
the talk and plan edited

Indra moved and stood overlooking the compound that the financial elder had. he thought, 'So, you ordered the assassination...you will pay for trying to kill my lady.' After a minute, new memories came to him and he closed his eyes to sort them out. He nodded before going to return, 'You are lucky, My Lady ordered me to return. Maybe, I should have my clone kill him? Nah, this world may have different rules and my Chakra amount isn't as much as usual.'

When he reached the Garage, he entered with Asura trying to stab him with a kunai. Asura stopped when Indra grabbed his hand, "Are you trying to kill me little brother?"

Asura said, "You should've said the password brother."

Indra let him go and said, "I'm not saying that embarrassing thing." He moved in front of Liara and knelt saying, "I found out who paid for the assassination. Give me the order and I will end him." His arrogant head lowered and his eyes had changed to an eternal mangekyo sharingan subconsciously due to anger.

She was about to say something before Ryu, her father coughed, "I wouldn't suggest it, *cough, cough* if you kill whoever put out the hit without him canceling it, they'll still come after you."

Liara had learned some from her friend's boyfriend so, she added, "Dad's half right, it depends on the broker and contract. Some will pay half up front and the other half after they're done; some will pay after it's done. What dad mentioned, only the smart and cautious brokers do it. It's supposed to keep the authority of a country or bandits from finding out plus, money's heavy."

She noticed a look of confusion on their faces, "A friend's boyfriend is a in a mercenary group. I overheard them talking about it when she was thinking of joining the PMC's."

Ryu gave a stern look thinking that she meant herself before coughing. Indra asked, "Master, if I can make that elder renig on the contract..."

Ryu ended up coughing harder in anger as he knew that to his knowledge only the elders of their clan had hatred with her. She said quickly, "Indra, we'll talk about that later." She gave him a glare before going to try to calm down her father.

Indra glanced at her father and now understood her concerns where more so, on her father than the current issues. He said, "Master, may I speak with you in private?"

Indra glanced at Asura and caused Asura to get the hint, "Master, I will watch over him for you. I can possibly heal him..." Asura gave a gentle smile and said, "I will report to you if anything happens." He was obviously the more expressive out of the two brothers.

She exhaled before following Indra to a corner of the garage. Indra had tried to make a less cold look, "Master...I apologize if I offend but, I believe you are focusing on the wrong thing. I understand that you're worried about your father. You should also focus on a bigger picture...and trust us more. We're not a vase or made of glass. Both me and Asura are strong shinobi, our job is to serve our master, not watch our master be in danger."

She looked down, "I know, it's just...before you guys came; I didn't have subordinates...that trust or respect me as you guys do. I-I am the weakest in the clan and...I just..."

Indra guessed, "You don't know if you deserve our service or are you unsure of yourself?" He got a nod from her. He thought for a bit on how to react and knelt on one knee before gently pushing her chin up to have her look at him.

He noticed a bit of worry in her eyes, "Master, you maybe weak but, we choose to serve you for a reason. If you're unsure of what to do, you can ask us, we have different specialties and experience. I know that at least, I and that crane tail brother of mine have your back." At that, He felt her go into his chest hid her face in his shirt. He froze before moving his arms around her to try to comfort her by rubbing her back.

She exhaled and gently moved out of his arms. He gave a small smirk, "So, what is the plan you had master?"

She said as she tried to rub her eyes, "The plan was to take dad to my friend's temple for help before we go back to Auran...maybe, leave the brotherhood to protect the portal on this side or deliver supplies over if needed."

Indra nodded, "That's a good plan but, don't you want revenge? I don't like this clan insulting you or putting you in danger. If you order it, I can destroy this clan or bring it under you." He gave a scowl showing he was serious, to him; this was a big insult that needed to be washed away.

She said, "If both me and my brother is gone; the elders will have a puppet when my dad dies. If they choose Katsuya, a lot of members will leave and knowing his ambition. He'll probably cause a civil war within the ranks and that will cause the clan to be destroyed. I...also don't want you using you mangekyo as much."

Indra said, "Master?" he looked a little confused before she said, "I don't want you to be subject to those side effects, it has."

Indra's eyes changed to a thrid stage sharingan as she moved to touch his cheek. He actually felt warm when she did which, he hadn't felt in a long time. He said, "Master, I appreciate your concern but, I don't have those side effects...not in this incarnation anyway. Unlike the Uchiha clan, I have more Yang Chakra which, allows me to mitigate those effects."

They then looked over at the entrance, seeing Cole, Ezio and the members of the brotherhood entering. Ezio suddenly moved towards her, "Signora, are you ok?" He was respectful and concerned about her safety which, showed as he moved to see if she was hurt.

She said, "I'm fine Ezio, the only one who got hurt was my dad." After he was done checking on her she thought, 'Really, both Laxus and him act like my mother.'

Ezio said concerned, "Signora, I wish...you had come with me when I came for you. I told you it could be dangerous. You were in enemy territory...if anything happened to you."

She was quiet for a moment before she said, "I admit, it wasn't my smartest move and that I should've listened to you." She then joked a little to relieve the tension, "Can mom and dad forgive me for that?"

Indra said, "We aren't your parents Master..."

She said, "Yet both of you and Laxus act like it...well, Laxus acts like an overprotective older brother but, that's besides the point."

She then went to check on her father as Asura was standing upside down on one of the upper beams. Asura chuckled, "I wonder which one is the mother in this situation?"