
Unique Or Different?

"The more I know, the less I live..." Moonlight Crystal, the fifth princess of the Crystal kingdom, and the tenth in line for the throne. “Remember this, your master is a pitiful cowardly 'princess', with no power whatsoever, and has no interest in that power.” Was something she said, but... "Your destiny is to sacrifice yourself, it is your fate." Was what her father announced, once she set foot in the palace's ground. Little did she know this was the start of a never ending nightmare... Could her peace continue? Will she be able to tear down her destiny? ===== -Errors were made. -Update: very very slow

xShwGirl · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Princess Lephia

Six dresses were presented to me in several designs and shade of colors. They were all kind of plain. Also,these dresses were made quickly. Some orders a month in advance,so their dresses are made with care. I had to choose one of the six outfits,then they would make adjustments.

Two of the plain clothes caught my eyes. One was pink and the other was purple. The two were beautiful in my eyes.I have to choose one of these two.

I asked Lucy for advice. "Mmh..Lucy,pink or purple?"

"I would suggest the purple,but if you like pink,that will also be good."

"..." I thought hard and chose the purple dress.

"I'll take this one ."

"Alright,then I'll take your measures." Said the sales lady.

She took my measures,noted them down, packed up and left.

"Princess,don't you think the dresses are too plain?"

"No it's alright."

"But princess! I heard the others have diamonds on their gowns! The others have so much better than you! You have some plain pre-made attire! It's very very unfair!"

"Wait..They knew that the queen was going to die?" The ball was last minute right?The reason the party was held was because of the queen's death?

She gasped. "Oh! No no!What I meant,the original reason was just a party. But this is an added second point."

"Oh..Well that's good..At least I can sleep peacefully,knowing they aren't murderers."

"Princess,it is time for your dance lesson."



We arrived at the practice room.There,greeted me with my teacher.

"Greetings princess Moonlight." She smiled.

"Why hello Countess Diane." I returned.She had deep green hair.

"Shall we start our lessons?"



"One,two and three." I was dancing alone on the dance floor.

"Again,one more time." Diane continued playing the piano.

I moved my foot to the right,and did a little twirl.

"Good! Shall we take a pause?"

"Yes please." I was sweating and my feets hurt like crazy. It was my first time wearing 'high heels'. I mean children's high heels. They weren't high,but they still hurt.

A maid came in and served me a cup of tea.

"..." I have never seen her before. She isn't one of my personal maids. I analyzed her,she might be a threat in the future. She had dark hair tied in a bun,brown eyes and a stern face.

"I'm replacing Lucy." She said.

Being served by another wasn't illegal, it was just kind of suspicious. A lot has died due to poisoning. So of course I was careful. I am no naive girl.

"..." I looked at the tea. Wait. Who serves hot steaming tea after a hard dance class?Shouldn't water be better? …

Stop distracting yourself Moon! Clearly,she's trying to poison you. Water is transparent, tea isn't.

Ha! I'm so smart! ...Or maybe she didn't know I had dance class..But just in case..

"Drink it." I said.

"E-Excuse me?" Clearly screams 'suspicious'.

"Drink IT. Are you deaf?"

"Of course." She said confidently. She took a spoon and drank a little portion.

"..." She clearly looks fine. I should trust her,I don't think she means any harm.

"Pour another cup." You can never be too sure.

She poured another cup. It was not as warm as before.

I kind of sounded bratty..I never wanted to be seen as a spoiled daughter of an unknown woman that leeches off her father. I also don't want to be an easy target to be bullied.

"Princess,are you ready to continue?" Countess Diane question.

"Of course." I sat up.

"Please hold this." She gave me a sort of puppet.

"..." What am I supposed to do with this?

"That is your dance partner."

"..." She read my mind..What! This rag is my partner?

"Please hold your right hand on its shoulder and left hand with its."

"..." Alright listen here mister puppet, I have no intention to become your friend or whatever. Just one time. Why am I talking to a puppet?

"Alright,one, two and three. One two and three-"


"Urgh!" I plopped on my soft bed. My feets!

"Princess,some ointment?"

"Thanks." I closed my eyes. Some weird sensation was felt on my feet. Ointment?

"Wha-" I gasped.

"Blossom you're back!" I hugged her.

"Yes,I'm back princess.I'm sorry for leaving you."

"It's okay!"

"Princess! Why are you still wearing your dance clothes? You also smell! Take a bath!"

"Alright alright.." Even though we met for eight days,it was as if we've been together for all my lifetime. She also had a mother's figure,even though we were only six years apart. I miss mother..It's sad that she died..She could've been here,enjoying time with me and Blossom and the others in the castle.


I broke free from my little thoughts. "Ah yes,I'll go."

After my bath I have gone to sleep.


Coming out of my dance class,I began to think.

Two days have passed,and in two days will be the ball.

Marchioness Agatha's classes were more and more strict and painful. Count Gabriel's lessons were more and more long. I had to memorize all of the names and faces of the noble lineage.

My dance classes were the same. I still had to dance with..Mr.Puppet…

Even so. I have no thought of dancing with somebody else. I mean,who would dance a twelve year old? If an old man offers me a dance..I swear I'll beat him to death.

But seriously talking, I'm still bad at dancing and I have lots of blisters on my heels.

I walked and bumped on something..Someone. I also fell down because of throbbing heels.

I quickly realized what I've done. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump you!" I looked up,it was a girl,she had purple hair and blue eyes. She was 10 years older.

God,just how do I keep guessing right ages? Do I have a brain in my eyes? What..But the eyes are connected to the brain? I'm confused. No? No,they are..

"I'm also sorry!" She responded. I soon realized she was another one of my siblings. She seems kind? But my god! Just how many half siblings do I have?

"Anyways I am Lephia! I assume you're princess Moonlight?" She handed her hand,I took it and stood up.

"Yes,I'm honoured to have my name remembered! Thank you princess Lephia."

"It's my pleasure. Anyways I should be going." We parted ways.




"Well,when I brought her tea,she suspected the tea.I was forced to drink it. Thankfully we didn't poison the drink or make a move."

"Okay. Personality?"

"She seemed shy? Cautious?Or is it bratty? And falls in deep thinking,zone out a lot?"


"I also overheard that Princess Ruby will tear her dress."

"Haha..That little brat? She doesn't use her brain sometimes..But this time might change?"

"Mm.. Send someone to help Ruby. We all know she'll get caught without help."


"Keep me updated for any sudden movements."


"Haha haha!"

"Soon,my dear Moonlight. You'll come back to where you originally belonged.Or you might not."

"Maybe you'll already be in the trap. Gosh, how I love playing with people!"

We love cliffhangers.


Who do you think is this mysterious person?

We know she's a princess and some what linked to Princess Ruby.


Thank you for reading chapter 9!

xShwGirlcreators' thoughts