
Chapter Hundred and thirty eight

"I think it time, I go back" I waited for the response that would come next while sitting at my balcony sipping some hot coffee. "Finally, I was waiting for the moment you'll make that decision, You should come back home, it time you go back for your daughter" John said over the phone. "But theirs a lot of unfinished work here". "Do as much as you can I won't have a problem". "Okay, thanks for understanding" 

"How are you going with Frances". I spin the cup around the table looking for best answers. "I think his good". "It okay to know that his at least good" I disconnected the call after few second with a smile on my face. I checked my reminder and found out that I have to a lunch party to attend "it always festive" I sip my coffee and relaxed my body, It had be a busy and stressful years but I had survived and now was the best time to do what I had been waiting for years.

It hadn't been easy for me to be denied to speak or know how my daughter was doing and what did Frances though that I would marry him, the only thing that we have is only a business deal and that'd how it stays, I don't trust myself again in any relationship. It has all ended badly for me the only close relationship now I want to have is that of my daughter,  I smiled remembering her cute smile. She would be a teenager now and I can't wait to see her knowing very well that she misses me a lot, I reached out to touch the necklace that I still wore and cherish around my neck.

"We're having parents night in school next week" I informed my parents. "It's a night all parent come to watch their child perform in stage, the child would showcase what she's good in school, music, art, dancing, theirs a lot. "Oh my darling, I can't wait to see you do better on stage" Tara walked close to kiss my forehead. "Thanks mum, I turned to my father. "I hope you'll come please don't get busy make sure to clear your schedules" I hugged him tightly before running out, I don't want to be late for any classes.

Jade and Gina was already waiting for me when she came down from the car. "So what class did we have now? Sunny asked walking up to them. "Um mm class? We don't need to go to any class today, we just have to stay in practice". "Unless you want to stay with our French teacher who pick on his nose all the time". "That's gross let's go to practice then",  "I was going through the news and I just can't believe how a woman could do so much, she's a billionaire and I definitely want to be like her when I'm done with my studies" Jade spoke excited.

"Let me see". Sunny collected her Ipad and stared at the picture. "Why were you not saying anything" Jade asked but she couldn't bring herself to talk "Let me see" Gina popped in her head "Oops! "What? Jade asked looking at her friends who was confusing her with their expressions. "Trust me you never want to be that woman, she's real definition of a bad woman" Sunny snapped. She said walking ahead of them "Why did you say that? She's my role model". 

Jade turned and looked at Gina "what's wrong" "I'm sure you don't want to know" She followed Sunny behind. "Why are you being so mean" Jade asked when she walked up to her "she's a nice woman". "From what the media say about her right? Nothing about her is good so better wake up and stop this...thing. She looked and found Josh staring at her "what up with him? Gina asked giving Josh an angry glare. "I don't know but he better not close my part because I'm going to deal mercilessly with him" Sunny fixed her gaze on him till he walked away. 

"I really hate him and his group, If murdering someone won't take me to jail, I'll gladly start from them" Gina scoffed, they spend half of the day planning about what they were going to do next week, it was going to be a big day and she was going to make her parents proud, she couldn't wait and for Gina, they're trying to figure out what she could do. It was exhausting and funny but before the weeks run by they would figure out what's she was good in.

"Everything was exhausting" Gina breath out. "Like you need anything" Jade laughed. "Stop, I tried out everything there and it's exhausting". "Yeah you did" Sunny laughed listening to her two friends. "We just have to find out what your best in, don't worry before the weeks runs by, we find out what you'll be best". "Thank you" She smiled at Sunny then turned and glared at Sunny.

The rest of the week, I had made myself bust by finishing the rest of the incomplete work and I had seem less of Frances since that day, it was better, I think he should take the time off to get to his senses. I wouldn't want to continue working with him while he behave this strangely but when I looked at my cell phone, I found his message, telling me that he was going to join me for lunch. That was great, he would have gotten to his senses by now, it was good at Least to have a friend or would I say business partner back.

When it was my lunch break, I have the driver drove my down to my favorite restaurant and there I would meet Frances, I just hope that he had come to his sense and won't do anything silly. I ordered my food and drink and let my mind relax after stressing myself with work. "Seems you're enjoying your lunch". "And waiting for you" I added before turning to see him with a woman, a woman that I haven't seen before. "Hey" I smiled and watched Frances smiling face. 

You didn't tell me that someone used joining our table". "I want it to be a surprise". "That's good to know"  "Meet Silvia, the woman I have been going out with this few days". "I'm so glad to meet you" I stretched out my hand and shook her hand. "It nice you meet you" I smiled "You can sit" I saw Frances look at me with a stunned expression. After the food was ordered, I paid all attention to her asking her about her job, a lot of things that would take make Frances become visible. 

"Frances told me much about you and I'm really glad to meet you in person". "My pressure". Frances sometimes tried to join in the conversation but I was good in ignoring his word, he wanted to play silly games with me, I'm going to show him how its played then. We finished lunch and I blade her my goodbye ignoring the fuming look on his face.

"What is the meaning of what you did at the restaurant!  He asked when he came by at the house "What did I do?  "Seriously" you totally ignore me and made me look like a fool. "That how you want to be treated so why are you angry". He paced and fumed at the same time, I ignored him and focused on the paper I was reading. "What type of woman are you? "Fine, I'll tell you" I stood up and moved to where he was standing.

"You want to know the type of woman, I am! Hmm? I'm the type that never bothers about the shit, I don't care if you love someone and when I tell you that I don't need you, I seriously don't, the only person I think and care about is my daughter". He made a move back from me. "I just want to let you understand that I want to take our relationship further". "And I said, no... and if you don't understand that, then we're done" 

"What did you mean by that". "I mean what you just heard, so think about your decision before making any silly  moves, I'm a woman who don't go back to my decision when I make and for your information, I have arranged my flight to go back". "Why would you do that, you have a whole new life there". "Yeah, I do but I still have an unfinished job there which I have to take care of".  "I don't see the reason you need to leave". "And I don't see the reason, why you would question my decision"

"You haven't told me anything and the the past years I've been with you, I know very well that you're weren't happy back there, so why would you bother after making a lot here, why would you ever think of going back". "Because, I still have my daughter to go back to Frances" he stared at me for a while. "Fine, do whatever you" he turned and made his way out of my home. I rubbed my forehead for being able to deal with him, I was really prepared to travel back but at the same time. 

I don't want to leave the job unfinished but I can't get the thought of reuniting with my daughter out from my head, I want to hold her and tell her how I had missed her each passing day, how I waited for my calls to be picked but at the end I always get disappointed, I really missed her and I know she does too. If I wanted to travel, I have do it real quick and stop thinking about work.

I wonder how it would feels when I return home, will I have the usual painful feeling or would everything appear normal, just as it was when I have nothing to worry about and my plans is to take my daughter to leave with me here. Here was the best place for her to stay and then I could take her along with me to different places and I'll let her choose what she wanted to do, maybe she could work alongside with me and earn big.

My face beam with joy just thinking about this, I just can't wait for her to finally be with me, I felt torn apart every time I remember that I was not with my daughter. I felt like I was going to sink in my own anger and the only means to escape it is through working, I had began a workaholic. I can't really stay with doing anything, it was the best way to get my mind out from a lot of things that was bothering me. Even when I was given a day off, I used in to attend to some many places that wouldn't also give me a chance to sit and worry.

And now realizing that I can go home and meet my daughter made me one of the happiest person in the whole universe, I have to prepare as soon as possible and I was taking my private plan so it wouldn't stress me out. I couldn't believe that I had achieved do much in the years, I had Kept the promise.

 I had made sure much and now money wasn't the problem. I was in for revenge and payback time, For making me stay away from my daughter for this long. I think their punishment would be twice if what I was thinking to do to them before. I made a call to my secretary and have her arranged dome important files that I needed, I have to leave before next week runs by she couldn't wait to see Sunny's face and that day was going to be her happiest day.