

Cover page by Lexica: (Net) LAWS ARE MADE AND BROKEN. Wanting to save her dying father and pregnant mother, she makes an irrational decision that could either make her or lead her to her doom but unknown to Autumn his promise to her was that he would bring Heaven to its knees just for her. UHW-UNDER HIS WINGS>>>>

Emilia_Frost_1480 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Chapter Thirty Two

All humans are alike in one way or the other, they think alike sometimes but they just don't know it, they make mistakes but find it difficult to admit.

Yisroel opened her eyes slowly with her body dangling loosely from someone's arms like the task of carrying her had been done reluctantly; raising her hand, she cleaned blood off the side of her lips caused because she had bitten herself during the seizure. Her head pounded in pain while her muscles felt sore and heavy but not unbearable to the point where she couldn't lift. Yisroel sucked her dry throat while confusion and amazement slowly settled in on her features as yellow locks swayed on slender shoulders and framed square jaw.

So delicate...!

"Thankfully you've regained consciousness, I thought you were going to sleep on". He bit out making Yisroel want to flinch.

What did that mean and why did it sound like he wished her dead?

She heard him sigh deeply before introducing himself. "I'm Smolder the Butler of this manor".

Butler? Yisroel froze, her fingers turning cold as she swung her legs to the side to jump down and he let her, assisting by holding her shoulder when she stumbled. She hadn't met any Butler when she was brought in yesterday, only coming to know about him in the dining room but she never once glanced up at him so she was surprised when yellow locks and Butler confused her; after all who could miss a color like yellow.

"I presume you remember what happened?".

How. Could. She. Forget...? The black haired Lord with those tempting, mischievous and sinister eyes that made her shiver. It reminded her of a bottomless pit.

Yisroel shook her head vigorously making Smolder frown.

"You don't remember?". She shook her head again.

"So you do remember". He confirmed and she nodded all the while with her head bent, not daring enough to lift it. She had been told that Butlers played a significant role to Lords; they were next to Lords in the manor, the ones that represented Lords if they were not present in the manor and right now, she didn't want to offend the one standing in front of her so she quickly went down on both knees to show her respect and show that she would be one not to oppose his command.

Smolder was slightly taken aback when Yisroel went down on both knees; inclining his head upwards, something clicked.

"What are you doing?". He asked calmly.

How was he going to handle this kind of human? Master Eudaimonia! Smolder shook his head pitifully at himself with a gentle exhale.

Sizing the tiny creature up, Smolder crouched on his sole with the tip of his left fingers supporting his weight.

He had never done this before and honestly if it were to be someone else, he wouldn't have spared a second glance.

"You don't speak". He confirmed and studied the way her shoulders tensed. "But I would try to understand now get up". He ordered and stood fully, dusting his hands against each other and nodding when she nodded and stood to her feet.

Wanting to express herself, Yisroel didn't know how and when she opened her mouth, a nasty croak escaped so she shut it back and hung her head. Seeing that, Smolder finally understood.

"Come, let me walk you to a room". He turned to lead but was intersected by Yisroel who still had her head down which made him frown. Since when she arrived at the manor, he had been watching from the shadows and he noted a lot of things one of which she never met anyone's gaze but he had been surprised when she made eye contact with Master Eudaimonia altogether trying to stutter a word out. Seeing her difficulty now, he knew she didn't talk or maybe she didn't want to; which of those, he didn't know.

Without lifting her head Yisroel made hand gestures to explain her confusion to Smolder who stared fixatedly at her finger movements, muttering each word by word and finally joining them to make a sentence.


"About the room?". She nodded. "Why it's being changed?". She nodded again.

"The room you lodged in last night wasn't benefiting ". He explained shortly. "And one more thing, people living under the roof of this manor lift their heads when conversing with me.

Hearing that Yisroel froze for a second, her eyes widening as she stared at his slacks before shaking her head frantically.

"I order you as the Butler to lift your head". He commanded making Yisroel flinch by taking a step backward away from him to hold the wall beside her; her blood rushed in her ears as dread filled her very being.

Knowing she didn't have a choice, Yisroel clenched her teeth and lifted her head slowly but not meeting his gaze.

After all he said head not eyes. Yisroel reasoned with herself

"I want you to meet my gaze".

This demented Butler!

Her eyes moved so fast to meet his, locking gazes and Smolder that was about to nod approvingly froze involuntarily when she met his gaze and her iris glazed white while the rim had a nasty shade of indigo as it rolled round its axis. He felt like he had been frozen into ice as he stood in his frozen spot, couldn't move or break the spell; feeling like he was pulled from his body and into his mind as buried and past wounds played in front of him.

Gasping at what she saw, Yisroel blinked quickly and looked away with a hand over her mouth as she put additional space between them. It took him some time before he could bring himself back from his mind and eventually when he did, he stumbled backwards with raised finger pointed at Yisroel who cowered at the corner.

"W-What d-did you do to m-me?".

Yeah guys what did you do to me?!!

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