
Chapter Hundred and thirty nine

Finally, I was taking a private flight back to the place that had reminded me if not anything but real pain, a lot of things were going to change but no matter the changes, I only have one thing in my and was my daughter, I was getting my daughter her back.

I had been picturing this day for a very long time, the day I'll go back home and meet my daughter, I just couldn't express how I'm feeling now. The feeling of seeing Sunny again and when I meet her I was going to treat her like the real angel she is. I walked into my plan she relax properly with a glass of wine on my hand. 

Throughout the journey, I kept picturing  my daughter with me, my happiness would be completed when I get to meet my angel. I was going to apologize for being away from her for so long and make her the happiest girl ever, the plane landed after some hours travel. 

A Limousine was already there to pick me up to the private suite, I have launch for myself. 

Everything was ready, all I had to do was start living my  the way I wanted to and now I just can't wait to soak myself in a hot bath.

 "Olive what did you think about the city". "It warm and I love the view". "That's right, that was the first thing I thought when I first came to the city" I smiled and scrolled through my phone and checking my appointment.

I have a lunch with John, it has been a very long time and here, it feels like a vacation because I wouldn't be stressing myself down much. 

Olive pulled my door open when we arrived at the hotel, this feeling seems so unique since everyone respect me now not like other time when I had nothing but now I have enough.

Some who recognized me came forward to take a snap with me or have me sign a book or whatever they were bringing to me, Olive had to block a lot from making their way to me. "This us going to be a crazy stay" I said allow Olive lead me up to my suit, it was amazing and the first thing I did was to take out my jacket. "Wow, that's a relief, you can order a food for me". "Yes mam, he bored and turned to leave. "And also... I let the band holding my hair loose. 

"I want you to find every information, you can gather about my daughter, direction of where the monsters that took her in stays, everything... I stopped and fixed my glance at him. "Trust me on that" I smiled and waved him off the made my way straight into the bathroom, I can't wait to get my life started but my first priority was meeting my daughter.

The next day, I had Olive handed new his research about my daughter, the name I'd get school, where Sam was currently living now. "She's the best art student in the school and had won a lot of award drawing" Olive filled in and I checked her recent drawing that was posted online. And tears dropped from my eyes, my daughter was a beautiful artist and Knowing proud of her.

Seeing all this reminded me of how much I had missed her childhood or her growing into the teenager she was now, I turned to her picture she stared at the beautiful girl with a flawless skin, black hair and that smile that had always lit up my day whenever I was having a bad day.

 I had missed her every second of my life but seeing her in the picture made me realized that I was missing some part of me all this years. "She's so beautiful". "Of course, like her mother" Olive respond, I turned and watch him smile politely.

 "And the information has it that they're having a festive night st her school called "Parents night" "Hmm, I responded scrolling through the pages. "So I'm suggesting that you surprise her by going to her school on Friday night fur this shows" I watched my daughter's pictures and her art work and browse into the school information, it was a night student shows what they are really good in

I smiled knowing it was the best night to meet my daughter "I just can't wait for her to perform" my sweet daughter, I thought and remembered the last time I met her, I have really missed you Sunny note that anyone or anything else.

"So you chose construction? Jade asked looking at Gina. "Yeah, I found out that I can build stuff stuff and I can join some students at the practice hall to talk about what were going to construct".

 "Are you sure about that? Like you haven't done anything related to construction before". "She's said she knows how to construct why do you keep bothering her then"Sunny glared at Jade.  "I'm just saying, if you want to try our in other things we're here for you, don't forget"

 "Yeah whatever but I'm going to surprise you at the stage". "I'm hoping it would be a good surprise". "Stop Jade! Sunny laughed. "We're here to support her if she needs any help do stop making trouble for her". "Okay, Okay" Have laughed. "Is your dad coming? Gina asked her but he wasn't sure, his dad was always busy with work and she totally understand if he didn't make it but she want him to be there for her badly.  

"I don't know if he's going to be there but I want him to at least he would watch me perform for the first time". "Yeah, he should come, he has never seen you perform" Gina responded clicking on her phone. "And who are you texting? Sunny asked. "Oh.... Just s guy asking me out what did you think? She asked both of her friends who grin wildly at her. 

"We think we should know him first" Sunny smiled already excited. "Yeah, we should definitely meet this guy". Jade stood up on her bed and made silly dancing moves. 

"So when are we meeting up with him?  "About that, I asked him to come to the show". 

"Why! Why would you do that? Jade stood up again on Sunny's bed. "Because I want him to watch me perform".

 "Are you really sure you want to do this construction" Jade asked her friend again, the last thing she wanted front her to mess up and get embarrassed in front of anybody.

 "If I say it again, you're not going to like me"Gina flung a pillow at Jade and it hit her on the stomach "I'm just looking out for you nothing else" They both laughed and waited for Tara to bring the cookies she had promise to make for them, she was such a good mum, Sunny thought.

"You look really beautiful" John admire the woman in front of her. "Thanks, I leaned closer and kissed his cheek. "It all your doing". "Of course not Becca, I gave you little but you made mansion out of it" I smiled excitedly. "I'm really happy to see you after such a long years". "Me too, I took a seat and ordered my meal when the waiter appeared. 

I spend the rest of the time having a chat with him, I never knew that I would miss his company. "What's your plan Becca? He asked just as I was about to swallow the pieces of food in my mouth.

 "Take back my daughter, that's all" "its going to be a tough fight". "I know that's why I had made enough all this money, he can't win over me this time".  "So when are you planning on getting your daughter back"

. John asked the woman, he no more recognized by the way she talk and move, she seems more dangerous something has really changed in years, it wasn't the same fragile Sunny the had known the previous years. "I think I'm going to pay a surprise visit to my daughter and then after that I have to know what else I'll have to do Sam....

Sunny lay on her bed after some hours get friends left, she had enjoyed their company even can't wait during the parents night. She had found out that she could really on them, she lay on the bed and let her mind wander to different places until she heard a beep on her phone.

Who could be texting her by this time of night, she picked up her phone and checked the message inbox. "Hi, Sunny" she checked the contact and found it was a number, who was this? and how did this strange person get her number? Maybe it was a person from school but who would give her number out at the school?

"Hi, who is this" she replied back and waited this was to respond to her. "Just a person who loves you art work". "Who's this? This was making her nervous, chatting with a stranger. "If you want to know who I am, come outside". She stared at the chat for a while not knowing what time reply or do, she wanted to go she wanted to go and check out but what if it was a dangerous person.

She dropped her phone on the bed telling herself that she won't do, she was going to lay down here till she falls asleep but she finds herself scrolling through her chat.

She wanted to know who this person is, she slipped out of the bed and checked her cellphone, it wasn't that late the time was still 7:30. She only have to check who this stranger is there come back in, why was she even going outside?

She asked herself as she made her say downstairs but she was just curious to know and also prayed that no one would see her, she finally made her way outside the house and then walked at some pace before her eyes feel in the figure standing few steps from him. "Think I should come and visit" he said. 

"What are you doing here" Sunny found herself glaring at him in surprise. "And how did you get my number? And my house?  "Hey, wait, take it easy, I will answer all your questions". "Then fine Justin, start talking". She snapped already Impatience. "Wait, have you been stalking me?  "No and how did you get to know my name, I remembered I didn't tell you". 

Sunny covered her face with her palm. "It doesn't matter, answer my question!  "I will, if you decide to take a walk with me". "Walk! Why?  "Because....I find myself missing you". "What! Why? "Guess we have to find out if we take a walk" 

Sunny looked back at the house. "My mum... She took a deep breath. "Okay" she said and moved toward him, it was really strange finding him here. He was the last person he expected to see but she have to wait for him to explain because she could use some explanation.   

"So... Sunny glance at him. "I got your number from your friend Jade" Sunny sigh and dragged her hand through her hair. "I should have known" she turned and fake a smile at Justin, so...she was also the one who told you my home address? She asked knowing already that it was her friend. "Yeah, she did so I decided to pay you a visit after s long time". "It haven't been that long though" Sunny told him and watched him chuckle. 

"But..wait, how did you get her number? Age asked because this seems different weird. "Well, she was the one that chatted me and told me about you". "What! Why would she do that you me?  "Hey calm down, she only told me that you're a nice person and she want me to be your friend". "And you consider..... I fixed my gaze at him and watch him nod.