
Chapter Eighty four

"It's okay, just a pregnancy hormone". " well I don't like the pregnancy hormone, It making me feels so bad and I know I shouldn't be disturbing you by the way how was the heading today" she sniffs sipping the glass of water again "it has been adjourning till next week again". " come, she pulled me into her arms "Baby junior wants to comfort you". " That's so sweet" I kissed her cheeks and stare down at her bulging stomach.

"I can't wait to hold you in my arms," I said "he can't wait too" she smiled. "Now I'm starving" she walked into the kitchen to find something to eat, I turned and smile at Andrew who was watching our little drama. " I'm I this way this way when I was pregnant with Sunny". "You're worst".be laughed " you can't be serious" I threw him a cushion pillow "Have that". "I think I want more". I smiled at him before walking into the kitchen to help Emily out.

I sat with Sunny helping her with her homework. "Mummy! She called. "Hmmm you're not listening" she made a face "of course I am". " no, you're not" why do you say so" I stare at my daughter's red face with a smile. "See I have been calling you for a while and you're were not responding" she frown. "Oh... Sorry baby" I drew her next to me. "You're distracting me". " what... Really? I made as shocked "Yes, my teacher said that when you read you shouldn't focus your mind on anything except your book or do anything that would take your mind off". She lectured but still frowning. " so hugging you is distracting" she nodded with a smile "Because it makes me think about you much, how I wanted I lay in your arms and sleep" she giggled. 

"Okay... That's a very big distraction but I like it". " Mummy! She screamed but was now laughing  "Of course, I like it when my daughter is thinking about sleeping in my arms. "Uncle, Sunny called I look up to see Andrew coming downstairs. " Can you believe that mum is distracting me from writing homework". "I'm not little chicken". "You are, and stop calling me that, Uncle!!  

"Stop distracting her" Andrew caution giving me a hard stare. "But I won't you know that". "You're already distracting me" she made a face before packing her books and walk up to her room, I just stare in shock. "Did you see that, did you? She's having an attitude" I opened my mouth in shock "She's growing Becca" Andrew laugh also amazed at her "Our daughter is growing". Andrew turned and stare at me in shock  " What? Did you just say that? He smiled, he was really cute when he smile like that. 

"What did I said". "You said our daughter". " Really? Did I? He nodded  "Well, it felt so natural to say that, you're her real father, one she's si happy to have one that knows and fulfill his responsibility". " Thanks". "You don't have to" I winked at him, that made him laugh. "Soon your daughter is going to sue you for laughing loud". " you know that's not funny" 

Having them both has been the best thing ever, even though I've been very worried about the upcoming hearing but they made me forget a lot of that.

Today was the next court hearing, I stood at the balcony waiting for Andrew to get ready, from the back he pulled me into a hug. "Relax, it going to be fine". " I don't know Andrew, I don't just know what's next"  "we have the best Lawyer let's just trust him to do his job" I nodded but my inside was breaking. "His trying ton Toray me as a bad mother, Andrew he doing his best". 

"You're the best mother you know that nobody needs to tell you that for you to know and remember one thing that I'll always stand by you" he held out his palm and I held it with mine. "Now let's have faith" I nodded again and turned to leave. "You can't just leave like that". " what happened?

"You're leaving without a smile" I beamed widely. "Let's go, I grabbed him by the hand and walked downstairs " I hope today goes well," I thought. Let me have faulty as Andrew has said, aunt and uncle decided to come it was once having them there even Emily who hugged me a dozen times.

The hearing began with Sam who sat opposite toy chair was grinning madly as of sure of something "Don't look at him" Emily whispered in my ears, I turned away and tried my best to keep a straight face after all the lies that Sam's lawyer was blabbering about me then he asked to call on witnesses which the Judge gave his permission to, to my greatest surprise it was my supervisor, anger rose through me, I felt the world spin, he was going to lie of course, after swearing an oath. He climbed the witness box and claim or pretended to confess about what happened between us that faithful night. 

"He's a liar, I muttered I know better than to say it aloud knowing it won't be any use until I'm called into the witness box Sam's lawyer tried his best to convince the Judge that Sam was only angry about and didn't even know that I was carrying his child until recently. My lawyer called Sam into the box and asked him a few truthful questions which he denied about the night of introduction and why he didn't come, he lied that his car was got up in traffic. 

After my lawyer tried to prove his point on how he was lying and got him a few places which enraged his lawyer the Judge postponed the final hearing in three days to come. I sat at the bench still in shock at all the lies that the monster has told, I didn't want to see him. I looked at my lawyer " we're still winning this" I asked. "I'll try my best"