
Chapter Eighty three

I sat at the court at the next hearing praying silently that Sam would never win the case, he was still sticking to the fact that I have denied him access to his daughter. But no matter what he says a father who had to abandon his child and only came back because his wife was barren, I clenched my fist tightly and listen as both lawyers argue and try to prove their point.

Midway through the argument, I turn to look at Sam to see him smiling, what was he thinking that this will go in his favor, it made me even mad. Sam's lawyer washed the lawyer for permission to bring me into the box for questions, there was silence for some minutes before the Judge permitted him to do so.

Andrew held me for some minutes, smiling to encourage me. "It going to be alright? He said I nodded before walking toward the box, this wasn't getting better but o was going to stand strong for my Sunny. After swearing with a Bible to say the truth, I stood and face Sam's lawyer he would try playing a hard game but he's not going to break me with any question.

" Mrs.Rebbecca, I have three questions that I want to ask you and I expect you to answer me truthfully, I nodded bracing myself for the questions  "Is it true you denied the father to your daughter here " Sam? access to his daughter, yes or no" I turned to Sam and watch him grinning widely. "Yes," I said having no regret of doing that, "And why is that?

" Because... I turned and stared at Sam then at Andrew who gave me an encouraging nod. "He abandon his child six years ago" I wanted to say more, tell them the cruel words that he told the mother of his child but I heard myself not to say more "That was because you were having an affair with your supervisor". " That's a lie!  "Lies? But Sam here caught you red-handed". " Order!! My lawyer rises in defense "She has to answer the question my lord" Sam's lawyer persisted. 

"You're asking out of line" my lawyer spoke not wanting him to win this chance "Theirs nothing out of the line here, pardon if I continue" Sam's lawyer bowed to the Judge. "You can continue and please sit" she ordered my lawyer, who sat down fuming in anger. "Back to my question Mrs. Rebecca, you said that you didn't sleep or have an affair with your supervisor then what were you doing with him in a hotel room". I swallowed but face him " He blackmailed me into coming to the hotel" "That doesn't make sense Mrs. Rebecca if he blackmailed you that means you had an affair with your supervisor.  "Order!! My lawyer sprang up that's more than three questions" he turned to the judge who order that I should be dismissed.

My lord, this woman has has an affair with his supervisor that why my client here got angry with her for a short period and when he got knowledge about his child, he came straight away to claim her but Mrs. Rebecca here keep denying him the chance". Sam's lawyer spoke confidently before turning toward me to give me a fake smile. My lawyer defended with the truth saying how it was a lie, that I didn't sleep with my supervisor, and how I explain every detail to Sam here and even told him the news of my pregnancy but he denied it because he wanted to marry whom his family chooses for him.

The court was adjourned to another week, which made me more impatient and angry, he was portraying me as a bad mother and that was what his wife Tara and Sonia said, no one would hand a liar or a woman who doesn't know her responsibility. I felt weak and was grateful that Andrew was by my side. "Are you okay, you look pale". I nodded taking off his hand that was on my forehead.

" Yeah I'm fine, he playing every trick to win". "He won't" he pulled me into his arm and stroke my hair. "Just relax, we're going to win this case". 

"It's great you guys have so much faith" I turned to see Sam clasping his hand. "That's wonderful and you Becca have so much trust in your lover, I can't wait to see that trust crash" he laughed making a cracking sound, the voice that I once like to listen to is now the same voice that was full of horror, a voice I have no wish on earth to hear again.

"Let's go" Andrew pulled me away from his presence, how was it possible that I fell for this monster years back. He wasn't like this then or was he pretending still he" a still my enemy, a monster that wants to take my happiness away but that I wouldn't allow. My head thudded loudly and I stumbled a bit but Andrew was there to catch me. "Are you sure you're fine". " nothing to worry about" I linked my hand in his and allow him led me to the car, I hope this all ends next week.

We drove home, Andrew place was now like he to me, I felt comfortable and safe with him. Like someone was looking out for me, we saw Emily sitting on the balcony.

I opened the car door and rush to her when the car was safely parked. "You didn't inform us that you're coming, If we've known I would have left the key". " is nothing to worry about,  I just need some sisterly love" tears dropped from her eyes "Are you alright? is there any problem" she shook heart had.

"Come let's go inside" I led her inside and offered her a glass of water " now tell me what is wrong"  "is ...is just that I keep snapping at James, I feel sorry for him, that's why I left" I looked at her and smile this pregnancy was doing her a bad thing.