can't move to flip myself, I opened my eyes to see where I am at least.

I could only curse as all I can see is just a blurred view. "Probably because of my blood loss." It's the only plausible reason why.

I don't know where I was but judging from what I can make out, I am in some kind of beach. Can I even call it a beach when it's full of junk? Feels like I drifted on some kind of junkyard.

Curse my luck.

The loud yelling was getting closer as it kneeled down and check my body, and I could finally make out its appearance.

It was a boy with a... Broccoli hair? He has a round face paired with his large and somewhat circular eyes that has been pouring out tears. It reminds me of the waterfall earlier. I don't know if it's my imagination or is my eyesight that blurred due to blood loss but I think he has freckles?

Standing beside him is someone with one hell of a height. Coincidentally, he's also blonde, reminds me of that prick but the only difference is their height. This dude towers everyone he meets, and he has this weird wide smile that he's been wearing all this time. Not gonna lie, this dude is jacked as hell. No matter how hard I build my body, I'm sure I'll never be able to achieve that kind of physique.

They seem to be both panicking as they tried to think of what they should do. Which made me decided to speak, if I could even call it speak.

"Call... An am.. bulance." I said hoarsely. There really was no strength in me as I feel myself slowly embracing something.

The last thing I saw before I lost my consciousness was the blonde dude carrying me up with no difficulty.


Beep..! Beep..! Beep..!

My head seared in pain as I sluggishly opened my eyes. What greets me is the sudden blinding light as it shone upon me, I quickly block my view as I help myself adjust to my state.

For starters, it seems I am fine. Not only I could move, which is good news since I thought I was paralyzed, I can feel myself moving well. Apart from the growing pain, everything is fine.

I was dressed with a long loose piece of clothing, which I could guess is a hospital gown.

"Guess standing up will not be one of the options." Since I am also lying down in my bed, I have no idea how long I have been for so my decision is right. I shouldn't stand up for now since I'm sure I'll just fall down trying.

Suddenly, my attention were then caught by the TV airing its latest news.

"Breaking news! The no. 1 hero, All might, has once again defeated another villain! The people cheered for his achievement as he saves the day yet again! Coming to you live!"

My thoughts paused at that moment.

"Hero? No. 1? People cheering? What the hell? And there's also a villain!? Am I dreaming?" Are what enters to my mind.

What seems to be illegal and technically prohibited by the government itself is now what everyone applaude and cheered for.

More thoughts ran through my mind. Like, what happened to Embers? They were killing vigilantes, right? So how come being a superhero is now something everyone likes?

Just then... The door slides open as it revealed two individuals. I recognized the blonde one since he's in the TV and also the no. 1 hero, while the other, I guess he's the crybaby that check on me on the beach.

Now that I could see them clearly, the kid is short. Very... His round face framed by his short mop of dark-green hair which curls up at odd angles around his head. I guess I could understand why I mistaken it as a broccoli. His eyes are large, somewhat circular, and coincidentally, his irises are also a same shade of green of his hair. Looking at him, he exudes an innocent and energized person.

Meanwhile... I was right when I thought of it. He really does towers everyone. He is muscular with a well-defined physique, attaining his body is impossible for everyone to achieve. He has chiseled features on his face with a strong jawline, pronounced cheekbones, and bushy eyebrows. He has short blond hair, swept backward, with two distinct tufts sticking above his head, leaning slightly to each side. His robust features regularly cast a dark shadow over his face, hiding everything but his bright blue eyes.

Looking at him, I feel some kind of awe and inspiration. Which is weird since I'm only seeing this guy now.

And also, the news just said they were airing live but I still couldn't comprehend how fast he change his clothes. Wasn't he wearing a costume earlier? A tight one at that.

They walked towards me as they both expressed their greetings. Problem is, there's some kind of communication barrier here.

"Uhm... Hello?" I said awkwardly. The short one did understand but there was a hint of shocked in his face while the robust guy was surprised but quickly hid it as he cleared his throat and speak again. A language that I understand.

"I apologize there, young man." He said warmingly. "My name is All Might, and this here is Young Midoriya," he said pointing besides him, "May we know what your name is?"

It kinda raised my guard up but they did help me get into a hospital but still... I couldn't let my guard down. I've been used and taken advantage too many times. Never will I be taken advantage of.

But telling my identity won't hurt me since I'm not in some kind of shady organization like the Ember.

"My name is John Doe," I expressed my answer as I bowed my thanks, "and thank you for helping me back then."

"No worries, Young Doe!" All Might said, it kinda irritated me on how he said that. It doesn't rhyme at all. "I'm sorry if I intrude to your privacy but... May I know what happened to you so we could file a report?"

Things has gotten bothersome... I didn't expect to be investigated already. It is suspicious that I was suddenly found in a beach, bleeding out of my misery. One thing is for sure, this won't end well.

But I guess I could use this to my advantage. "Before I tell you, would you first turn off your ability?"

"My what?" He quickly replied but that wasn't what I was concerned about.

"Your ability? After all, it's kinda straining your body." I confusingly said. I couldn't help but furrowed my eyebrows as he finds himself confused by the sudden mention of his ability. While the kid, or Midoriya, besides him is panicking.

"What's there to be scared about? It's not like he'll die or turn skinny if he turns it off."

"You mean my 'quirk'?" He said. His one eyebrow raised, curious at what I meant. Although, I feel like he got nervous when I mentioned about his ability.

"Quirk? What the hell is that supposed to be? Some kind of personality?" Somehow, I gotten myself even more deeper of a situation. "Based on how he said it. This... 'Quirk' refers to his ability. Is that supposed to be the name of his ability or something?"

"Yes, your 'quirk'. Is that the name of your ability?" I asked. More questions leads into another, so might as well ask so some of it can be finished.

Both of them were silent, now they look at me as some kind of person on a foreign world or something. But All Might, back then he looks at me with warm and embrace, but now, he looks at me with his guard up.

I feel like I stepped onto something I shouldn't.

Tldr: a yapping session

Not gonna lie, I struggled to write this chapter since I'm actually not well-versed with MHA. The only knowledge I have in this area just the general ones.

But there's the wiki for it and yet we know there's a limit how much I could write based on it. So I'll have to improvise.

It may be a fanfic but I'll use this as a hand-on experience to learn about my writing style. I am very serious about and I appreciate the critics you guys will provide.

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