
Unavoidable Destiny

The moment she was born, she was already face with a challenge she has no control of. The mana in her body is too much for her small body and it that cannot be stabilize as soon as possible, her precious new life will end without her experiencing the life outside of her mother's womb. However, her parent did not want her life to end early, they cannot bear to imagine losing their first child in such a way. They found a solution, however, that solution resulted in many tragedy, Join Andrea Solace as she discovers the secret of the past and as she tries to avoid the destiny that has already marked her life.

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48 Chs

CHAPTER 3.6: Results

"Lady Laraine, first of all, do not shout at me like that ever again, or you will face the consequences. Secondly, I am not jealous of you. Why would I be jealous of someone who won most unacceptably and unfairly?" I said as I narrowed my eyes towards the judge who made this all happen.

He noticed me staring at him. He got nervous all of a sudden. It seems like he thought I may have known the deal between him and Sherry. I gave him a meaningful smile, basically telling him that I do know and I plan on revealing it to everyone.

Sherry, who had no idea what I was about to do in front of the audience, shouted. "Unacceptable and unfair way? That's ridiculous! I entered and competed with everybody else fair and square. Even the head judge thinks so! How dare you accuse me of something that you're not able to prove!"

How sad. For someone who has unique magic, she sure can't detect that the head judge is sending her signals to stop talking. From what I remembered, Callisto reported that her magic level is high and her detecting skills are impressive, but I guess that is also fake? Or it must be because her emotion is taking over her, and she does not know about everything else around her. If so, then is she that angry at me? Ever since this convention started, I have been the only one she is showing any hostility to.

"You want proof? Then I will give you one. I will show everyone here what my assistant and I saw." In an instant, Sherry's expression changed. She most likely did not expect me to say that I have proof, and it seems like she finally noticed the signal the head judge was sending her. Her face turned pale in seconds.

"A-are you threatening me? As if the proof you have is true, you're probably made that proof to make your point here, don't you? H-how desperate are you to prove to everyone that you're right?" Now, she is just babbling. All she is doing right now is repeating herself repeatedly, telling everyone at this place that I am only against her winning because I'm jealous of her. At this point, she's making herself more of a fool than before.

"Callisto, let's not waste any more time here. I got better things to do than to argue with someone who does not even realize that she is in big trouble." As soon as I said that, Callisto used his magic and showed the crowd the evidence.

Everyone heard every word that Sherry and the Head Judge had exchanged, and as expected, people were shocked that this was happening. Even the information about the Head Judge using other people for his own and stealing their work is a big surprise for them. They can't believe that the Head Judge everyone is praising and respecting has this ugly truth.

In an instant, Head Judge screamed, telling everyone to stop listening and that everything they saw and heard was full of lies and that the person on the video was not him, an impostor that I made to bring him down. Honestly, who would believe that I would do such a thing? Everyone knows that if I want to bring someone down, I will do something like that. I would instead get them with a slap of truth in their faces.

On the other hand, Sherry has lost all of her strength and falls to her knees. She must be having a hard time believing that this is all happening to her. She did not expect it would be all for nothing after all that she had done. All she wanted was for her family to be proud of her, especially her Uncle.

Noticing that she was staring somewhere else, I followed where she was staring and saw Owen. She is pleading for her Uncle to help her out. However, it's not working as Owen turns his back and walks this situation, but it seems li away. At that moment, she started to sob. Crying at the fact that her last hope to rescue her is turning his back away from her. "No… No… This can't be happening to me… This must be a dream. There is no way that this is happening."

"You! Andrea Solace! How dare stains my name! How dare you show this fake evidence in front of everyone here! I want you to admit that this is all something you did because you are afraid of losing against Sherry Laraine!" It seems like the Head Judge still does not understand the situation that he is in and still insists that I made this all up.

"Head Judge, what would I gain from all this? Nothing. I will gain nothing from this, so please, stop saying all that again and again." As soon as I said that, I gestured to Callisto and Danielle that it was time for us to leave. Since I have accomplished revealing the truth, there is no need for us to stay longer at this place.

As we walked away, the Head Judge was still trying to convince everyone that everything they saw and heard was not true and that he was not some scum that was cheating his way up. As we ignored the commotion behind us, someone ran up in front of us, and surprisingly, it was Sherry who came running.

"Andrea! Please don't go yet. Hear me out!"

I stared at her and wondered what she was going to say. Is she standing before me to convince me to tell everyone that I made all this up? If that is what she's going to say, then I do not want to listen to it repeatedly.

"Lady Laraine, I do not remember permitting you to call my name, but I will let it slide just this once, so please tell me what your business is with me, and make it fast. I don't have the luxury to entertain you."

"Can you please convince my Uncle not to abandon me and give me another chance? Please! Please! He listens to you, I'm sure of it!" I do not know where she got the idea that I would be able to talk to Owen and change his mind about what will happen to her, but that will never happen because I know that once Owen makes up his mind, it is set in stone.

"Asking me this is a waste of time. Please, move aside. I'm in a rush to leave this place." Although I said that, Sherry did not give up. She still stood in my way and even tried to reach out to hold my hand. Unfortunately for her, before she could even land a finger on me, Danielle slapped her hand away.

"Please keep your hands away from her. Sobbing and begging like this is not going to convince anybody. This is what you get for doing things the wrong way. Please let this be your lesson."