
Unique Or Different?

"The more I know, the less I live..." Moonlight Crystal, the fifth princess of the Crystal kingdom, and the tenth in line for the throne. “Remember this, your master is a pitiful cowardly 'princess', with no power whatsoever, and has no interest in that power.” Was something she said, but... "Your destiny is to sacrifice yourself, it is your fate." Was what her father announced, once she set foot in the palace's ground. Little did she know this was the start of a never ending nightmare... Could her peace continue? Will she be able to tear down her destiny? ===== -Errors were made. -Update: very very slow

xShwGirl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Count Gabriel's Lessons

A strong light hit me.I opened my eyes,dizziness and blurriness hit me.

"Princess you're awake!" Lucy screamed. "Quick call the doctor!"

My head! What is going on? I suddenly felt pain on my thighs.

"Urgh.." I remember. That evil lady whipped me several times,hence I fainted from pain.

"Drink some water princess." Lucy handed me a glass of water.

"The doctor's here!" I heard Carl,the guard shouted.

"Let him in!" An old man walked in.

"Is this my patient?" He asked.

"Yes,Lord Marshall.Her name is Princess Moonlight. She fainted yesterday."

It has been one day already?

"Alright." He sighed.


"Princess Moonlight passed out due to exhaustion.She needs more sleep,and less stress.You should give her this medicine.If that's all,I'll go." He sat up and went out.

When he was checking on me,I didn't tell him my real injuries.It's quite embarrassing..

"Princess,do you want to take a bath to wash off all of your sweat? I'll add oil to calm your nerves." She suggested.

"Alright." We went to the bathroom and I went in the tub.

It smelled like rose.It was relaxing.

"Princess,I noticed red marks on your knees…"

"..." I looked down.I was in a dilemma. If I told her the truth,she would be worried.She can't do anything because of her rank.She would continue to worry,and maybe stress out.I can't afford having another tutor,I need to learn etiquettes quickly. The ball will be in five days from now.I can't become a laughing stock in front of all the nobles. I can continue these suffering,I can still carry on,I just have to persevere.I can do it!

"I dropped the tea cup,it spilled on me." It was true,I did drop it,but because of the layers of my dress,I didn't burn me. I hope she believes my lies..

"..." She looked at me suspectly. "Alright.."

"I hope no words spread out. I don't want rumors.Don't tell the others." I firmly said.

"Okay..Should I bring you some balm?"


I drank the bitter liquid and went to a deep sleep.


"Princess please wake up.It's almost time for your class. If you're too tired,then please tell me to cancel the lesson."

"It's okay,I'll attend the class."

I rested for a few hours,ate my meal and wore my outfit. I am now waiting for Count Gabriel.He will teach me politics or something.

"Count Gabriel has arrived." A guard announced.

"Let him in." To be honest,I'm still traumatized from the last time. I hope he will not be the same.But he's old. I don't think he'll do anything weird..But just in case,I let Carl inside the room with me.He's currently on the corner.

"Welcome Count Gabriel. Please, to make your acquaintance."

"Yes.Me too." He and I sat down on the desk.He gave me a book,and spread a map.

"A long long time ago,there lived fairies,witches,demons/devils,humans and other species." He began.

"All was in harmony,and all of the land wasn't separated.A lot of the land was undiscovered,and one day,all peace ended. Witches and the devils/demons joined forces,because of their greed,they wanted the whole land for themselves. The land went into chaos."

"The humans and the others wanted to stop this madness.But,they were at the disadvantage. According to the Holy Nation,God descended and lent a hand to the party. Creating a holy sword for the hero Arthus,a human,a holy bow for the hero Alaric,an elf, a holy magic staff for Hale,a fairy, and a holy spear for Killian,a beast man,they succeeded in the war. The devils,demons,witches and any dark magic were banished,to a far away land.

"During the war,the once land was crushed and divided into continents. Separating all the species. We live on the human's continent. Precisely in the Crystal kingdom. We signed a peace treaty with the other continents."

"Our continents consist of five kingdoms.The holy Kingdom,in the center of the continent. The Khador in the north,Natal in the West,Dhalas in the South and Crystal in the East.

"Do you know what the reliefs of each country are?"He asked.

"North territories are cold,with plenty of animals,water sources and wood sources.

The east has a lot of cultural traditions,the temperature is mild,they also have the most access to the other continents.

The south territories are hot, making the best climate for agriculture. There are also a lot of deserts. The west is filled with wind making it a little colder than the east,also filled with oceans.

The holy Kingdom is the perfect temperature, and is a land blessed by god." I answered.

He stood still after hearing my response. "I'm impressed ,Princess Moonlight.You are really wise and knowledgeable."

I smiled at his compliments. "Thank you very much!"

"I don't think you learn these in the commoner's school.Who taught you this?"

"I went to the public library! There was lots and lots of useful information!"

There was a commoner's school,and I attended it. But it wasn't the best place to learn everything. A lot were financially poor,schools weren't people's number one priority.

Normally in a normal family,the father works,the mother takes care of the household,the boys were one,working with their dad or the house or went to school.The girls didn't go to school,being taught by their mothers,and helped the house. I was lucky to attend school.

"Do you know the rank's pyramid?" He tested me.


"Then please name them."

"The first are the kings and queens.

Crown or grand princes and princesses.




Count or Earls.





Then commoners and slaves."

"Bravo. All are right."


"Do you know why the Khador's princes are coming?" I asked.

"Ah yes.The queen died.They are here to pay their condolences,for the sake of the peace treaty. I also heard that the other princes will also come."

"They hold a grand party first for the princes?Instead of holding a funeral for the queen."

"Yep. Do you think the royal family cares for the old queen?"

"..." Something hit me. Mother didn't have a funeral! What will happen? Did they already bury her? Or did they do nothing?

"There's also another reason why the ball is being held." He added. "The Khador's almost never attended a party held by the others.You can count every party they went to with your hands. Everyone's excited and curious. It's already been a decade that we last saw them. Plus,the princesses,your step siblings are coming in age. Marriages will be wanted."


He looked at the clock.It has already been one hour, since the class started. "Well class shall end here. I'm quite impressed by your knowledge.We shall see us in two days from now. Excuse me." He left.

"Alright goodbye Count Gabriel !" I liked him.He was cold,but not rude.I enjoyed my time with him..

"Princess,it's time to choose a dress for the ball!" Lucy stated.

"Alright!" The ball day came closer and closer,five days left. In five days,my battle will begin.

About the history of the countries,I have no intentions of harming and religious beliefs. I want to be clear that I don’t want to offend any religions or/and your beliefs,or something else. Maybe sorry in advance? Please remember that this is just a backstory of a FANTASY world.A non-existent world.

A lot is inspired by manga and anime btw..


Thank you for reading chapter 8!

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