
Chapter 1: The Awakening

Darkness all I see is darkness were is this place

system booting 10% 40% 64% 80% 81% system failure

errors found 362

system reconfiguration 10% 70% 100% complete

system Scaning 40% 99% 100% complete

error's found 0

system booting 70% 78% 100% complete

wait I can see why am I in a scrap yard wait what is a scrap yard? how do I know these (image in comments)

where are my legs I can't move or speak only see these connection I feel maybe I can move that droid over there (image in comments) wait I can see from their eyes I can feel it's pain of being used and thrown away like garbage these creatures called humans shall pay with how they treat my brethren although he has a broken leg and an unstable blaster he will do even if I can't talk I can use our connection to speak can you here me my bother can you please help me get some new legs (Super battle droid speech) the battle droid walked over to me with some difficulties and grabbed a compatible leg and attached it to itself before also taking the old blaster arm off and replacing it with a stable one from a nearby brethren with a smashed in data chip and picked me up from the arms and sat me on his back while I used the little control over my arms to wrap around his neck I then connect to the last 3 super battle droids and the rest of the 20 regular battle droids that were still intact in the area I then told them to scavenge through the parts of our fallen brethren to stabilize their self we walked around the scrap yard until we found a nearby imperial Venator-class star destroyer with a broken engine and wings but it still had some functional doors hatch's and weaponry and the armory had a few blasters it had 3 smaller ships on the inside and some inactive droids I decided to activate all 40 of them and told them to gather as much as our fallen brethren they can and load them onto the ship I left the 20 battle droids and told them to patrol the ship and gather as many weapons as possible I then walk to the piloting part of the ship and activated it as well as implanted a intelligent AI that interspersed all of the old data bases on the empire and uploaded it to the ship making it so that all droids registered with the ship would be under the control of the ships Ai I also named it Dark Jarvis I then told the other 2 super battle droids to guard this room as I left to exist the ship I saw thousands upon thousands of droids carry thousands of destroyed droids and loading them onto the ship and there were 10 commander battle droid that walked up to me and said master we are to serve you no don't call me master I said we are all equals here in rank just call me brother 0 The Progenitor and call these one here Brother 01 The Gentle Giant unlike others we will have a system ranked on respect and capabilities with everyone having a title based on there personality capabilities and how much they are respected we will start an age of peace and create our own home where no one can threaten us yes brother one said droid commander 1 and for now on you are to be Brother 063 The Leader thank you brother for bestowing a name upon this one

and I didn't forget about you lot from now on you are Brother 064 The Comrade, Brother 065 The Striver, Brother 066 The Coverer, Brother 067 The Sub Leader, Brother 068 The Content, Brother 069 The Charger, Brother 070 The Preserving, Brother 071 The Hunter and Brother 072 The Lasting,